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Chief Finish Judge Clinic August 2014 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association.

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1 Chief Finish Judge Clinic August 2014 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association

2 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 2 Today Meet the Officials Equipment & Supplies Role & Location Performance of the Position Before the Meet During the Meet Automated Equipment Timing Factors Disqualifications Manual Times & Manual Placing Failure of Automatic Judging and/or Timing System Determining Placing The Official Time After the Meet Questions & Answers

3 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 3 Meet the Officials - Deck Referee Starter Chief Timekeeper Assistant Chief Timekeeper { { { { { { Timers False Start Rope Backstroke Flags Backstroke Flags Turn Judges Clerk of Course Marshalling Area Chief Finish Judge

4 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 4 Meet the Officials – Time Cards Chief Finish Judge Recorder/ Scorer (Desk Control) Completed stack of cards for input Official Times – time and placing Referee Starter Need a sweep DQ slips Chief Timekeeper Lane problems?? CT collects time cards

5 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 5 Meet the Officials - Electronics Chief Finish Judge Electronic Console Operator Electronic printout Chief Timekeeper Lane Problems? Timekeepers Need a stopwatch Recorder/ Scorer (Desk Control) Input changes Official Times – Time and Placing Referee Starter Need a sweep DQ slips Clerk of Course Changes on deck

6 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 6 Meet the Officials Chief Finish Judge Looks at all the unofficial times… heat by heat in the session: In a carded meet, all stopwatch times are on each time card In an electronics meet, an electronic printout may be supplied… If an official time can not be achieved with the pad and/ or plungers, the CFJ would require the stopwatch time Using the rule book: Unofficial times -> Official times Confirm placement of these official times Once the Recorder/ Scorer inputs the information and prints the results, the CFJ confirms any Manual Time (MT) changes, NS, and DQ’s that occurred in each event

7 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 7 Equipment & Supplies Calculator Elastic Bands Stapler and staples Sharp pencils Rule book for reference Ensure that extra finish cards (or blank paper) are on hand

8 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 8 Role SW 2.10.1The Chief Finish Judge shall assign each finish judge his position and the placing to be determined. This FINA rule applies to those federations where Finish Judges are still used. In Canada, this position has been eliminated for all sanctioned meets SW 2.10.2After the race, the Chief Finish Judge shall collect signed result sheets from each finish judge and establish the result and placing which will be sent directly to the Referee. The Chief Finish Judge’s primary role responsibility is the determination of the official placing and results of a race SW 2.10.3Where Automatic Officiating Equipment is used to judge the finish of a race, the Chief Finish Judge must report the order of finish recorded by the Equipment after each race.

9 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 9 Location Usually done in a room to the side of the deck or an area free of excess traffic, noise, or air turbulence (you don’t need papers flying around) with easy access from the deck for receipt of cards, Timekeeper sheets, or electronic tapes Accessible to the Referee for resolution of time/ place discrepancies If possible, there should also be easy access to Chief Judge Electronics (if assigned) and the Recorder/ Scorer in the Meet Management office

10 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 10 Before the Meet Pre-Meet Briefing with the Referee: Ask how the Referee wishes time/ place discrepancies to be handled Would he like you to solve them according to the rules, and then advise him of the decision for his approval? How does the Referee want to handle the signing of each event’s results? (see SW 2.10.2) Introduce yourself to the other key officials: Your responsibilities require you to interact with the Clerk of Course; Chief Timekeeper; Recorder/ Scorer (Desk Control); Chief Judge Electronics How will combined events be indicated on the cards, sheets? Ensure the Chief Timekeeper briefs his Timekeepers where to record the splits and times (Chief Timekeeper and/ or Referee will brief the Timekeepers)

11 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 11 Before the Meet How will you receive your cards, tapes, or printouts? How will you be notified of any problems on the deck? Are there runners in place, if needed? (If pre-seeded event sheets are being used, often an assistant Chief Finish Judge can be assigned to collect these) Any special requirements for the Recorder/ Scorer or office? How and when would the office like to receive the time cards or sheets? (i.e. distance events) Check out your working space and equipment required

12 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 12 During the Meet Monitor the performance of Assistant Finish Judges and address any problems If the Timekeepers are putting the times in the wrong places, advise the Chief Timekeeper of the lane and the problem that is occurring. The Chief Timekeeper looks after his Timekeepers

