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Zero Footprint Viewer Atul Setlur
Senior Product Manager, Enterprise Imaging Thanks for joining us today. We’re pleased to have time to share an update on our strategies and solutions as we head into RSNA Today we’ll cover: An overview of what’s happening broadly here at GE Healthcare IT A review of our enterprise imaging approach And a preview of what we’ll be showcasing at RSNA this year in just two weeks So, let’s dive in. As we set the stage, it’s no secret that healthcare systems, providers and patients across the globe are facing new and unprecedented challenges. Healthcare systems face exceptional economic, technological and clinical performance pressures. And caregivers and patients are struggle with escalating chronic conditions, rising costs and increasingly complex care needs. Mountains of disconnected data and inefficient processes are contributing to inconsistent outcomes. Pay-for-performance reimbursement models are emerging. More informed providers and newly empowered patients are calling for significant change. As the healthcare landscape transforms, many providers believe that in three years, the majority of their income will come from value-based payments, shifting risk from payer to provider. Meanwhile, a global labor gap is stretching providers to provide high quality care for more patients in less time. These shifts present increasingly complex clinical, operational and financial challenges.
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GE Healthcare IT Solution Portfolio
Integrated Care Solutions Enterprise Imaging Care Delivery Management Population Health Management Financial Management Workforce Management System-wide Ambulatory Care Revenue & Risk Mgt Visualization Workflow Collaboration Archiving Ambulatory EMR Clinical Quality Reporting Data Control Healthcare Analytics Care Coordination & Management Wellness & Patient Engagement Revenue Cycle Mgt Financial Risk Mgt EDI Practice Mgt Time & Attendance Staffing & Scheduling Patient Classification HR & Payroll Care Areas High Acuity Maternal-Infant Cardiology Radiology Pathology Profit Analytics Activity-Based Costing Contract Modeling Utilization Management Enhance diagnostic speed & confidence Make care pathways more productive Lower cost of treating chronic disease Improve health system profitability Optimize workforce productivity
Healthcare is evolving to a collaborative care model
Hospital centric Current Hospital-centric Model Collaborative Care Model Fee for service Collaborative care Patient data consolidation Solutions Open & interoperable Outcome driven Patient centric Patients Episodic Departments Closed system Data silos First, let’s take a look at the current state of healthcare. I’m sure I am not sharing anything that you are not already living in your health system. And it’s no secret that healthcare systems, providers and patients are facing new and unprecedented challenges. With the dramatic increase of chronic diseases and aging populations, and the costs associated with these, medicine is rapidly evolving from a hospital-centric model to patient-centric and outcome-driven ways of delivering healthcare. Additionally, mountains of disconnected data and inefficient processes are contributing to inconsistent outcomes, while pay-for-performance reimbursement models are emerging. It’s clear that more informed providers and newly empowered patients are calling for significant change. In fact, as the healthcare landscape transforms, many providers believe that the majority of their income will come from value-based payments, shifting risk from payers to providers. Meanwhile, a global labor gap is stretching providers to provide high quality care for more patients in less time. All of this is requiring big changes in how organizations are paid, operate, implement IT and share patient data. For example, Where we once had a fee for service and episodic treatments, we are now seeing outome driven, patient centric care Where we once had departments operating in isolation, the complexity of pathologies requires collaboration across specialties Where IT systems were once working as stand alone closed systems, a new wave of IT solutions are open and interoperable And finally where patient data was once spread across silos of information across multiple departments, we need now access to consolidate patient data to enable informed decisions. Fee-for-Service Outcome Driven
Imaging is now an enterprise-level priority
Community Collaboration suite Radiologist Best of breed tools Department Integrated solution Enterprise Standards-based platform To accomplish this, imaging data needs to seamlessly flow across departmental silos. But as imaging moves beyond radiology systems, to different departments, through the entire enterprise, and even out into the community, the needs and requirements become increasingly more complex. Think for a moment about how things have already evolved. Organizations used to have the radiologist in the basement using a stand-alone PACS. Now we’re in a world where care is truly collaborative, systems are integrated, departments are interacting within and outside their hospital walls – across regions and in sometimes countries. A stand alone PACS, a disconnected image archive, and workflow tools that only serve one care pathway just don’t address today – and tomorrow’s – needs. Clients today need a truly enterprise approach with enterprise-level software that is not a stand alone product but a sophisticated suite of solutions. True Enterprise Imaging requires new tools, new approaches, new workflows and an experienced partner to help make it a reality. But if done properly, an Enterprise Imaging strategy can help an organization to: …help to ensure wider access to data and accelerate the exchange and access of images …deliver advanced clinical tools that allow for streamlined patient diagnosis …generate workflow efficiencies and productivity enhancements …and enhance quality and patient centric care Coordinated care demands moving from stand-alone silos of data to integrated, user friendly workflows
