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World history A UNIT 11 LESSON 9 “Mapping Africa” OLS : Unit 11 Lesson 9 H.O TEXBOOK : PG 487-489 STUDENt PGS : Pg 174-175 True or False: What continent.

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Presentation on theme: "World history A UNIT 11 LESSON 9 “Mapping Africa” OLS : Unit 11 Lesson 9 H.O TEXBOOK : PG 487-489 STUDENt PGS : Pg 174-175 True or False: What continent."— Presentation transcript:

1 World history A UNIT 11 LESSON 9 “Mapping Africa” OLS : Unit 11 Lesson 9 H.O TEXBOOK : PG 487-489 STUDENt PGS : Pg 174-175 True or False: What continent is Egypt located?! A) Africa B) Asia C) Europe D) America Website! www.mhagelgans.

2 Student Expectations… Here’s what I expect you to do as a part of this class. When we all do these things we’ll have an awesome class! respond when my name is called I will respond when my name is called. respond to polling I will respond to polling prompts. ask and answer questions I will ask and answer questions. complete class work, take notes, submit exit tickets I will complete class work, take notes, submit exit tickets. collaborate in groups I will collaborate in groups if placed into breakout rooms. demonstrate respect I will demonstrate respect for my classmates and teachers. EVERYONE needs a working mic. Call 1-866-K12-care if it’s not working. Let’s get it fixed! Marking yourself “away” means you are not in class and will miss important parts of the lesson.

3  7.1.7.B: Explain and locate places and regions as defined by physical and human features  7.2.7.A: Explain the characteristics of places and regions  Students will locate on a map the Sahara, and Namib deserts, the Nile, Congo, and Niger Rivers; the equatorial rain forest; the savanna and the Sahel.  Students will define rain forest, Sahel, desert, and savanna.  Students will explore the physical characteristics of Africa through video How does the variety in African geography explain its diverse populations?!

4 Africa is so big you can fit three landmasses the size of the United States inside it Africa contains the world’s longest river? What is it?! AND the largest desert? What is it?! LET’S EXPLORE THE CONTINENT FURTHER!

5 Desert Rain forest Sahel Savanna

6 Desert: A dry area, which receives less than 10 inches of precipitation per year Rain Forest: Tropical woodland with an annual rainfall of at least 100 inches Savanna: A tropical grassland containing a few scattered trees Sahel: Semi-dry area that stretches across north central Africa along southern edges of the Sahara; a transition zone between the desert area of the north and the moister regions near the equator

7 For the rest of class we will be discussing some of the key features of African Geography. We are going to use Disney Movies and other pop culture clips to explore the region! I want to give you, the student, the choice on how you would like to continue. If you would like to stick with me, discuss the information and work together to answer your google doc you may. If you would like to move down to a breakout room and navigate the PowerPoint by yourself you are welcome! You have 30 second to make your decision! Use the Google Doc below to assess your knowledge of today’s information: VEnHz6rupkGwJG0H4T_w9lFlD6 6oyokW6tWNpQ/viewform


9  largest desert in the world  Approximately 3,500,000 square miles  Covers almost one-third of the continent  Not all flat sand: rock-strew plains, sand dunes, mountains  Almost no rainfall /watch?v=tFTpWy_gnVY

10  Flows North into the Mediterranean Sea  Longest river in the world (4, 160 miles long What civilization did we discuss that relied on the Nile River?! What were the reeds called the grew on this rivers banks that made the regions first paper?


12  Transition zone between the desert and the rain forest near the equator  Stretches across north central Africa along the southern edge of the Sahara  Semi-dry zone

13 Based on what you know about the word Desert. What do you think the word Desertification means? Why might this be a problem for the Sahel region?


15  Tropical grassland with a few scattered trees  2 seasons: wet (May – Oct) and dry (Oct – April) kKrUzUk#aid=P93Qjyj Fz_A

16 Mt. Kilimanjaro  Tallest free-standing mountain in the world  Elevation of 19,336 feet  Dormant volcano unt+Kilimanjaro,+Rombo,+Kilimanjaro,+T anzania&hl=en&ll=- 3.073491,37.33526&spn=0.048082,0.0845 43&sll=30.511252,31.191387&sspn=0.0829 67,0.169086&oq=mt+ki&t=h&hnear=Mt+ Kilimanjaro&z=14&layer=c&cbll=- 3.073491,37.33526&panoid=fqbDWJGIUr 4bK-f2zUjqFQ&cbp=12,189.59,,0,12.88


18 Tropical Rain Forest  Receives around 100 inches of rain a year  Has broad-leafed evergreen trees  Wooded area /watch?v=-WcHPFUwd6U



21 Please turn in your google doc for assessment credit! Complete your Online School Assessment for Unit 11 Lesson 9 Want/Need help?! Head down to the breakout room and work together! Use the polling!

22 Tonight : Complete Unit 11 Lesson 9 Assessment. Work on your treasure hunt! For Tomorrow : Unit 11 Lesson 9 Coming up : Pssas! Do those pathways “A hug can make a difference”

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