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Muscular Dystrophies Patarawan Woratanarat, MD, PhD Department of Orthopaedics Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscular Dystrophies Patarawan Woratanarat, MD, PhD Department of Orthopaedics Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscular Dystrophies Patarawan Woratanarat, MD, PhD Department of Orthopaedics Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital

2 A 7-year-old boy presents with progressive weakness of both legs for 4 years.




6 Definition A group of noninflammation inherited distroders
progressive degeneration and weakness of skeletal muscles without cause in peripheral / central nervous system

7 Classification Sex-linked: DMD, BMD, EDMD
Autosomal recessive: LGMD, infantile FSHD Autosomal dominant: FSHD, distalMD, ocular MD, oculopharyngeal MD.

8 Duchenne Muscular dystrophy
Guillaume Benjamin Amand Duchenne (French neurologist, 1860s)

9 Duchenne Muscular dystrophy
Etiology single gene defect Xp21.2 region absent dystrophin

10 Duchenne Muscular dystrophy

11 Duchenne Muscular dystrophy

12 DMD: pathology

13 DMD: Epidemiology Most common male, Turner syndrome
1:3500 live male birth 1/3 new mutation 65% family history

14 DMD: Clinical manifestation
Onset : age 3-6 years Progressive weakness Pseudohypertrophy of calf muscles Spinal deformity Cardiopulmonary involvement Mild - moderate MR

15 Pseudohypertrhophy of calf muscle, Tip toe gait
forward tilt of pelvis, compensatory lordosis

16 Disappearance of lordosis while sitting

17 DMD: Diagnosis Gower’s sign

18 DMD: Diagnosis Increase CPK (200x) Gait
Myopathic change in EMG Bx: m. degeneration Immunoblotting: Absence dystrophin DNA mutation analysis Gait absent DTR Ober test Thomas test Meyeron sign Macroglossia Myocardial deterioration IQ ~ 80

19 Western blot Normal dystrophin bands (230kD)


21 DMD: Natural history Progress slowly and continuously muscle weakness
lower --> upper extremities unable to ambulate: 10 year (7-12) death from pulmonary/ cardiac failure: 2-3rd decade

22 DMD: Treatment Prednisolone Dystrophin replacement Maintain function
PMR orthosis cardiopulmonary Rx Counselling


24 DMD: Treatment Surgery
Foot & ankle: Achillis, Tibialis posterior release Knee: Yount, hamstring release Hip: Ober, modified Soutter procedure

25 DMD: Treatment An 8-yr-old boy Unable to stand Percut. Tenotomy
Achillis tendon Ambulate with orthosis

26 DMD: Treatment Surgery Upper extremity: -
Spinal deformity: posterior spinal fusion + pelvis

27 Becker muscular dystrophy
Peter Emil Becker (German doctor, 1950s)

28 Becker muscular dystrophy
Milder version of DMD Etiology single gene defect short arm X chromosome altered size & decreased amount of dystrophin

29 Becker muscular dystrophy

30 BMD: Epidemiology Less common Less severe Family history: atypical MD
1: live male birth Less severe Family history: atypical MD

31 BMD: Clinical manifestation
Similar & less severe than DMD Onset: age > 7 years Pseudohypertrophy of calf Equinous and varus foot High rate of scoliosis Less frequent cardiac involvement

32 BMD: Diagnosis The same as DMD Increase CPK (<200x)
Decrease dystrophin and/or altered size

33 BMD Natural history Treatment Slower progression
ambulate until adolescence longer life expectancy Treatment the same as in DMD forefoot equinous: plantar release, midfoot dorsal-wedge osteotomy

34 Emery-Dreifuss muscular dystrophy
Etiology X-linked recessive Xq28 Emerin protein (in neuclear membrane) Epidemiology Male: typical phenotype Female carrier: partial

35 EDMD: Clinical manifestation
Muscle weakness Contracture Neck extension, elbow, achillis tendon

36 EDMD: Clinical manifestation
Scoliosis: common, low incidence of progression Bradycardia, 1st degree AV block  sudden death

37 EDMD Natural history Diagnosis 1st 10 y: mild weakness Gower’s sign
Later: contracture, cardiac abnormality 5th-6th decade: can ambulate Poor prognosis in obesity, untreated equinus contractures. Diagnosis Gower’s sign Mildly/moderately elevated CPK EMG: myopathic Normal dystrophin

38 EDMD: Treatment Physical therapy Soft tissue contracture
Prevent contracture: neck, elbow, paravertebral muscles For slow progress elbow flexion contracture Soft tissue contracture Achillis lengthening, posterior ankle capsulotomy + anterior transfer of tibialis posterior Spinal stabilization For curve > 40 degrees Cardiologic intervention Cardiac pacemaker

39 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Eitology Autosomal recessive at chromosome 15q Autosomal dominant at 5q Epidemiology Common More benign

40 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
an absence of functional sarcoglycans components of the dystrophin glycoprotein complex (DCG). Other LGMD result from the absence of functional caveolin-3

41 Limb-girdle muscular dystrophy
Clinical manifestation Age of onset: 3rd decade Initial: pelvic/shoulder m. (proximal to distal) Similar distribution as DMD

42 LGMD Diagnosis Classification Same clinical as DMD/BMD carriers
Pelvic girdle type common Scapulohumeral type rare Diagnosis Same clinical as DMD/BMD carriers Moderately elevated CPK Normal dystrophin

43 LGMD Natural history Treatment Slow progression Similar to DMD
After onset > 20 y: contracture & disability Rarely significant scoliosis Treatment Similar to DMD Scoliosis: mild, no Rx.

