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Fermilab Accelerator R&D Program Vladimir Shiltsev, Director, Accelerator Physics Center Fermilab’s All Experimenters’ Meeting April 27, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Fermilab Accelerator R&D Program Vladimir Shiltsev, Director, Accelerator Physics Center Fermilab’s All Experimenters’ Meeting April 27, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fermilab Accelerator R&D Program Vladimir Shiltsev, Director, Accelerator Physics Center Fermilab’s All Experimenters’ Meeting April 27, 2015

2 Accelerator R&D at FNAL: HEPAP-Aligned 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20152 Accelerator Physics and Technology –IOTA research for PIP-III –Theory, modeling, studies Particle Sources and Targets –Multi-MW targets for PIP-III RF acceleration –SC RF: high-Q, high-G, low-$$ SC Magnets and Materials –16 T, low-$$ for VHEPP Advanced Acceleration –High-G NCRF in B-field April 6, 2015 HEPAP THRUSTS:

3 Accelerator R&D Facilities 3 ● NF/MTA ● TD/SCRF ● HPT/MI-8 ● IOTA/ASTA ● RR/MI beam studies 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/2015 ● SC MAG ● MDB/SCRF ● SCRF/NML

4 Accelerator Complex Now 400 MeV NC Linac 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20154 8 GeV RCS Booster 120 GeV RCS Main Injector 8 GeV Recycler 0.45  0.7 MW target

5 “Near future”, PIP-II, ca 2023-24 800 MeV SC Linac 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20155 8 GeV RCS Booster 120 GeV RCS Main Injector 8 GeV Recycler 1.2 1.2 MW target

6 PIP-III “multi-MW”- Option A: 8+ GeV smart RCS 800 MeV SC Linac 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20156 new 8-12 GeV “smart” RCS i-Booster 120 GeV RCS Main Injector 8 GeV ? Recycler ? >2 >2 MW target

7 PIP-III “multi-MW” - Option B: 8 GeV linac 8 GeV 8 GeV SC Linac =0.8  3  8 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20157 120 GeV RCS Main Injector 8 GeV Recycler >2 >2 MW target

8 PIP-III: Intelligent choice requires analysis and R&D 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20158 Either increase performance of the synchrotrons by a factor of 3-4:Either increase performance of the synchrotrons by a factor of 3-4: need R&D –E.g. dQ_sc >1  need R&D –Instabilities/losses/RF/vacuum/collimation –IOTA/ASTA to be built to study new methods Or reduce cost of the SRF / GeV by a factor of 3-4: need R&D –Several opportunities  need R&D And – in any scenario – develop multi-MW targets:And – in any scenario – develop multi-MW targets: R&D needed –They do not exist now  extensive R&D needed

9 IOTA Facility – Accelerator R&D for PIP-III R&D at IOTA integrableP5 supports PIP-II as Linac replacement for ~1MW power; R&D at IOTA towards new integrable Booster to open way to multi-MW levels V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20159 IOTA facility is being built to carry out critical R&D on high-intensity space-charge dominated proton beams:IOTA facility is being built to carry out critical R&D on high-intensity space-charge dominated proton beams: –IOTA ring and p+ and e- injectors –breakthru experiments on NL integrable optics and space-charge compensation The ring construction over FY15-16The ring construction over FY15-16 Great progress on 50 MeV e- injector:Great progress on 50 MeV e- injector: –All safety reviews passed in Q1 FY15 –Accelerator readiness review in Jan’15  DOE approved “safety envelope” last week  expect DOE memo to authorize start of commissioning and operations –20 MeV electron beam on Mar 27, 2015 record high energy of electrons on FNAL site (E-cool 4.5MeV, A0 16 MeV)record high energy of electrons on FNAL site (E-cool 4.5MeV, A0 16 MeV) 2/11/2015

10 10 Beam Physics: Studies and Modeling In Main Injector, Recycle and Booster: Instabilities Optics Electron Cloud Losses Collimation J.Amundson, E.Stern, P.Spentzouris, et al V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/2015 turnx ½ synchrotron period Yu.Alexahin, P.Adamason Modeling and simulations: Energy deposition and radiation levels – MARS Beam dynamics and theory Utilization of SYNERGIA and ComPASS tools : ComPASS VORPAL e-cloud simulation of MI experiments

