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Digital storytelling & ePortfolios for language teaching & learning Research, stories & ideas Australia, Alaska, Yukon Dr Debra Hoven Athabasca University,

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Presentation on theme: "Digital storytelling & ePortfolios for language teaching & learning Research, stories & ideas Australia, Alaska, Yukon Dr Debra Hoven Athabasca University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital storytelling & ePortfolios for language teaching & learning Research, stories & ideas Australia, Alaska, Yukon Dr Debra Hoven Athabasca University, Canada ADFI University of Southern Queensland October 31 2014

2 My story today … Why I am here … & why are you …? What is digital storytelling? Pedagogical roles, uses, purposes Bilingual, bicultural & immersion programs Language recovery & revitalization Some examples Technology options: what you can do How to & with what?


4 Where am I living now? Canada/images/canada_3000.jpg

5 So what is digital storytelling? Your ideas?

6 So what is digital storytelling? 1…/2 –My ideas? “traditional” stories recorded &/or illustrated in digital format Sharing stories of life experiences or special events through digital media Online logs, journals &/or stories (can be static or interactive) … or …

7 So what is digital storytelling? 2 …/2 … Biographical or autobiographical narrations through or supported by digital media Collaborative group or community projects about experiences shared or of shared concern or interest Personal &/or emotional reactions to &/or narrations of critical educational, personal or family experiences/events

8 So what is digital storytelling? –Can be … Reflective Sharing Presentation Showcase Multimedia Experiential Experimental E-portfolio …. & etc

9 Digital storytelling: Purposes 1 …/2 –Literacy: L1, L2 … L# + multimedia or digital literacy –(re-)connecting with heritage/family cultures, traditions & values/beliefs –Inter-generational communication –Means of expression –Model for other learners/ family members –Avenue of creativity &/or …

10 Digital storytelling: Purposes 2 …/2 … –Fun & motivating –Make mainstream curriculum more meaningful –Help learners find their own L2 “voice” –Link L1 persona, confidence & communication skills with L2 or L# –Collaborative (inter-generational) creation & sharing of knowledge –Teaching/learning technical skills … etc

11 Digital storytelling: diverse but similar ideas Some example definitions –Michael Williams: Australian aboriginal man –Maniituq Thompson: Inuit woman

12 An Australian Aboriginal Perspective …

13 On digital storytelling in aboriginal education

14 An Inuit Perspective …

15 … on digital storytelling in bilingual education in Nunavut …

16 Language for real purposes & audience 1/ …2 Writing/scripting –Grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, genre, register, audience, interest Communicating a message Organizing ideas

17 Language for real purposes & audience 2/ …2 Low to high language proficiency Choice of use of multiple media Choice of mode Learner-created content  personally meaningful & motivating Range of contexts & applications across curriculum 

18 Language & culture recovery & revitalization Some examples … (see handout) –Alaska: Russian Mission School, W. Alaska Yup’ik immersion school, Bethel, W. Alaska Marshall School Student blogs & wikis Alaska Native Knowledge Network

19 Russian Mission School Example of student-created culturally-embedded digital story … (Powerpoint) Outside is our school ctions/student_research_action/russian% 20mission/index.html

20 Ayaprun Elitnaurvik Yup’ik immersion school (video) 03/charter.php

21 Marshall School 2C+AK (wiki) 2C+AK

22 Nenana Project (Digital stories & songs)

23 Suzi’s blog

24 Kyle’s story

25 Language & culture recovery & revitalization Some Australian examples … –Ara Irititja Project l –Waltja Project Ngapartji Ngapartji Project dex.html

26 Ara Irititja Project

27 Waltja Project

28 Some how-to tools

29 Ngapartji Ngapartji Project … says it all …

30 Thank you!! Questions? Comments?

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