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Youthful And Ageing Populations IB SL. Youthful Populations: Where/Why? High proportion of young people due to high birth rates and a reduction in infant.

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Presentation on theme: "Youthful And Ageing Populations IB SL. Youthful Populations: Where/Why? High proportion of young people due to high birth rates and a reduction in infant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Youthful And Ageing Populations IB SL

2 Youthful Populations: Where/Why? High proportion of young people due to high birth rates and a reduction in infant mortality. This is due to better nutrition, education and medical care. This may create problems since the children need feeding, housing, education and eventually a job. Medical care and education has to be paid for by taxing a proportionally small number of workers.

3 Youthful Population Structure (Population Pyramids) Seen as a wide base on population pyramids that reflect high birth rates in LEDCs.

4 Youthful Population Structure (DTM) Stage 2: This is where the birth rates are high but the death rates begin to fall. This results in the population increasing. Lots of countries in the developing world are at this stage, due to improved medical care, but poor education.

5 Ageing Populations: Where/Why? High proportion of elderly people who have survived due to advances in nutrition and medical care. This creates problems since these people do not work and have to be provided with pensions, medical care, social support, sheltered housing etc. from the taxes paid by a proportionally smaller number of workers. In addition, an increasing number of young people are employed as care workers for the elderly. This removes them from more productive jobs within the economy and harms a country's competitiveness.

6 Ageing Population Structure (Population Pyramids) A population pyramid with a narrower shape, broad at the top, found in MEDCs. This reflects their low birth rates and the greater proportion of elderly people.

7 Ageing Population Structure (DTM) Stage 5: Population has begun to decline. This leads to an aging population as people are not dying due to good medical care. Babies are also not being born due to good access to contraception and a stronger desire amongst women to work.

8 Activity Look at the 2 Case Studies (Africa and Britain), read them, and use 3 colours to highlight: 1.Causes 2.Effects 3.Responses You can also add any other logical explanations you can think of for discussion.

9 Plenary What are the Causes, Effects, and Responses to Youthful and Ageing Populations?

10 Causes, Effects, and Responses YouthfulAgeing Causes EffectsAdvantages Disadvantages Advantages Disadvantages Solutions

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