11 High Power Targetry R&D 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201511 RaDIATE CollaborationRaDIATE Collaboration (Radiation Damage in Accelerator Target Environments) – FNAL led, 7 institutions –MOU received DOE approval NuMI beryllium beam window Post-Irradiation Examination (PIE) at Oxford Planning for low-energy ion irradiation studies at various universities Continuing PIE at BNL of irradiated graphite (2009) –Other activities Design of compact fatigue tester for hot cell use Evaluation of new/upgraded irradiation facilities for HEP-HPT purposes No solution (now) for >1 MW targetry Comprehensive studies and tests: Radiation damage vs DPA Thermal shock Material fatigue Horns & secondary beams

12 SC Magnets: Future 100 TeV Scale p-p Collider R&D Biggest Challenge:Biggest Challenge: Cost Effective High Field SC Magnets 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201512 Major goal for FNAL HFM GARD Program: –Development of ~16T SC Magnet : accelerator quality, Nb3Sn cost reduction ~x2 per Tm [synergy with LBNL work] –Dipole cost reduction ~x2 per Tm [synergy with LBNL work] –Capitalize on the LARP’s work on the HL-LHC quadrupoles

13 Fermilab is the world leader in SCRF Best 1.3 GHz SRF cryomodule for ILC Breakthroughs on Q_0 –(beyond BCS theory - ???) SRF Research at Fermilab: substantial reduction in construction and operation costs –Aim at a substantial reduction in construction and operation costs affects PIP-III directly –Improve gradients: aim at 80MV/m in 10 yrs (Nb3Sn?) –increase Q-factor, study new materials understand physics underlying recent progress in Q_0 Superconducting RF R&D 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201513 ILC Milestone = 31.5 MV/m ×8 cavities = 252 MV N 2 doping

14 “Advanced Acceleration”: Towards NF 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201514 MICE cavity = 12 MV/m Mucool Test Area R&D team P5 discouraged Muon Collider MAP program wraps up in FY17 MICE Step 4.5 to be finished A lot of R&D toward MC stopped Neutrino Factory is still “Further Future” of the neutrino phyics: –Requires R&D Muon cooling –MTA- unique facility Beam, 5 T solenoid, RF, H2, etc –We try to carve out support for a small focused R&D on the NC RF in B-field, in high-pressure gases Might also help to produce intense secondary beams for next-generation precisions experiments (such as “beyond mu2e”, “beyond g-2”

15 FNAL Peer-reviewed Accelerator Sci & Tech publications 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201515

16 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201516 UniversityPrimary Topic(s)Funding Agency IITSRF technology; machine concepts; Novel Accelerator technology DOE-HEP grant, NSF U. of ChicagoBeam dynamics (IOTA)Fermilab, NSF, U.of Chi NIUSRF technology; beam dynamics (IOTA); Accelerator technology DOE-HEP grant, NSF, DOD, NIU IUBeam dynamics; machine conceptsDOE-HEP grant U. of MDBeam dynamicsDOE-HEP grant, NSF,ONR U. Tenn.Accelerator technology; beam dynamics DOE-HEP grant U. Wisc.SRF technologyDOE-HEP grant MSUSRF technology; beam dynamics; machine concepts DOE-HEP grant; NSF U. Of ColoradoBeam dynamics; accelerator technology DOE-SBIR Colorado StateSRF technologyONR, High-Energy Laser Joint Tech Office CornellSRF technologyDOE; NSF MITMachine conceptsNSF

17 Accelerator R&D at FNAL: Leaders 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201517 Accelerator Physics and Technology –IOTA research for PIP-IIIAlex Valishev (AD/APC) –Theory, modeling, studies Nikolai Mokhov, Jim Amundson Particle Sources and Targets –Multi-MW targets for PIP-IIIPat Hurh, Bob Zwaska (AD) RF acceleration –SC RF: high-Q, high-G, low-$$ Alex Romanenko (TD) SC Magnets and Materials –16 T, low-$$ for VHEPPSasha Zlobin (TD) Advanced Acceleration –High-G NCRF in B-fieldMark Palmer, Dan Bowring (APC) GARD THRUSTS (HEPAP):

