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WoM, Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing

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1 WoM, Buzz Marketing and Viral Marketing
Özde Aslı Boslu Gençer Hepbenli R. Kıvanç Karacalar

2 Definitions of WoM, Buzz and Viral Marketing
Word of Mouth (WoM): The most powerful medium on the planet. It’s the actual sharing of an opinion about a product or service between two or more consumers. Buzz marketing: an event or activity that generates publicity, excitement, and information to the consumer. Viral Marketing: An attempt to deliver a marketing message that spreads quickly and exponentially among consumers.

3 Word of Mouth Marketing (WOMM)
"Any business action that earns customer recommendation" Most powerful form of marketing Builds brands, drives sales, sparks conversations

4 5 Principles of WOMM Credible Respectful Social Measurable Repeatable

5 Buzz Marketing Spread information to the consumer via an event, a measure or a spectacular Surprising or memorable action associated with a brand Word-of-mouth and media coverage Be careful with the reactions

6 Buzz Marketing (cont'd)
Influencers or early adapters are initially targeted Social media, marketers' own social networks, outside bloggers Marketing managers, Market Research Analysts, Demonstrators and Product Developers


8 6 Buttons of Buzz 1-The Taboo 2-The Unusual

9 6 Buttons of Buzz (cont'd)
3-The Outrageous 4-The Hilarious

10 6 Buttons of Buzz (cont'd)
5-The Remarkable 6-The Secrets





15 Viral Marketing Facilitating the transmission of a message from one person to another Original, amusing, surprising or interesting offer to internet users All kinds of forms, depending on the target The personalisation of a message, the incentive and intuitive use Formats: viral video, , downloadable module, widget, white paper and study, Facebook application, audio and video podcast…

16 The Six Simple Principles of Viral Marketing
Gives away products or services; Provides for effortless transfer to others; Scales easily from small to very large; Exploits common motivations and behaviors; Utilizes existing communication networks; Takes advantage of others’ resources.










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