Visualization: Display images from multiple specialties on a common viewer with analytics
Centricity Universal Viewer: A unified, web-based viewer Streamline workflow with intelligent productivity tools Reduce swivel between workstations Read multiple modalities on the same workstation AW Advanced Visualization solutions Streamline post-processing and synergize imaging techniques across CT, MRI, PET, SPECT and interventional Collaborative 2D, 3D and 4D visualization and analysis So let’s take a look at each of the products that make up our Centricity Solutions for Enterprise Imaging. Everything really begins with visualization. Universal Viewer is where imaging comes together and allows our clients to consolidate workstations. Universal Viewer helps to connect advanced visualization, provide extensive breast imaging tools, image-enable EMR systems, and unlock patient history from silos. It’s all delivered in an easy-to-use, web-based, and unified reading desktop. Again, this all goes back to helping to improve clinical efficiency. As mentioned earlier, radiologists can spend up to 19% of each day going to between multiple systems and multiple workstations to obtain all the information needed finalize a case. (1) By consolidating tools into a single workstation and pulling images from different care areas, customer can save real time, helping to improve report turnaround time and increase the number of studies that can be read in a day. Plus, think about the potential cost and space saving possibilities of consolidation into one workstation. Because of our history in delivering advanced visualization tools, and, in partnership with our imaging modalities, we can deliver very specific and specialized AW tools – again all on the same workstation. This can really help to improve productivity and efficiency. (1) Source: Radiologists’ Burden of Inefficiency Using Conventional Imaging Workstations, Dr. Bruce Hillman and Dr. Bhavik Pandya, Journal of the American College of Radiology. November 2013; Centricity Universal Viewer Increase clinical productivity “I want to consolidate workstations.” Help save up to 19% of radiologist’s time1 Your needs... 1Source: Radiologists’ Burden of Inefficiency Using Conventional Imaging Workstations, Dr. Bruce Hillman and Dr. Bhavik Pandya, Journal of the American College of Radiology. November 2013;
Centricity Universal Viewer
Enhances patient care and collaboration while reducing total cost of ownership with a common platform Centricity Universal Viewer Radiologist Viewing Breast Imaging Advanced Visualization Home Reading Cardiologist Viewing Clinician Viewing Helps to streamline workflow with enhanced usability and Intelligent productivity tools, including smart reading protocols, native MIP/MPR & PET-CT Screening and diagnostic workflows Read Tomo on the same workstation Supports multi-modality reading as part of hanging protocols Embedded applications powered by AW help to reduce swivel between workstations, enables access to post-processed images High system performance with bandwidth-adjusting streaming technology Access via web helps to reduce IT involvement Brings cardiology together with multiple imaging disciplines together in a common viewer and a single patient jacket Clinicians can view any image anywhere1 on a device of their choice, within or outside the hospital with little burden for IT. From sales deck: DOC Radiologists do not have easy access to priors Could end up using 3 or more viewers in Radiology Limited to access advanced viz solutions in specific locations Do not have at home access to imaging studies 1Where internet access is available
Archiving: Consolidate images from multiple systems for rapid retrieval and display
Centricity Clinical Archive2 solution is a standards-based, multi-ology, multi-site VNA Store clinical content from DICOM & non-DICOM systems Deliver a single patient jacket Interface directly within an EMR Deliver proven scalability for large enterprises Provide location agnostic ‘multi-ology’ information access 2Centricity Clinical Archive solution includes the following product components: Centricity Enterprise Archive, Universal Viewer ZFP, Caradigm™ eHIE, Centricity Clinical Gateway, NextGate MatchMetrix EMPI, and PACSGEAR PacsSCAN.™ Last, we move to archiving. Centricity Clinical Archive, our vendor neutral archive (VNA) solution serves not only as the foundation for enterprise imaging but is also the foundation for a coordinated care network. Plus it helps to eliminate the need to buy storage for every department, every year. At RSNA we unveiled our newest release of Centricity Clinical Archive 6.0 – with anticipated availability in the first half of It delivers several new and enhanced capabilities, including: A full XDS architecture that allows external systems to access patient records in a standards-compliant manner. This is important because we believe that to be a true VNA, it must be standard-based, not based on a vendor’s proprietary software. XDS is a standard that crosses systems, is widely deployed across the world, and we believe, represents the future. We’ve also offered new capabilities for storage, management