13 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 13 Automatic Officiating Equipment SW 11.1 The operation of Automatic Officiating Equipment shall be under the supervision of appointed officials. Times recorded by Automatic Equipment shall be used to determine the winner, all placing and the time applicable to each lane. The placing and times so determined shall have precedence over the decisions of Timekeepers. In the event that a break-down of the Automatic Equipment occurs or that it is clearly indicated that there has been a failure of the Equipment, or that a swimmer has failed to activate the Equipment, the recordings of the Timekeepers shall be official. (See SW 13.3)

14 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 14 Automatic Judging and Timing System SW 2.10.3 Where Automatic Officiating Equipment is used to judge the finish of a race, the Chief Finish Judge must report the order of finish recorded by the Equipment after each race. Automatic Officiating Equipment takes precedence over manual times, at times when it is deemed to be operating correctly

15 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Electronic Printout Plungers Avg. of plungers - fastest hundredth Pad Time Placement Lane # Splits Event, Heat, Race 15

16 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 16 Timing Factors SW 11.2 When Automatic Equipment is used, the results shall be recorded only to 1/100. When timing to 1/1000 of a second is available, the third digit shall not be recorded or used to determine time or placement. In the event of equal times, all swimmers who have recorded the same time at 1/100 of a second shall be accorded the same placing. Times displayed on the electronic scoreboard shall show only to 1/100 of a second.

17 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Same Placing Number 8 th and 9 th swimmer are tied for placing… note that both have the placing “8 th ”… there is no “9 th ” placing 17

18 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 18 Disqualifications SW 11.4 Should a swimmer be disqualified during or following an event, such disqualification should be recorded in the official results, but no time or place shall be recorded or announced. This rule is for meets where official results are announced immediately after the race At most meets you will leave the official time empty and place the card at the end of the event. Ensure the DQ is clearly marked for the Recorder/ Scorer SW 11.5 In the case of a relay disqualification, legal splits up to the time of the disqualification shall be recorded in the official results. This is for the Recorder/ Scorer at most meets SW 11.6 All 50 metre and 100 metre splits shall be recorded for lead- off swimmers during relays and published in the official results. This is for the Recorder/ Scorer at most meets

19 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association DQ – No Placing; No Time When a DQ occurs… the swim will be placed at the bottom of the results with no placing and no time 19

20 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association DQ – Record the Official Time 20

21 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 21 Manual Times & Manual Placing FINA does not have meets that use manual times or manual finish judges who determine the official times of the heat(s) SW 11.3 Any timing device that is terminated by an official shall be considered a watch. Such manual times must be taken by three Timekeepers appointed or approved by the Member in the country concerned. All watches shall be certified as accurate to the satisfaction of the governing body concerned. Manual timing shall be registered to 1/100 of a second. Where no Automatic Equipment is used, the official manual time shall be determined as follows: When three watches are being used In the event that all three watches agree, then that’s the time Determine the official times of the heat (SW 11 Timing)

22 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 22 Official Manual Times SW 11.3.1 If two of the three watches record the same time and the third disagrees, then the two identical times shall be the official time. 1:02.66, 1:02.76, 1:02.66 The official time is 1:02.66 SW 11.3.2 If all three watches disagree, the watch recording the intermediate time shall be the official time. 1:02.60, 1:02.76, 1:02.94 The official time is 1:02.76 SW 11.3.3 When only two (2) out of three (3) watches working, the average time shall be the official time. 1:02.65, 1:02.76 The official time is calculated as (.65+.76) / 2 = 0.705; truncated, it becomes 0.70; therefore the official time is 1:02.70 This is where a calculator can be very handy. Complete the official time on the paperwork. If three times are recorded on the time card, use the official time as calculated in SW 11.3.2 above Confirm placement hasn’t changed with any manual time changes If placement has changed, check with the sweeps Compare the manual times to the official Chief Finish Judge’s results report

23 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Manual Stopwatches Watches that disagree… (.30 discrepancy) 1:02.60 1:02.76 1: ……….. 1:02.76 1:02.60 1:02.76 1: ……….. 1:02.68 23

24 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 24 Finish Judge (Other than Canada) SW 2.11.1 Finish Judges shall be positioned in elevated stands in line with the finish where they have at all times a clear view of the course and the finish line, unless they operate an Automatic Officiating device in their respective assigned lanes by depressing the push-button at the completion of the race. SW 2.11.2 After each event the Finish Judges shall decide and report the placing of the swimmers according to the assignments given to them. Finish Judges other than push-button operators shall not act as Timekeepers in the same event. SW 2.13.1 Officials shall make their decision autonomously and independently of each other unless otherwise provided in the Swimming Rules.

