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Travelling to School Next.

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1 Travelling to School Next

2 There are lots of different ways. Can you see the one you use?
How do you get to school? There are lots of different ways. Can you see the one you use? Next

3 You could think of some questions to ask each other.
Try to investigate how your class travels to school and what effect it has on them and the environment. You could think of some questions to ask each other. You will need to think of a way to record the answers to your questions. You will also need to say what you think about the answers. Here are some ideas to help you. Next

4 Click on the questions to get ideas of how to find out the answers.
Where do you live? How do you get to school? Do you have a bike? Can you give directions from your house to school? How long does it take to get to school? Is the traffic busy outside your school? Can you think of any more questions that you could ask your class about travelling to school? End Show Created by B J Hughes

5 Describe where you live, think of things like: Your address.
Where do you live? Describe where you live, think of things like: Your address. What type of house you live in? Is your road quiet or busy? Are there any shops near your house? Do you walk to places near your house? Back

6 A class of children investigated how they all travelled to school.
How do you get to school? A class of children investigated how they all travelled to school. They made a list of all the methods of transport and how many children used each one. They filled out a table of their results. Next

7 The class then entered their results into a graphing program and created a graph.

8 They tried putting the data into a different type of graph to see how it looked.

9 They wrote down 5 sentences explaining what the graphs showed.
The children then discussed their results and their opinions of how everyone travelled. They wrote down 5 sentences explaining what the graphs showed. They wondered if there were any better ways to get to school. Perhaps you could do this with your class you might think of some more ideas of how to record your results. Back

10 You could draw a picture of your bike Where do you ride your bike?
Do you have a bike? You could draw a picture of your bike Where do you ride your bike? Are you allowed to ride it to school? How well can you ride your bike ? Are you allowed to ride on main roads? Back

11 Can you give directions from your house to school?
To find out the answer to this question; You could watch carefully on your journey to school and make notes of roads you pass. You could go to Mapquest where you can type in the place you are going to and from and you will get directions and a map. Why don’t you try it. Back

12 How long does it take to get to school?
You could time your journey to school. Ask your parents to help. You could go on the internet to Mapquest or Multi-map and get directions from your house to school. It will tell you how long your journey will take. Back

13 Is the traffic busy outside your school?
You could conduct a traffic survey outside your school by counting the traffic passing for a set amount of time. You would have to decide: What time of day you will watch the traffic? How long you will spend? How you will record your results? Who will do the recording? Back

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