and deletion of images for more efficient and cost-effective information lifecycle management. Just think as you store images from many departments there are very different requirements for how long you need to store those, etc. You have to have efficient rules-based ways to mange that efficiently and in an automated manner. Last, we’ve also introduced a mobile image capture application that allows for ad hoc image acquisition and immediate storage in the VNA, and was jointly developed with University Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). (1) This is really exciting and represents a brand new way to get clinical content into the VNA. Again, as you’re looking to expand your enterprise imaging approach departments you have to have ways to get dermatology, the ER, plastics, all involved. This is one innovative way to do that. We know there are lots of small vendors in the VNA market these days. It seems a new one pops up every day. But we’ve been in the space for a very long time. And we’re proud of the fact that Centricity Clinical Archive was ranked the #1 Global Vendor Neutral Archive in the IHS 2012 Medical Enterprise Data Storage Report. (2) In 2013 they changed the rules a bit to base it on revenue, but in 2013 we were again #1 in image volume. (3) If you want a partner who offers a truly scalable VNA – the number of images is much more important than how much the vendor is charging you. And we’ve consistently been #1 in managing the largest imaging volume in the world. That’s true scalability. (1) UPMC is a collaboration partner of GEHC and as a result, has a financial interest in the development and commercialization of certain GEHC next generation imaging products. (2) Source: 2012 IHS Medical Enterprise Data Storage Report (3) Source: 2013 IHS Medical Enterprise Data Storage Report Centricity Universal Viewer Contain costs “I want to stop buying storage for every department, every year.” Helps reduce cost to archive images by up to 20%1 Your needs... 1 Source: We Calculate a 74% Reduction, But It’s Hard To Compare Apples To Apples by Andrew Reichman, August 25, 2011; Note: UPMC is a collaboration partner of GE Healthcare and as a result has a financial interest in the development and commercialization of certain GE Healthcare next generation imaging products.
Help enhance clinician access…
What has changed in the past 10 years?
Increased usage of Mobile devices in Healthcare 51% of surveyed physicians using tablets access EHRs 54% physicians use iPad® tablets Only 18% of tablet users were “very satisfied” with the quality of apps Four big players for Web Browsers. In the US, Chrome ~ 10pts higher Safari 5pts 10% Takeaways: Four main Web Browsers in use on the Desktop IE 11 has 24% market share IE 8 has 17% market share Source:
Primary Care Physician needs
Default access to report and key images Providing referral physicians with information they need to deliver patient results. Access within and outside facility Cross reference lines Designed with the needs of the Clinician Default display of report and key images Internal and external access Targeting large # of users with limited training Simple guide to application functions Help access images and view results: Default display of cross reference lines, series navigator Same UI, icons and tools for UV Web and ZFP Targeting large # of users with limited training Information overlays guide to functions
Surgery & Emergency Department needs
Enabling access to images before and during surgery Volume Rendering Emergency department requires technology accessible at patient’s bedside Surgery 3D Volume rendering Extending timeout for OR Emergency Department Immediate access to images Collaboration - Access to Exam Notes in PACS Display of images on specific monitor ER – Radiologist Discrepancy Communication
Cardiology EKG and Echo Providing Cardiologists with imaging and accompanying EKG waveforms Optionally launch MUSE™ Cardiology Information System application externally Designed with the needs of the Clinician Mobile and remote access to images Mobile access to images
Help enhance care coordination
Complexity of Care Delivery models increasing
Oncology Community Chronic Disease Management Cardiologist Patient / Guardian Internist, GP Surgeon Neurology Community Trauma Center Affiliated Hospitals Oncology Telemedicine Neurology It’s time to transform Imaging…to integrated, user-friendly workflows Consolidate DICOM + Visible light and other Clinical Content across the enterprise Increase imaging access across the enterprise Leverage interoperability to implement enterprise imaging
Clinical photographs (Visible light)
California’s Kaiser Permanente organization now has more images coming into its system from outside radiology than it does in the imaging department.1 Pressure Ulcers Burn Assessments Wound Dressing Instruction Wound Care ER Abuse documentation Retinal Fundus Ophthalmology Liver Stain Pathology Melanoma, Rashes, Acne & Mole Tracking Tele-dermatology Dermatology Scope Pictures ENT & GI Lab: Motor Skills & Cognitive Ability Video Neurology Motor Skills Ability and Range of Motion Video Treatment Progression Physician Occupational Therapy Reduce integration cost Secure access to clinical content Launch specialized external applications Timeline provides easy navigation to patient history and comparison selection 1- Source:
Patient centric view of all clinical content in the vendor-neutral archive (VNA)