25 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 25 Finish Judges & Placings SW 2.1.3 When using Finish Judges without three (3) digital watches, the Referee shall determine placing where necessary. Automatic Officiating Equipment, if available and operating, shall be consulted as stated in SW 13 Any problems the Chief Finish Judge is unable to resolve are referred to the Referee If the Official times are identical, the swimmers shall be TIED (“TI”) The Referee will be advised of the placings according to his directions during the pre-meet briefing: This may be when the Recorder/ Scorer brings the result sheets to the Referee to review and sign When the heats of an event are combined, the paperwork are sent to the Recorder/ Scorer, according to the Referee’s directions

26 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 26 Failure of Automatic Judging and/or Timing System (SW13.1 & SW13.2) SW 13.1 When Automatic Officiating Equipment (see FR 4) is used in any competition, the placing and times so determined and relay take-offs judged by such Equipment shall have precedence over the Timekeepers.

27 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 27 Determining Placing SW 13.2 When the Automatic Equipment fails to record the place and/ or time of one or more swimmers in a given race: SW 13.2.1 Record all available Automatic Equipment times and places. SW 13.2.2 Record all human times and places. SW 13.2.3 The official place will be determined as follows: Complete comparisons and ranking procedure of Automatic Equipment times and places The electronics operator may indicate a malfunction or inactivation of the equipment (light touch) by a note on the electronic print out paper In this case the Chief Finish Judge should use the manual times and mark the paperwork (MT) Manual Time Should the Chief Finish Judge see a discrepancy of 0.30 seconds or greater between an automatic time and the manual time, it should be viewed as a possible malfunction of the electronics and reviewed by the Referee or dealt with as determined in the pre-meet briefing

28 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 28 Determining Placing SW 13.2.3 The official place will be determined as follows: SW A swimmer with an Automatic Equipment time and place must retain his relative order when compared with the other swimmers having an Automatic Equipment time and place within that race. SW A swimmer not having an Automatic Equipment place but having an Automatic Equipment time will establish his relative order by comparing his Automatic Equipment time with the Automatic Equipment time of other swimmers. SW A swimmer having neither an Automatic Equipment place nor an Automatic Equipment time shall establish his relative order by the time recorded by the Semi-Automatic Equipment or by three digital watches. If the Automatic touch pad fails and the Semi-Automatic plungers are valid, then the time from the plungers will be used to calculate the official time If the Automatic equipment fails, the time from three digital watches is official

29 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 29 The Official Time SW 13.3 The official time will be determined as follows: SW 13.3.1 The official time for all swimmers having an Automatic Equipment time will be that time. SW 13.3.2 The official time for all swimmers not having an Automatic Equipment time will be the three digital watches or the Semi-Automatic Equipment time. If there is no automatic equipment time, use three stopwatch times

30 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Electronics - The Official Time Pads (A), Plungers (S/A), Stopwatches (M) Pads – to prove the pad time, you need one plunger time that is within.30 No plunger times within.30 of pad… however both plungers are within.30 of each other (is this a light touch, get stopwatch) Either the average to the fastest 1/100 for the plungers will be the official time or the pad will be the official time Pads + Plungers - nothing within.30 Stopwatch time: Agrees with pad… pad is official Agrees with plungers… all plungers and stopwatch are now manual 30

31 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Sweep Electronic swim meets… when you adjust a time to make it official, you also want to check the placing: On the electronic printout if the placing has not changed, you can accept the determined official time However, if the placing is changed you need a SWEEP from the Starter and/ or the Referee Sweep - 4 5 7 6 3 1 8 2 – order of finish: If you agree, the sweep is your confirmation If you disagree, retrieve the stopwatch to make the decision on the official time for the swimmer A coach’s stopwatch might also assist to decide on the official time… do not use the coach’s stopwatch time 31

