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LHC progress week 19 Monday 11 th May 2015 Coordination: Jan Uythoven, Massimo Giavannozzi, Mike Lamont.

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Presentation on theme: "LHC progress week 19 Monday 11 th May 2015 Coordination: Jan Uythoven, Massimo Giavannozzi, Mike Lamont."— Presentation transcript:

1 LHC progress week 19 Monday 11 th May 2015 Coordination: Jan Uythoven, Massimo Giavannozzi, Mike Lamont

2 Week 19 11/05/2015 2 Monday 4thOptics measurements curtailed Power cut P4 - BY08 – access – BLM issues part II Tuesday 5thPrep for collisions – SPS dipole Wednesday 6th15:00 beam back in SPS Collisions Thursday 7thQPS/S78 TDI set-up, 450 GeV loss maps Friday 8thCurtailed optics meas. FT ROF.A45B2 Injection kicker - oil Transfer line collimators ADT Set-up Saturday 9thSnapback De-squeeze Local aperture (PS POPS) RB67… cooling station BA6 – S12 cryo down Sunday 10thOut all day – cryogenics recovery

3 Availability 11/05/2015 3 NOT GOOD

4 Faults 11/05/2015 4 Total fault time 79 h 45 m 48% down-time

5 Friday 8th May 12:45: Transfer line collimators – In parallel gated BBQ for tune measurements commissioned – BLM latency measurement OK 19:00: Interlocked BPMs re-checked 19:30: Set-up of transfer damper (ADT) 11/05/2015 5

6 Saturday 9 th May 01:15: Ramp for snapback measurement 7:50: de-squeeze and optics measurements 13:00: Start local aperture measurements at the IPs 18:15: Beam used, no new beam from PS 19:45: Start pre-cycle – RB.A67 tripped at 230A – problem with one of the redundant power supplies on QPS crate removed the power permit. Probably a breaker has tripped. Access required… 22:45: …..cryo lost S12 due to water fault, water pumping station of BA6 is down….. 11/05/2015 6

7 Sunday 10 th to Monday 11 th 23:15 Cryogenics back (fault time: 24h22m) 01:30 Ramp nominal – Losses around 20 s – horizontal Q’ 03:00 Trip of the inner triplet due to loss of cryo in XL2. – After the recovery the cryo has been unstable and we have been loosing the cryo start regularly for IT2, this time cryo maintain as well. 05:40 SPS injection septum in fault 11/05/2015 7 Now: optic measurements and correction: flat-top and squeeze many thanks to Rogelio and OMC for their flexibility

8 HIGHLIGHTS 11/05/2015 8

9 TDI set up and validated Put TDIs at measured settings and cross-checked hierarchy wrt TCP (X- measurement) Validated also for injected beam in I&D with pilot applying different kicks to the injected beam Final settings: 11/05/2015 9 B1 TDI Angle (200 and 234 urad) B2 TDI Angle (281 and -429 urad Chiara, Wolfgang, Linda & Florian

10 Ring Collimators Nominal injection settings deployed for all ring collimators in the injection beam process These are good for up to ~50 nominal bunches at 450-GeV Ramped up to coarse settings at flat top 11/05/2015 10 Collimation team

11 Loss maps With injection protection in and out Full set and asynch dumps – Example of off-momentum loss map, - 500 Hz Looks good 11/05/2015 11 Collimation team Momentum collimation

12 Collisions Decided after Tuesday 8:30 meeting that for 450 GeV collisions the tertiary collimators TCT should be moved in and verified by loss maps – Collisions found with 2 nominal – Use collision tunes – TCTs set-up @ 13  11/05/2015 12 Eventually after an SPS dipole change…

13 Transfer Line Collimators Started with steering the lines and establishing golden trajectories Had some issues with collimator controls to change settings of TCDIs - was solved with SW release New combined SPS cycle for pilot and nominal is not working for automatic scan application, have to use the pilot cycle for this measurement Will come back to proceed with the measurement of TCDI centres 11/05/2015 13 Chiara, Wolfgang and ABT team

14 Transverse Damper Injection Oscillation fixed display works, it shows the first bunch of the injected batch Closed all 8 feedback loops with pilot bunches Closed all 8 feedback loops with nominal bunches Functions arrive correctly, minor changes in phase shifts, to be propagated to LSA Loops close/open at injection and beam dump events Still some work left 11/05/2015 14

15 Local Aperture Measurements IR1: – First losses observed on MQX with half crossing -430urad (due to B2). However, this step must be repeated because not clear losses were observed – First losses observed on MQX with half crossing 500urad. Clear losses observed on C3R1 due to B2. – Regarding the separation plane, losses were observed with bumps of -400urad and +320urad. IR 2 only separation plane B1 due to limited beam availability – Regarding the separation plane, losses were observed with bumps of -490urad and +320urad. IR5: – Regarding the separation plane, losses were observed with bumps of +340urad. DM, PH, GV + OP crew 11/05/2015 15

16 Gated BBQ for Tune measurement Aligned gate of B1 & B2 gated BBQ The pilot is not seen by the gated BBQ - as predicted by Marek 11/05/2015 16 Wire scanners and K- modulation measurements continues – Maria Kuhn

17 Snapback and Q’ Start with pre-cycle – chroma decay @ injection Expert comes in to look at tune signal  change settings which were ‘lost’ 11/05/2015 17 Tune signal with freq. modulation over the ramp Matteo

18 De-Squeeze: Smooth Played the full de-squeeze to collisions: Ran the tune change QCHANGE BP to move to collision tunes Ran the de-squeeze in one step with collision tunes Ran the BP to adapt the crossing angles – IR5 from 145 to 0, IR8 from 230 to 320 microrad Ran the collision BP (all separations off) Measured optics When the optics is corrected (if needed) the sequence is ready for nominal bunches and setup of collisions (and TCTs) 11/05/2015 18 Laurette, Ron, Jorg

19 Status – quick summary Optics – Measured at intermediate squeeze points – in progress, corrections to be applied Collimation – Good to go at 450 GeV – Coarse settings in ramp and at 6.5 TeV Nearly ready for higher intensities at 450 GeV – quick test of the BETS-TCDQ to validate Nominal ramp – Work in progress ULO stable 11/05/2015 19

20 Incoming Finish optics measurements and corrections High intensity at injection (up to 40 nominal) Nominal ramp Pilot ramp with constant collimators centres - check at 6.5 TeV ULO monitoring … 11/05/2015 20 This week’s coordinators: Jorg Wenninger, Jan Uythoven

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