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EKG EOPA Test Prep. The heart is described as being roughly the size of a ________ and weighing approximately ________. A. tomato; 2 pounds B. clinched.

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Presentation on theme: "EKG EOPA Test Prep. The heart is described as being roughly the size of a ________ and weighing approximately ________. A. tomato; 2 pounds B. clinched."— Presentation transcript:

1 EKG EOPA Test Prep

2 The heart is described as being roughly the size of a ________ and weighing approximately ________. A. tomato; 2 pounds B. clinched fist; 10.6 ounces C. coconut; 5.2 ounces D. baseball; 1.5 pounds

3 The heart is described as being roughly the size of a ________ and weighing approximately ________. A. tomato; 2 pounds B. clinched fist; 10.6 ounces C. coconut; 5.2 ounces D. baseball; 1.5 pounds

4 The pulmonary arteries arise from the aorta near its origin at the left ventricle and supply blood to the heart muscle, which has a great need for oxygen and nutrients. T or F A. True B. False

5 The pulmonary arteries arise from the aorta near its origin at the left ventricle and supply blood to the heart muscle, which has a great need for oxygen and nutrients. T or F A. True B. False

6 What would make the statement in the previous question TRUE? The pulmonary arteries arise from the aorta near its origin at the left ventricle and supply blood to the heart muscle, which has a great need for oxygen and nutrients.

7 The CORONARY arteries arise from the aorta near its origin at the left ventricle and supply blood to the heart muscle, which has a great need for oxygen and nutrients.

8 Myocardial infarction is also known as a heart attack. T or F

9 Myocardial infarction is also known as a heart attack. TRUE

10 The four areas of the heart in which myocardial infarction can be independently diagnosed are inferior, posterior, anterior, and _______________. A. exterior B. lateral C. external interdermal

11 The four areas of the heart in which myocardial infarction can be independently diagnosed are inferior, posterior, anterior, and _______________. A. exterior B. lateral C. external D. interdermal

12 _________ is an imbalance in pump function, in which the heart fails to maintain circulation of blood adequately. A. angina pectoris B. pulmonary edema C. MRI (Magnetic Imaging Resonance) D. CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)

13 _________ is an imbalance in pump function, in which the heart fails to maintain circulation of blood adequately. A. angina pectoris B. pulmonary edema C. MRI D. CHF

14 What is angina pectoris?

15 Chest pain caused by insufficient blood flow to cardiac muscle Relieved by rest and/or nitroglycerin No permanent damage to cardiac muscle

16 What is pulmonary edema? Fluid in the lungs Is a sign of Congestive Heart Failure

17 A __________ is a specialized study of the heart during which a catheter is inserted into the femoral or brachial artery. A. PET Tilt table test Cardiac catheterization MRI

18 A __________ is a specialized study of the heart during which a catheter is inserted into the femoral or brachial artery. A. PET Tilt table test Cardiac catheterization MRI

19 _______ is a nuclear isotope that travels to the heart muscle with blood flow. A. an infusion tracer B. a perfusion tracer C. a heart tracer D. none of the above

20 _______ is a nuclear isotope that travels to the heart muscle with blood flow. A. an infusion tracer B. a perfusion tracer C. a heart tracer D. none of the above

21 A _____________ is a continuous tape recording of a patient’s EKG for 24 hours and must be worn during the patient’s regular daily activities. A. heart monitor B. holter monitor C. Cardiac catheter D. pulse oximeter

22 A _____________ is a continuous tape recording of a patient’s EKG for 24 hours and must be worn during the patient’s regular daily activities. A. heart monitor B. Holter monitor C. Cardiac catheter D. pulse oximeter

23 What does a pulse oximeter measure?

24 Indirectly monitors the oxygen saturation of the patient’s blood to serve as an indication of oxygen delivery to peripheral tissues

25 An abnormally tall P wave usually indicates hyperkalemia. T or F

26 FALSE – it usually indicates hypertrophy of the right atrium

27 _______ abnormalities are sensitive indicators of cardiac disease. A. QT intervals QRS complex ST Segment PR Interval

