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Learning Outcomes, KPIs and Rubrics

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1 Learning Outcomes, KPIs and Rubrics
Dr. Abdel-Rahman Al-Qawasmi (Associate Professor – Electrical Engineering Department) Date: 10\3\2015 Time: 13:00-14:00 Place: Seminar Room

2 Program Student Teaching (delivering Knowledge and skills) Advising
Curriculum Study plan: Credit Hours, Courses, prerequisites, co-requisite Course description: Program Specifications, syllabus, Course specifications, Infrastructure Class rooms, Labs Faculty Staff Instructors TA Engineers Technicians Administration HOD Committees Secretary Learning Recourses Library Internet

3 Quality of the Program Mission Goals Objectives Learning Outcomes KPIs
Benchmark Rubrics Course Report NCAAA Standards ABET Standards Institutional Standards Teaching strategies Assessment strategies Evaluation process Annual Report SSR Accreditation Development Self Evaluation Report

4 Program Specifications
Mission Objectives and Goals Learning Outcomes KPIs Recommendations Annual program Report Actions Program Specifications

5 Course Specifications
Teaching strategies Assessment methods KPIs Rubrics Analysis Recommendations Course Report Actions Course Specifications Learning Outcome

6 Students Needs Employer Needs Mission Statement Learning Outcomes
are statements of what the student will KNOW and be able to DO or demonstrate as a result of their learning and are part of a student-centered approach.

7 Learning Outcomes Performance Output Results achievements Knowledge Skills

8 Why we need LOs? LOs build evidence for accountability, accreditation, and for continuous improvement. Know what Instructor is doing and why Know what students are learning as a result Make improvement changes based on results (research based improvements)

9 must be…. measurable and meaningful to be assessed accurately.
Criteria (KPI): Quantifiable performance measures used to define success and measure progress toward the achievement of goals. Assessment : Student assessment processes must be appropriate for the intended learning outcomes and effectively and fairly administered with independent verification of standards achieved. Teaching Strategy: Teaching must be of high quality with appropriate strategies used for different categories of learning outcomes and student learning styles. Learning Outcome: must be…. measurable and meaningful to be assessed accurately.

10 Learning Outcomes learning outcomes Code Domain NCAAA ABET
The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context. a1 (h) A Knowledge Knowledge of contemporary issues. a2 (j) An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data b1 (b) B Cognitive Skills An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints b2 (c) An ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems b3 (e) The ability to analyze, design, and implement systems. b4 (EE1) The ability to apply project management techniques to electrical systems. b5 (EE2) An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams c1 (d) C Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility c2 (f) Recognition of the need for and an ability to engage in life-long learning. c3 (i) An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering d1 (a) D Communication, Information Technology, Numerical An ability to communicate effectively d2 (g) An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice. d3 (k) The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of electrical systems. d4 (EE3) e1 E Psychomotor e2

11 4.Communication, Information 3.Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility
LOs and Courses 4.Communication, Information Technology, Numerical 3.Interpersonal Skills & Responsibility 2.Cognitive Skills 1.Knowledge NQF Learning Domains 4.4 4.3 4.2 4.1 3.3 3.2 3.1 2.5 2.4 2.3 2.2 2.1 1.2 1.1 Course Offerings X I MATH 105 PHY 103 MATH 106 P MATH 107 A MATH 204 STAT 201 MATH 254 GE 407 GE 408 EE 101 EE 111 EE 205 EE 208 EE 207 EE 202 EE 206 I = Introduction P = Proficient A = Advanced

12 Time-based – set a specific time-scale
KPIs should be SMART Specific – clear and well-defined Measurable – show distance from attainment Agreed – shared by stakeholders Realistic – fit available time, money, etc Time-based – set a specific time-scale

