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Creekview Middle School Information

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1 Creekview Middle School Information

2 School Facts Principal: Anthe Anagnostis
Assistant Principals: Jason Cheslock and Amy McCloud Counselors: Kelly Guidry (6th grade and 7th grade A-L) & Rance McCoy (7th grade M-Z and 8th grade) Colors: Purple & Gold Mascot: Colts

3 Set up 6th grade has their own hallway downstairs
7th & 8th grade upstairs 8 periods every day 45 minute periods 30 minute lunch 5 minute passing periods

4 Expectations The Creekview Way Show RespeCt WOrk Hard be responsibLe
be honesT live Safe

5 Expectations Be here on time and ready to work! Doors open at 7:45
6th graders may go to breakfast or to the 6th grade hallway to sit and wait for bell Bell rings at 8:20, tardy bell at 8:25 Students may go to most teachers’ classrooms for tutoring or to catch up on work in the morning

6 Expectations Dress code Shorts- finger tip length
Skirt- finger tip length Shorts- finger tip length Proper shoes for Athletics/ PE No low cut tops No hats, slippers, pajamas unless designated spirit day

7 Expectations Lockers Typically assigned by advisory teacher’s classroom Built in locks Don’t share your locker combination! Lockers available in PE/Athletics

8 Expectations Building Rules Treat Creekview with respect
Walk and talk during passing period Technology MUST be put away until the dismissal bell rings!

9 Technology Students are welcome to use cell phones after school at dismissal Cell phones are not to be used during the school day at all! Students may receive one warning, then technology may be taken up by teachers and staff. There is a $15 fee to retrieve technology from the office. We have access to computer labs on campus, and utilize technology in our classrooms.

10 Communication School website is updated as needed and other information may be sent home with students No designated daily folder Parents are encouraged to check child’s binder daily for notes and other information, graded work, and homework Students are expected to turn in daily work and homework on their own, and write down homework in planner (provided by Creekview) Please remember to sign up for Family Access to check student grades and receive important information!

11 Attendance Attendance
90% of the time Notices when in danger of violating attendance law Doctor notes/Appointments Call the office if your child is going to be absent

12 Bus Riders Bus Riders Stay in your seat during the entire bus ride
Be on your assigned bus in a timely manner Stay in your seat during the entire bus ride Keep noise levels down Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself Enter and Exit the bus from your bus stop only If riding on a different bus for any reason, please send a note in the morning or parent must contact our office.

13 Cafeteria 6th graders eat lunch from 10:55- 11:25
No assigned seats (unless student behavior earns assigned seats ) Silent lunch as needed (depending on behavior) May buy or bring lunch 2 different lines available: a regular hot lunch line and a snack food line Microwaves available to heat up lunches (no popcorn though!) Must have your ID’s!!! If not, we have a designated table for these students.

14 Pre-AP Classes Creekview offers Pre-AP English/ Language Arts, Pre- AP Literature, and Pre-AP math for 6th grade These courses are more rigorous in nature and prepare students for AP (Advanced Placement) courses in high school Should your child participate in Pre-AP? If they are willing to work hard and put extra effort into schoolwork. If you don’t choose Pre-AP, your child will be placed in on-level 6th grade ELA, Literature, and math courses

15 Electives? Electives are available for 6th grade Band (Both semesters)
Choir (both semesters) Exploratory (one semester of art, one semester of choir/ theatre arts) Band try outs occurred earlier this Spring. STAAR prep classes are available for those students who need extra assistance with STAAR math or reading; these courses take the place of electives

16 Pre-Athletics or PE? Students may choose to participate in Pre-Athletics or Lifetime Fitness (PE) Pre-Athletics is for those students who are planning to participate in athletics in 7th & 8th grade Pre-athletics students dress out in a uniform ($30) Learn fundamentals to prepare for athletics Lifetime Fitness is for those students who choose to participate in a less rigorous PE program ALL students must participate in one or the other!

17 Fun Events Dances R & R Colt Cash Camp Goddard STAAR Incentives
CTV (Creekview TV)

18 Creekview Counseling Program
What do our counselors do?

19 What do counselors at Creekview do?
GUIDANCE: We visit every classroom at Creekview at least 5-6 times a year to provide students with “tools” for dealing with life’s ups and downs. SMALL GROUPS: We have various small groups that we run based on student need. Teachers and parents help us decide who needs to be in what group. We typically meet one day a week for 6-8 weeks for 45 minutes. INDIVIDUAL COUNSELING: We can see you by yourself when you need to talk to someone about something that might bothering you. You can sign up to see us by using our counseling forms in the front office. Teachers and/or parents might refer you to us as well. ACADEMIC PLANNING: We meet individually with students to help plan for high school, help students problem solve if they are struggling academically, and help students plan for the future!

20 Extra Curricular activities at Creekview??
Student Council Athletics UIL Academic Team Art Club Other clubs

21 Friends Students may or may not be placed in a classes with any of their current friends from their elementary school. This is a huge part of “change” from elementary school to middle. We want students to look at this as an opportunity to increase their friendship circles by making more friends in their new class. Please do not expect students to be moved because that rarely ever happens, so we encourage them to make the best of it! They won’t regret it!

22 Questions??? We are very excited to meet our new Creekview COLTS!!

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