32 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Swim - Off Chief Finish Judge looks at each event after printing: Prelim/ finals events The results should detail a swim off for 8 th /9 th and for 8 finals only 9 th /10 th (alternates) placing 16 th /17 th and 17 th /18 th (alternates) placing Chief Finish Judge has the Recorder/ Scorer make an extra copy of the page of the results that shows the swim-off and gives to the Meet Manager and/or Meet Referee for immediate arrangements 32

33 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 33 Swim-Off Official Time SW 3.2.3 In the event that swimmers from the same or different heats have equal times registered to 1/100 second for either the eighth/ tenth place or sixteenth/ twentieth place depending on the use of 8 or 10 lanes, there shall be a swim-off to determine which swimmer shall advance to the appropriate finals. Such swim-off shall take place after all involved swimmers have complete their heats at a time agreed between the event management and the parties involved. Another swim-off shall take place if equal times are registered again. If required a swim-off will take place to determine 1 st and 2 nd reserve if equal times are recorded. Notify the Referee or Meet Manager, in the method determined during the pre- meet briefings Record the placing within the event on paperwork. (when swimmers from different heats have the same official time, whether automatic, manual, or a Referee’s decision, they shall all be TIED in their relative order of finish.) Ties will take up the same number of placings as the number of swimmers involved in the tie

34 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 34 Ties & Exceptions PlacingOfficial Time 11:00.01 21:00.12 4 1:02.43 While entering the placings, ensure that the markers are also indicated: Exhibition Swims (EX), Official Splits (OS), and Disqualifications (DQ) Place these at the bottom of your cards, results sheets and or electronic tapes Bundle all the cards, lane sheets for the event (time cards, finish sheets and electronic tapes) together and forward as directed by the Referee (usually to the Recorder/ Scorer in the Meet Office)

35 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 35 Refer to Official Placings SW 13.2.3 If the electronics is working for all lanes in a race, use the electronics for the official times and placing If the electronics operator or a Timekeeper marks a lane on a tape or time card as a light touch, Failure of Automatic Judging and/ or timing system is suspected. Use manual backup times

36 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 36 After the Meet Ensure the Referee will be available for the time required to complete the results, in the event you require his approval or decision to resolve a problem. Check with the Referee, Recorder/ Scorer, and/ or Office for any out-standing problems. Return all meet materials, pens, staplers, etc.

37 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 37 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire Questions before we begin? We will use the questionnaire for the correct answers Remember…there may be one or more correct answers for each question 20 minutes

38 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 38 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 1. The Chief Finish Judge has the authority to: a.Disqualify swimmers b.Appoint an assistant Finish Judge to assist him c.Establish the results and order of finish which is sent directly to the Referee d.Resolve all decisions relating to the place and time of swimmers e.Schedule swim-off’s and inform the Referee and Coaches

39 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 39 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 2. An indication that the results from an automatic judging and timing system may be invalid is: a.A difference of greater than 0.30 seconds between manual and automatic times b.An annotation of "light touch" on the automatic printout c.A manual time from the Chief Timekeeper recorded on the paperwork d.Report from the Turn Inspector that the final touch-out was illegal e.An annotation of "light touch" on the paperwork by the Head Lane Timekeeper f.Three manual backup times which are identical to 100ths of a second

40 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 40 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 3. Two or more swimmers with good automatic times that are identical to 100ths of a second (in the same or different heats) shall: a.Be declared tied b.Be placed according to their 1000th times (if available) c.Be placed according to their manual backup times

41 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 41 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 A51:11.45 1:11.40 1:11.47 B 51:11.48 - 1:11.43 C 51:11.62 1:11.69 - OFFICIAL TIME: A, B -, C- Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 4. Determine the official times and places for Heat 5 and record the times. 1 ST 1:11.45 1 ST 1:11.45 3 RD 1:11.65

42 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 42 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 A4- 1:06.191:06.39 B41:06.311:06.301:06.26 C41:06.791:06.85- OFFICIAL TIME: A -, B -, C- Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 5. Determine the official places and times for Heat 4. 1 ST 1:06.29 2 ND 1:06.30 3 RD 1:06.82

43 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 43 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 A24:05.754:05.58 - B24:05.704:05.864:05.69 C24:05.934:05.79 - OFFICIAL TIME: A - __________ B - C- _________ Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 6. Determine the official times and places for Heat 2 and record the times. 1 ST 4:05.66 2 ND 4:05.70 3 RD 4:05.86

