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HDI 2015 Conference and Expo Mary L. Cruse Director of IT First American Title Insurance Co. Coaching is.

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Presentation on theme: "HDI 2015 Conference and Expo Mary L. Cruse Director of IT First American Title Insurance Co. Coaching is."— Presentation transcript:

1 HDI 2015 Conference and Expo Mary L. Cruse Director of IT First American Title Insurance Co. Coaching is

2 Agenda Definitions Characteristics of a Great Coach Critical Competencies The “Feedback Loop” When it’s not so smooth  Let’s practice Tips for “the meeting” Let’s practice one more time!

3 Coaching – defining terms Coaching – Observation – Building skills/behaviors through both positive and corrective feedback – Creating a dialogue with the employee – Regular communication – Lots of listening!

4 Coaching – defining terms Counseling – Focus on corrective action for negative performance – Used AFTER coaching has failed to give results – Thoroughly documented – Involves formal warnings or reprimands

5 Coaching – defining terms Mentoring – Based on relationships (formal or informal) – Used to promote career enhancement or long term personal/professional development – Not necessarily related to coaching/counseling – Requires commitment from both parties We’re going to focus on Coaching…..

6 Best Coach EVER! What were the characteristics of the best coach you ever had?

7 Being a successful coach requires… – Solid foundation of knowledge in their field – Ability to bring out the best in others – Positive attitude and ability to manage one’s own emotions – Excellent listening skills – Excellent communication skills – Commitment to the team – Patience – Investment from the heart

8 Critical Competencies 1.No losers in the coaching game – Benefits to the staff – Benefits to the coaches – Benefits to the organization – Benefits to the customers 2.It’s a learning game – Who learns in this process?

9 Critical Competencies 3. It’s a listening game – Pay attention to what you hear – Pay attention to what you DON’T hear 4.Commitment is essential – Have you given up on this person? – Half-hearted coach is more dangerous than no coach at all

10 Critical Competencies 5. Focus on long-term development – Short term gains – Short term losses – Keep your “eyes on the prize” – the long term goal 6. Be uncompromising in commitment to quality – “Give in” for one person, and you lose credibility – Be inconsistent and the coaching is unclear – Consistency creates raving fans with customers and team members alike.

11 Critical Competencies 7.Improvement is always possible -How do they take it to the next level? -Coaching makes it possible. -If you feel you have coached all you can, then is it time to hand someone off to a more skilled coach?

12 Critical Competencies 8.Constant communication ensures consistent performance. – Make those meetings happen! – Keep listening & Keep talking – Regular interaction makes for consistent performance and performance improvement! 9.Hold yourself responsible and accountable – Are you doing your best to reach, teach and learn? – Are you doing your personal best? – YOU set the example for those you coach

13 Critical Competencies 10. Be caringly candid – Be honest –and- be sensitive about your “player” – Build them up through coaching. – This will build your respectability and your credibility 11.Remember to include your whole team – Coaching is about EVERYONE – not just those who are weaker players. – Regular coaching with all players is important.

14 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Open the Communication Address the Behavior together Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! Pre-meeting Meeting with the employee

15 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide ho to address the behavior Address the behavior Open the Communication Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! What are you observing? Skill? Characteristic? Behavior? Attitude? How would you describe it? Good? Bad? Indifferent or just ineffective? What specific impact is it having? Customer Service Productivity Team Work

16 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Address the behavior Open the Communication Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! What is the feedback you’re giving? Good behavior Acknowledged Rewarded Bad behavior What was wrong with it? How to make it better? Indifferent/Ineffective How much negative? Is it worth bringing this up?

17 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Open the Communication Address the Behavior together Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! Let’s discuss the observed behavior Open the discussion in a safe place Focus on the facts They give feedback first Be curious and ask questions Show empathy Gather data Be inquisitive Be understanding and relatable What did they miss? What did you miss? Bring it all together

18 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Open the Communication Address the Behavior together Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! Address the Behavior Be specific Identify the impact Identify future expectations What’s the plan? What are the steps? Who is doing what? By when?

19 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Open the Communication Address the Behavior together Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! Listening skills are CRITICAL for a GREAT COACH! What was discussed? What ideas did they share? What did you learn? Be sure to acknowledge! What WASN’T discussed? What did YOU have to mention?

20 Feedback Loop Observe Behavior Decide how to address the behavior Open the Communication Address the Behavior together Listen! Listen! Listen! Restate Go Forward Do it! Reach an agreed conclusion Note what you agree on Ask them to state it back Document next steps

21 Sometimes it’s not smooth! “Whatever” – I’ll say “yes” just to get out of here! The Victim – I just can’t do that because… “You just don’t like me!” – You always pick on me. Everyone else does this and I’m the only one who gets called on it! Defense mode – “You’re not the boss of me!” – “You do this too!”

22 Coaching – it’s a GOOD Thing! Role Play – you’ve been doing it all along! Focus on the behavior not the person Listen and respond with compassion and empathy Involve the customer – your team member!

23 Let’s Practice Role Play example Pair in teams for Role Play Role Play review

24 Tips for the Meeting Be Prepared! Eye Contact – How can we do this remotely? Show Genuine Interest Avoid Distractions Who’s doing most of the talking?

25 Tips for the Meeting Ideas or Words? Interrupting? Arguing vs. Discussing? Take Notes Sharing Notes

26 One more Role Play?


28 Remember to complete your conference survey form! Everybody needs a little coaching! Mary L. CruseDirector, IT Customer Services mcruse@firstam.commcruse@firstam.com714-250-8198 Mary (Curtin) CruseLinked In

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