18 Back-Up Slides Page 18 V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/2015 18 2/11/2015

19 IOTA Schematic V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201519 IOTA/ASTA facility:IOTA/ASTA facility: –IOTA storage ring –electron injector based on existing ASTA electron linac –proton injector based on existing HINS proton source. The cost to complete construction ~6.5M$ in FY15-17 2/11/2015

20 2017 Operations start: 2017 (full IOTA) Partnerships DOE labs: ANL,BNL,ORNL,Jlab,LBNL U.S. universities: 6 International: 4 Science goal: Experimentally demonstrate novel techniques of integrable beam optics and space charge compensation, SRF research Technical challenge: fabrication high-precision nonlinear magnets; injector for delivery of pencil electron beam and high-current low energy proton beam, beam thru SRF CM 5 MeV e- injector SRF CM2 at 250 MVFY14 highlights: Big part of IOTA ring built; commissioned 5 MeV e- injector and SRF CM2 at 250 MV IOTA/ASTA : Fermilab’s Major Accelerator R&D Beam Facility V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201520 Unique R&D facility close to completion Unique R&D facility close to completion: IOTA ring, high-brightness photo-injector, SRF cryomodule, proton/H- RQF ~90M$ invested by OHEP since 2006 2/11/2015

21 IOTA Ring: 40 m ; 2.5 MeV p+ or 150 MeV e- 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201521 e- beam line 2.5 MeV RFQ p beam line NL1 NL2 OSC EL

22 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201522 Integrable Optics

23 Space Charge in Linear Optics System: linear FOFO 100 A linear KV w/mismatch Result: quickly drives test-particles into the halo 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201523 Tech-X, RadiaSoft simulation  Q sc ~ –0.7

24 Space Charge in NL Integrable Optics 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201524 Tech-X, RadiaSoft simulation System: linear FOFO 100 A linear KV w/mismatch Result: nonlinear decoherence suppresses halo  Q sc ~ –0.7

25 IOTA/ASTA Construction Plan FY14: –Beam studies @ 5 MeV photoinjector injector –Completed 25 MeV injector –CM2 RF commissioning studies (no beam) FY15: –25-50 MeV beam thru full injector to beam dump, 1 st experiments –Start installation high-energy beamline from CM2 to HE dump –Construction/fabrication of remaining IOTA elements FY16: –Finish HE beamline, ~300 MeV beam from CM2 to dump –Finish IOTA construction & installation, 150 MeV e-beam to IOTA –Move and install the HINS proton injector (50% completion) FY17: –HINS commissioned, inject protons in IOTA –Full accelerator research program at IOTA (first – with electrons) V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/20152/11/201525

26 GARD Thrusts: Rationale and Goals (2) 3.Cost-Effective SRF Technology –Crucial enabling technology for accelerators substantial reduction in construction and operation costs –Aim at a substantial reduction in construction and operation costs –Improve gradients, increase Q-factor, study new materials; far- and mid-term –Affects both far- and mid-term accelerators 4.Advanced Accelerator Concepts HEP applications significant total cost reduction –Conceptual and technical feasibility of advanced collider concepts; aim at HEP applications and significant total cost reduction –Intense secondary beams for next-generation precisions experiments (such as “beyond mu2e”, “beyond g-2” and a NF) long- and mid-term –Both long- and mid-term 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201526

27 MICE-”4.5”: Expedited Muon Cooling Demonstration Plan developed in response to P5 recommendations -SS1- -Tracker1- -AFC- -FC- -Absorber- -SS2- -Tracker2- Legend: -SS=Spectrometer Solenoid- -FC=Focus Coil- -AFC=Absorber-Focus Coil Module- -RFA=RF-Absorber Module- -SS2- -Tracker2- -SS1- -Tracker1- -AFC1- -FC1- -AFC2- Primary -Absorber- -FC2- RFA1- RFA2- Secondary -Absorber2- Secondary -Absorber1- NEW Expedited MICE Final Configuration 2/11/2015V.Shiltsev | All Experimenters Meeting, 04/27/201527 Operational 2017 Represents reduced cost and technical risk relative to MICE Step V Operational 2015

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