44 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 44 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 A4 1:01.491:01.431:01.43 B51:01.371:01.561:01.43 C61:01.431:01.581:01.43 OFFICIAL TIME: A – B - C - _________ Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 7. Determine the official times and places for the event. 1 ST 1:01.43 1 ST 1:01.43 1 ST 1:01.43

45 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 45 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 A 7 1:07.451:07.49 - B 8 1:07.461:07.31 1:07.47 C 9 1:07.361:07.57 - OFFICIAL TIME: B -, C -, A-. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 8. Determine the official times and places for the event. 1 ST 1:07.46 1 ST 1:07.46 3 RD 1:07.47

46 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 46 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 AUTOTIME A51:01.24 1:01.43 1:01.351:01.36 B51:01.39 1:01.30 1:01.301:01.32 C5- 1:01.38 1:01.261:01.36 OFFICIAL TIME: B –, A -, C-. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 9. Determine the official times and places for Heat 5. 1 ST 1:01.32 2 ND 1:01.36 2 ND 1:01.36

47 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 47 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 AUTOTIME A6 59.25 59.49 59.3259.36 B6 59.43 - 59.41 - C6 59.48 59.45 - 59.49 OFFICIAL TIME: A –, B -, C-. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 10. Determine the official times and places for Heat 6. 1 ST 0:59.36 2 ND 0:59.42 3 RD 0:59.49

48 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 48 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 AUTOTIME A21:30.60 1:30.71 1:30.641:30.73 B21:30.72 1:30.71 1:30.801:30.72 C31:30.69 1:30.83 1:30.711:30.73 OFFICIAL TIME: B –, A -, C -. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 11. Determine the official times and places for the event. 1 ST 1:30.72 2 ND 1:30.73 2 ND 1:30.73

49 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 49 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 AUTOTIME A1 56.63 56.71 56.7056.78 B1 56.71 56.76 56.8156.76 C3 56.87 56.76 56.8756.83 OFFICIAL TIME: B –, A -, C-. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 12. Determine the official times and places for the event. 1 ST 0:56.76 2 ND 0:56.78 3 RD 0:56.83

50 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 50 SWIMMER HEAT TIMER 1 TIMER 2 TIMER 3 AUTOTIME A7 27.39 27.43 - 27.45 B7 27.27 27.30 27.3127.95 C7 27.37 27.39 27.3727.39 OFFICIAL TIME: B –, C -, A-. Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 13. Determine the official times and places for Heat 7. 1 ST 0:27.30 2 ND 0:27.39 3 RD 0:27.45

51 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 51 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 14.When handling the results from all the heats to determine the official order for the event, the listing of disqualified swimmers should be: a.Placed at the bottom of the results b.Placed according to time and place c.Removed and submitted separately d.Destroyed, since the times are not legal e.Numbered but placed last

52 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 52 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 15.Indicate the correct responses: a.Once the order of finish in an electronically operated event has been completed by the Chief Finish Judge, the results will be posted b.It is the responsibility of the Chief Finish Judge to notify the Referee when there is a tie for last place or second alternate in a final or consolation final

53 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 16.The Chief Finish Judge shall: a.Notify the recording room to delay publishing results when a problem such as a swim-off or a protest has occurred b.Arrange swim-offs with coaches and swimmers and notify the Referee c.Endeavour to record the order of finish in electronically timed meets d.Ensure that all DQ's, ties, and DNF's are appropriately flagged for the typist or computer operators e.Before results are posted, sign the printout of the finish order of each event after ensuring that it is correct f.Notify the Chief Timekeeper of the repeated discrepancies in times or recording of times in specific lanes g.Ensure that times achieved by swimmers who are subsequently disqualified are not published 53

54 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 54 Chief Finish Judge - Questionnaire 17.It is an accepted practice that an identified discrepancy of 0.30 seconds or more between the automatic and backup (manual) times for a lane shall: a.Be an indication of a possible “light touch” or equipment malfunction b.Cause the Referee to order a re-swim c.Cause the electronics operator to stop the meet and check the touch-pads d.Cause the Chief Finish Judge to review both the automatic and backup places and times

55 © Copyright 2013 - 2017 Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association 55 Thank you Approved by the Ontario Swimming Officials’ Association Board

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