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Objective 10.04 Elaborate on changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective 10.04 Elaborate on changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective 10.04 Elaborate on changes in the direction of foreign policy related to the beginnings of the Cold War.

2 Major Concepts U.S. Military Intervention Containment The Cold War The Domino Theory

3 Terms Bay of Pigs: site of failed U.S.-supported invasion in April 1961 by Cuban exiles and American citizens during JFK's presidency. One of many attempts to overthrow Fidel Castro. Berlin Airlift: Soviet Union blocked access to 3 Western-held sectors of Berlin by cutting off rail/road routes going through Soviet-controlled territory in Germany. U.S.-British military decided to drop food/supplies by plane to Berlin from June 1949-May 1949 to avoid war.


5 Terms Berlin Wall: built in 1961 by Soviets to divide East (Communist) and West Berlin (Democratic). A symbol of the Cold War (125- 200 people killed trying to cross). Torn down in 1989. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA): obtains/analyzes info. about foreign gov’ts., corporations, and people to inform policymakers of U.S. gov’t. Headquartered in Langley, Va.

6 Terms Cuban Missile Crisis: military confrontation between the U.S., Soviets, and Cuba when Cold War threatened to become a nuclear war. Soviets shipped nukes to Cuba. Douglas MacArthur: led U.N. Command forces defending South Korea (1950–1951) vs. North Korea's (Communist) invasion. Eisenhower Doctrine: stated that the U.S. would use armed forces in response to imminent or actual aggression to the U.S. and countries opposed to Communism would be given aid in various forms.

7 Terms Fidel Castro: Communist leader of Cuba who gained power in 1959 until the present-day. Geneva Accords: unofficial peace proposal to solve the Israeli- Palestinian conflict. Palestinians would get West Bank, Gaza Strip, and part of Jerusalem. Palestinians would limit "right of return" to a specified number and drop all other demands. Hydrogen Bomb: nuclear weapons that can be a thousand times more explosive than an atomic bomb!

8 Terms Iron Curtain: boundary that symbolically and physically divided Euro. into 2 separate areas from end of WWII until end of Cold War. (1945- 1991) Police Action: military action undertaken w/o a formal declaration of war. Ex: Korean War Test Ban Treaty: treaty prohibiting all test detonations of nuclear weapons except underground. Developed to slow the arms race and stop excessive release of nuclear fallout into planet's atmosphere.


10 Terms Chinese Civil War: between the Nationalists under Chiang Kai-shek and the Communists under Mao Zedong. Zedong wins, Nationalists fled to Taiwan. Israel: became independent in 1948 w/ help of WWII victors. World’s only Jewish state. Korean War: (1950- 1953) civil war between two Korean regimes trying to topple the other political/guerilla tactics. North Korea (Communist), South Korea (Democratic).

11 Korean War

12 Terms Marshall Plan: plan of the U.S. for rebuilding the allied countries of Euro. and repelling communism after WWII. Nikita Krushchev: Communist leader of Soviet Union (1953-1964) after Stalin’s death.


14 Terms Truman Doctrine: (1947) stated that U.S. would support Greece and Turkey w/ economic and military aid to prevent their falling into Soviet sphere (policy of containment). Marked the starting date of the Cold War. U-2 Incident: (1960) occurred when a U.S. U– 2 spy plane was shot down over the Soviet Union. U.S. denied true purpose of plane, but forced to admit it when U.S.S.R. produced living pilot and intact plane. Worsened relations during Cold War and a great embarrassment for the U.S.

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