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CMB 与超标准宇宙学模型 郭宗宽 非线性和引力及时间本质研讨会,宁波大学 2014.12.17.

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Presentation on theme: "CMB 与超标准宇宙学模型 郭宗宽 非线性和引力及时间本质研讨会,宁波大学 2014.12.17."— Presentation transcript:

1 CMB 与超标准宇宙学模型 郭宗宽 非线性和引力及时间本质研讨会,宁波大学 2014.12.17

2 内容 一.宇宙微波背景辐射( CMB )物理起源 二. Planck 之后的标准宇宙学模型 三. Planck 之后的一些问题 Big Bang Universe

3 一. CMB 物理起源 Mather, Smoot 1989 Wilson, Penzias 1964

4 COBE 1989 4yrWMAP 2001 9yrPlanck 2009 30mo NASA: CMBPol ESA: COrE COBE WMAP9Planck 2013

5 Ground-based experiments ACBAR, CBI, VSA, QUaD, … ACT, ACTPol (2013~) SPT, SPTpol (95,150GHz, 2012~2015), SPT-3G (2016~2019) BICEP1 (2006~2008), BICEP2 (150GHz, 2010~2012), BICEP3 (95GHz, 2016~) POLARBEAR (150GHz, 2012~2013), POLARBEAR-2 (95,150GHz, 2016~) GroundBIRD (145,220GHz, 2016~) QUBIC (r ~ 0.01, bolometer, interferometer) Balloon-borne experiments BOOMRANG, MAXIMA, … EBEX (150,250,410GHz, 2012), EBEX6K (90,150,220,280GHz, 2018) SPIDER (94,150,280GHz, 2013/2015) PIPER (200,270,350,600GHz, 2015)

6 二. Planck 之后的标准宇宙学模型 1. 六参数标准宇宙学模型 2.Planck 对标准宇宙学模型的限制 Launched on 14 May 2009 Work for 30 months Complete 5 full-sky surveys Planck 2013 results released 20 Mar 2013, 31 papers Planck 2013 results. XVI, cited by 2775 records Planck 2014 results presented at a conference, 1-5 Dec 2014 Planck 2014 results will be released before the end of 2014

7 – 宇宙晚期的 4 个参数: – 宇宙早期的 2 个参数: 1. 六参数标准宇宙学模型 V ( ϕ ) ϕ inflation 1981 reheating

8 2. Planck 对标准宇宙学模型的限制 相比 WMAP , Planck 的优势: ① high sensitivity ② wide frequency – Planck: 30,44,70,100,143,217,353,545,857 GHz – WMAP: 23,33,41,61,94 GHz ③ high resolution ~ 5′ (WMAP: 15′) PlanckWMAP9 TT

9 “None of these models are favoured over the standard six-parameter ΛCDM cosmology.” 标准宇宙学手册

10 Ferrara_Dec1_16h30_Efstathiou_Cosmology.pdf

11 三. Planck 之后的一些问题

12 1. 宇宙晚期的膨胀历史 11 Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2013 results. XVI. Cosmological parameters”, arXiv:1303.5076.

13 RG Cai, ZK Guo, B Tang, Phys. Rev. D89 (2014) 123518. about 1.4  discrepancy

14 2. 宇宙晚期的结构形成 1σ1σ Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2013 results. XX. Cosmology from Sunyaev-Zeldovich cluster counts”, arXiv:1303.5080.

15 JW Hu, RG Cai, ZK Guo, B Hu, JCAP 05 (2014) 020.

16 3. 宇宙早期的原初扰动 – Planck 温度涨落的反常: power deficit at low-l, hemispherical asymmetry, the quadrupole-octopole alignment, parity asymmetry, the cold spot Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2013 results. XXIII. Isotropy and statistics of the CMB”, arXiv:1303.5083.

17 the Sachs-Wolfe effect the diploe modulation of curvature perturbation the asymmetry A is For a single-field slow-roll inflation,

18 bounce inflation: For the bounce inflation, ZG Liu, ZK Guo, YS Piao, Phys. Rev. D88 (2013) 063539; ZG Liu, ZK Guo, YS Piao, EPJC 74 (2014) 3006.

19 Planck Collaboration, “Planck 2013 results. XXII. Constraints on inflation”, arXiv:1303.5082. Observable gravity waves imply inflation happened around the GUT scale. Observable gravity waves imply super- Planckian field excursion.

20 ZK Guo, N. Ohta, S. Tsujikawa, Phys. Rev. D75 (2007) 023520; ZK Guo, D.J. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. D80 (2009) 063523; ZK Guo, D.J. Schwarz, Phys. Rev. D81 (2010) 123520. inflation with the Gauss-Bonnet coupling: background equations in a spatially-flat FRW Universe: introducing Hubble and GB flow parameters:

21 a)The scalar spectral index contains not only the Hubble but also GB flow parameters. b)The degeneracy of standard consistency relation is broken. c)the horizon-crossing time

22 PX Jiang, JW Hu, ZK Guo, Phys. Rev. D88 (2013) 123508.  chaotic inflation with an inverse power-law coupling  chaotic inflation with a dilaton-like coupling

23 谢谢大家!

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