28 _______ abnormalities are sensitive indicators of cardiac disease. A. QT intervals QRS complex ST Segment PR Interval

29 The ________ normally sets the heart rate at 60 to 100 beats per minute. A. AV Node B. Bundle of His C. SA Node D. Perkinje fibers

30 The ________ normally sets the heart rate at 60 to 100 beats per minute. A. AV Node B. Bundle of His C. SA Node D. Perkinje fibers

31 What is the intrinsic rate of the AV node?

32 40 – 60 beats per minute

33 __________ are abnormal electrical activities occurring in the atria before a normal sinus impulse can occur. A. sinus arrhythmias Atrial arrhythmias Advanced arrhythmias Basic arrhythmias

34 __________ are abnormal electrical activities occurring in the atria before a normal sinus impulse can occur. A. sinus arrhythmias Atrial arrhythmias Advanced arrhythmias Basic arrhythmias

35 Cardiac enzymes tests are a series of tests that are performed on samples of ______ obtained by ____________ 1. gas; pulse oximeter 2. urine; catheter 3. blood; venipuncture 4. cardiac muscle; cardiac catheterization

36 Cardiac enzymes tests are a series of tests that are performed on samples of ______ obtained by ____________ 1. gas; pulse oximeter 2. urine; catheter 3. blood; venipuncture 4. cardiac muscle; cardiac catheterization

37 CBC stands for __________ A. complete body count B. complete body condition C. calcium blood count D. complete blood count

38 CBC stands for __________ A. complete body count B. complete body condition C. calcium blood count D. complete blood count

39 The _________ echocardiogram can take clearer pictures of the heart than regular ultrasounds. This test may be done if a regular echocardiogram is unclear. A. transesophageal B. transthoracic C. stress D. pharmacologic stress

40 The _________ echocardiogram can take clearer pictures of the heart than regular ultrasounds. This test may be done if a regular echocardiogram is unclear. A. transesophageal B. transthoracic C. stress D. pharmacologic stress

41 When is a pharmacologic stress test done?

42 When a patient is not physically able to do a treadmill stress test

43 Angiography is used for diseases such as aneurisms, atherosclerosis, and ________ that changes or affect the blood vessels. A. emphysema B. thrombosis C. chronic asthma D. myocardial infarction

44 Angiography is used for diseases such as aneurisms, atherosclerosis, and ________ that changes or affect the blood vessels. A. emphysema B. thrombosis C. chronic asthma D. myocardial infarction

45 What is the difference between a thrombus and an embolus?

46 Both are blood clots A thrombus is stationary An embolus moves

47 The echocardiogram uses a transducer that transmits ____________ to take readings about the heart. A. sound B. chemical C. electrical D. electrolyte

48 The echocardiogram uses a transducer that transmits ____________ to take readings about the heart. A. sound B. chemical C. electrical D. electrolyte

49 Identify the following dysrhythmia.


51 Identify the following rhythm.


53 Identify the following dysrhythmia.


55 Identify the following dysrhythmia(s).

56 Identify the following dysrhythmia(s). Ventricular tachycardia to ventricular fibrillation

57 What three things should you do for this patient?

58 What four things should you do for this patient? 1. check monitor – electrodes, gain 2. Check CAB 3. call 911/MD 4. get AED

59 Identify the following dysrhythmia.

60 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Normal sinus rhythm with unifocal PVC’s

61 Identify the following dysrhythmia.

62 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Sinus Tachycardia

63 Identify the following dysrhythmia.


65 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Atrial flutter

66 Identify the following dysrhythmia.



69 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Ventricular Bigimeny


71 What is the rate of this rhythm?

72 What is the rate of this rhythm? About 60 BPM – PVC’s are not counted as they don’t produce blood flow.

73 Identify the following dysrhythmia.



76 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Ventricular tachycardia

77 Identify the following dysrhythmia.

78 Identify the following dysrhythmia. NSR with PVC couplets

79 Identify the following rhythm.

80 Identify the following rhythm. Normal sinus rhythm

81 Identify the following dysrhythmia.

82 Identify the following dysrhythmia. Third degree heart block

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