44 Fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Etilogy Autosomal dominant Gene defect (FRG1) Chromosome 4q35 Epidemiology Female > male Clinical manifestation Age of onset: late childhood/ early adult No cardiac, CNS involvement

45 FSMD: Clinical manifestation
Muscle weakness face, shoulder, upper arm Sparing Deltoid Distal pectoralis major Erector spinae

46 “Popeye” appearance Lack of facial mobility Incomplete eye closure
Pouting lips Transverse smile Absence of eye and forehead wrinkles

47 FSMD: Clinical manifestation
Winging scapula Markedly decreased shoulder flexion & abduction Horizontal clavicles forward sloping Rare scoliosis

48 FSMD Treatment Diagnosis Natural history
Posterior scpulocostal fusion/ stabilization (scapuloplexy) Diagnosis PE, muscle biopsy Normal serum CPK Natural history Slow progression Face, shoulder m.  pelvic girdle, tibialis ant Good life expectancy

49 Distal muscular dystrophy
Autosomal dominant trait Rare Dysferlin (mb prot) defect Age of onset: after 45 y

50 Distal muscular dystrophy
Initial involvement: intrinsic hands, claves, tibialis posterior Spread proximally Normal sensation

51 DD: Classification Welander distal myopathy
Finnish/Markesbery distal myopathy Miyoshi distal myopathy Nonaka distal myopathy Gower: autosomal dominant, Chromosome 14 Hereditary inclusion-body myositis Hereditary inclusion-body myuositis Distal myopathy with vocal cord & pharyngeal weakness

52 Congenital muscular dystrophy
Etiology Autosomal recessive Integrin, fugutin defect Laminin 2 chain merosin

53 CMD: Epidemiology Classification Rare Both male and female
Merosin-negative Merosin-positive Neuronal migration Fukuyama Muscle eye-brain Wlaker-Warburg

54 CMD: Clinical manifestation
Stiffness of joint Congenital hip dislocation, subluxation Achillis tendon contracture, talipes equinovarus Scoliosis

55 CMD Diagnosis Treatment Muscle Bx: Perimysial and endomysial fibrosis
Physical therapy Orthosis Soft tissue release Osteotomy

56 Summary Clinical DMD LGMD FSMD DD CMD Incidence common less Not common
Rare Age of onset 3-6 y 2nd decade 20-77 y At/ after birth Sex Male Either sex M = F Both Inheritance Sex-linked recessive AR, rare AD AD Unknown Muscle involve. Proximal to distal Face & shoulder to pelvic Distal Generalized Muscle spread until late Leg, hand, arm, face, larynx,eye Upper ex, calf Back ext, hip abd, quad Proximal -

57 Summary Clinical DMD LGMD FSMD DD CMD Pseudo hypertrophy 80% calf
< 33% Rare no No Contracture Common Late Mild, late Severe Scoliosis Kyphoscoliosis Common, late - ? Heart Hypertrophytachycardia Very rare Not observed Intellectual decrease Normal Course Stead, rapid Slow Insidious benign Steady

58 Thank you

59 Infantile fascioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy
Clinical manifestation Facial diplegia Sensorinueral hearing loss Mobius type of facial weakness Walk with hands and forearms folded across upper buttocks **Marked & progressive lumbar lordosis (pathog) Less common equinous, scoliosis Etiology Autosomal recessive Unidentified gene

60 IFSMD Natural history Treatment Infancy: facial diplegia
Childhood: sensorineural hearing loss 2nd decade of life: wheelchair bound, severely compromised pulmonary function Treatment Flexible equinous/equinovarus foot: AFO + TAL Hip flextion contracture: no Rx in ambulate pt. Spinal deformity in wheelchai ambulator: orthosis+ post spinal fusion with instrumentation Scapulothoracic stabilization: not necessary

61 Ocular muscular dystrophy
Rare Age of onset: adolescence Extraocular muscle weakness  diplopia  limit ocular movement May involve proximal upper extremities Slowly progressive

62 Oculopharyngeal muscular dystrophy
Autosomal dominant with complete penetrane Age of onset: 3rd decade Ptosis in middle life

63 OPMD Pharyngeal involvement Dysarthria Dysphasia
Repetitive regurgitation Frequently choking

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