13 KPIs of the Program Objectives KPIs Major Strategies
The Electrical Engineering Program in Majmaah University prepares students to have strong foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering sciences who are able to: 1. Demonstrate technical competence in identifying, formulating, analysing and solving engineering problems. Identifying, formulating, analyzing and solving engineering problems. Surveys Consultation report 2. Demonstrate the professional skills necessary to lead their professional discipline and have the lifelong learning skills to adapt to rapidly changing technologies. Demonstrate the professional skills. Adapt to rapidly changing technologies. 3. Pursue higher learning in the field of engineering and multidisciplinary areas to emerge as successful researchers, entrepreneurs, experts and educators. Number of publications in peer reviewed national and international journals Number of organized scientific and Research activities: workshops seminars, symposiums & conferences) Number of subscription in periodicals and Journals. Faculty self-report 4. Practice and inspire high ethical and professional standards. Percentage of graduates from undergraduate program leaving their works due to professional issues Employee satisfaction (out of 5) Number of students who came to senior management positions

14 Learning Skills Fundamentals Skills: Core skills:
Foundation Skills: University Requirements Fundamentals Skills: Scientific Section (Preparatory Year) Core skills: College requirements Program skills: EE Courses

15 Student Learning Outcomes (code)
Assessment Methods Student Learning Outcomes (code) Reports, discussions and presentations a1 Exams and presentations a2 Standardized exams, Oral exams, Micro projects b1 Reports and presentations b2 b3 b4 Behavior observation and reports b5 Behavior observation and presentations c1 Discussions c2 c3 d1 d2 Exams, quizzes and reports d3 d4

16 Course ID: EE 270 Number of Students: 25
Course Title: Fundamentals of Electrical Power Systems Course ID: EE 270 Number of Students: 25 Learning Outcomes: 2.1: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data [Introduction] 3.2: An understanding of professional and ethical responsibility [Introduction] 4.1: An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering [Proficient] 4.4: The ability to utilize statistics/probability, transform methods, discrete mathematics, or applied differential equations in support of electrical systems [Advanced]

17 Method of Assessment: Standardized exams, Oral exams, Micro projects
Design and implement DC motor in …………:(10 marks) [10%] LO: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data KPIs : There are 9 KPIs. Selected only three KPIs laboratory safety procedures experimental plan of data gathering Data documentation Development and implementation of logical experimental procedures Selection of appropriate equipment and instruments to perform the experiment Operation of instrumentation and process equipment The analysis and interpretations of data using appropriate theory Awareness of measurement errors Seeking information for the experiment

18 LO: An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data Rubric Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory Formulates an experimental plan of data gathering to attain a stated objective (develop correlation, test a model, ascertain performance of equipment, etc.) Develops a simplistic experimental plan of data gathering, does not recognize entire scope of study (e.g. not all parameters affecting the results are investigated) No systematic plan of data gathering; experimental data collection is disorganized, even random, and incomplete experimental plan of data gathering (2) KPIs Develops and implements logical experimental procedures Experimental procedures most often followed, but occasional oversight leads to loss of experimental efficiency and/or loss of data Does not follow experimental procedure Development and implementation of logical experimental procedures (4) Analyzes and interprets data carefully using appropriate theory; if required, translates theory into practice or applies to process model(s) Applies appropriate theory to data when prompted to do so, but misinterprets physical significance of theory or variable involved; makes errors in unit conversions Makes no attempt to relate data to theory The analysis and interpretations of data using appropriate theory (7)

19 Assessment method: 1- Evaluating the mini project Report contents
2- Presentation 3- Discussion Student’s Name KPI2 KPI4 KPI7 U D S 1 X 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Total Rubric( Result) Satisfactory Developing Unsatisfactory 4 3 2 KPI2 KPIs 1 KPI4 6 KPI7

20 Results Analysis Strength points: 1- The students average performance is good. 2- The plan of the experimental is well defined. Weaknesses points: 1- There is an average problem in applying the procedure. 2- There is a problem in Identifying and collecting data in organizing way Improvements methods: 1- Data collection methods and Statistical analysis should be give more attention 2- Including a statistical analysis and data collection method in the course description or in other low level course.

21 Course (Program) Improvement procedures
Reading the CR of EE270 Regarding the results of measuring LO 2.1 and proposed improvements methods, the UPC discussed this issue in the PUSC. The decision is leave the contents of EE 270 without changes. Asking the basic science department to concentrate on the collection data and statistical analysis method in math 107.

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