Patient Timeline – Matrix view Access to patient’s DICOM, Clinical Photographs and other Clinical Content e.g., CDA Optimized to quickly navigate large amount of patient data e.g documents Consolidating image access across disparate health systems Build patient centric view of all clinical content for the patient Single viewer integration from the EMR Linked documents Historical slider/timeline Flagging Default filters
Increase access to patient’s imaging
Access related imaging performed at other affiliate Hospitals. These affiliates have their own PACS systems MERCY GENERAL HILLTOP The needs Simply put we have a region of hospitals Each have unique instances of RIS and PACS They wish to have access to a global patient jacket to improve patient care / provider productivity for all physicians and rads
Enabling multi-disciplinary Oncology care
Collaboration via virtual Tumor Boards Display of Pathology ROI and accompanying Radiology Images Launch specialized viewing applications where needed Pathology ROI Designed with the needs of the Clinician Key Images
Telehealth programs for stroke care
Neurologists are in short supply, so many hospitals are turning to virtual stroke networks staffed by specialists from a variety of hospital bases who interpret scans and diagnose strokes.1 Hospitals in Cleveland and Houston are dispatching special ambulances rigged up as mobile stroke centers modeled on a successful program in Germany. On-call neurologists view CT scans and evaluate patients through a secure encrypted network and two-way video screens. Through a national Target Stroke program, hospitals are working with first responders and emergency medical services, to notify them about possible victims before they arrive. A single call can activate stroke teams which can fast-track CT scans for the patient’s arrival. Hospitals in Cleveland and Houston are dispatching special ambulances rigged up as mobile stroke centers modeled on a successful program in Germany. On-call neurologists view CT scans and evaluate patients through a secure encrypted network and two-way video screens. 1- Source:
Help contain costs manage total cost of care
Simplifying image distribution
Zero Footprint No admin rights required No software install Low memory requirements with Server side rendering for 3D Low bandwidth support Broad web browser & device support Clinicians can quite simply view any image anywhere1 on a device of their choice, within or outside the hospital. IHE-XDS registry and consumer (multi-format, multi-ology) EMR interoperability Single viewer for DICOM, Clinical Photographs and other Clinical content 1Where internet access is available
Access patients imaging history from the EMR
Reduce operational complexities Make Images accessible via EMR Single EMR interface Secure inbound interface Outbound interfaces, e.g. Ortho templating Centralized management of users Enterprise Active Directory & SSO support Role based access control Audit viewing of patient data Access patients imaging history from the EMR Image enable the EMR and or standalone access Broad web browser support Support for low bandwidth environments
A robust, standards based solution
Path Derma Rad/Card GI Scopes Optho Non-standard sources DICOM & XDS Connectivity components (messages & devices) XDS Registry Vendor Neutral Archive With XDS/XDSi Repository
Case Study: Huron Regional Medical Center
Challenges Solution Outcomes Stay competitive- keep care local Balance high-end technology with costs Quick and easy access to images from EHR Integrated to launch directly out of the EHR Broad access to images within and outside the facility Images viewable through modern web browsers Reformats on the fly Intuitive user interface Improve relationships with referring physicians Faster patient care Reduce burden of installing & maintaining software Help improve market presence Improve relationships with referring physicians Help improve care coordination Faster patient care Help contain costs Reduce burden of installing & maintaining software The zero-footprint viewer is very intuitive. The tools are very basic, but they’re the tools you need. They’re easy to learn. – Chad Moser, RT and PACS Administrator Source: Huron Regional Medical Center case study; January 2015 Results may vary and do not constitute a representation, warranty or performance guarantee
Large Hospital Operator Scenario
Background Consolidated Radiology and Cardiology imaging from all Hospitals on the VNA Petabytes of imaging data from GE Healthcare PACS and other vendor PACS. Redundant data centers w. replicated data ZFP use Enable access to imaging on the VNA Redundant and high performing infrastructure accessible from all facilities Focusing on ZFP – I would like to share how ZFP product is in use
Addressing Enterprise Imaging challenges
Remote access to Referring Physicians Improve market presence Tools to meet needs of Specialists e.g., Cardiology, Orthopedics Patient centric view of Imaging Improve care coordination Cross enterprise display of data Summarizing the challenges Single point of access imaging across the enterprise Support of latest Web Browsers and platforms for image viewing Mobile access to imaging results Interoperable solutions Contain costs Consolidate images access across multiple systems
Centricity Universal Viewer Zero Footprint
Clinician access Any image anywhere1 on a device of their choice Care coordination Patient centric with broad tool set Cost containment Simplify image distribution with robust interoperability & ease of deployment IHE-XDS registry and consumer (multi-format, multi-ology) EMR interoperability Clinicians can view any image anywhere1 on a device of their choice, within or outside the hospital with little burden for IT. 1Where internet access is available
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