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Performance Does Count- Performance Management Faye Bound Bound Consulting Group 29 August 2014

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Does Count- Performance Management Faye Bound Bound Consulting Group 29 August 2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Does Count- Performance Management Faye Bound Bound Consulting Group 29 August 2014

2 Performance Management  What is it?  Why is it important?

3 Importance  Build Trust  Comply with Code of Conduct  Develop strong, long lasting relationships  Achieve productivity and quality

4 TRUST-ABC A-Able B-Believable C-Connected D-Dependable

5 Consequences  Legal aspects  Mediation  Poor morale  Sick leave  Deadlines missed  High Turnover  Lack of respect for you!

6 Context It is not a form filling out exercise!!

7 Definition  Typically it is defined as: an integrated and planned system for identifying opportunities for the continuous improvement of the organisation’s performance through its people.  Conversations

8 It involves:  Defining work goals and standards-linked to the organisation’s mission and values  Monitoring and measuring performance  Actively managing performance through feedback and coaching  Maximising learning and development  Providing an environment that influences positive and consistent behaviours and attitudes  Constructive corrective feedback and  Constructive acknowledging feedback

9 Expectations  Setting the scene for performance Meeting Expectations Exceeding Expectations Development Required Needs Improvement (not meeting expectations)

10 Perceptions Perceptions are formed by: Experience Beliefs Values They are real for us!

11 Habit Knowledge Skills Attitude - Desire Source: Stephen R Covey: Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

12 Change… “A round man cannot be expected to fit into a square hole right away. He must have time to modify his shape.” Mark Twain

13 Resistance to Change

14 Influence vs Concern Concern Influence No Control Direct Control Indirect Control Covey, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

15 Culture  Culture is what is created from the messages that are received about how people are expected to behave in your organisation. Corporate Vision

16 Culture  Culture Management is Message Management  “The way things are done around here” Behaviours Systems Symbols Unwritten Ground Rules (UGRs)

17 To Leave a Legacy (SPIRIT) Meaning and Contribution Whole Person Paradigm

18 Needs of Your Teams  Mind  Body  Heart  Spirit

19 Emotional Intelligence Relationship Management Self- Management Self- Awareness Social Awareness Daniel Goleman

20 Listening

21 Actual Performance Choices Beliefs & Values = Primary Drivers Attitude = Mindset Skills Bank = Applications Behaviours = Responses Performance = Result Stephen R. Covey

22 As a leader: What do you sell? Messages!! Success is relative: It is what we can make of the mess we have made of things. T.S. Elliott

23 Honest Conversations “..our work, our relationships, and in fact, our very lives, succeed or fail gradually, then suddenly, one conversation at a time.” Susan Scott

24 Feedback  Are you clear about what you want to achieve?  Are you well prepared to explain?  Are you well prepared to listen?  Are you well prepared for the reaction?

25 Feedback  Focuses on behaviour, rather than the person  Describes, rather than judges  Explores alternatives  Is given in a way sensitive to their needs

26 Giving Feedback  Setting the tone  Listening  Picking up on cues  Encouraging Problem Solving  Open Questions  The Environment  Be an explorer first!!!

27 Critical Roles of a Coach  To Educate  To Challenge  To Develop  To Counsel  To Confront

28 Empowerment  To enable  To help people develop a sense of self-efficacy  To overcome causes of powerlessness or helplessness  To energise people to take action  To mobilise intrinsic excitement factors in work

29 Defining Terms  Responsibility Is a before the fact mindset of personal ownership and commitment to a result  Self-Empowerment Is taking personal action and risk to ensure agreed upon result  Accountability Is a personal willingness, after the fact, to answer for outcomes produced

30 Delegation  Discretion – how much responsibility  Monitoring – task, results achieved  Accountability – degree of authority for decision making

31 Managing Performance Is your integrity in tact? Do your employees respect you?

32 Next Steps  What do you, as a leader, plan to do now?  Stop  Start  Continue

33 Managing People What is your next performance challenge? Faye Bound Bound Consulting Group

34 References  Cherniss, C. and Adler, M. (2000). Promoting Emotional Intelligence in Organizations. Alexandria, Virginia: ASTD.  Golman,D. and Boyatzis, R. and McKee, A. (2002)The New Leaders, Transforming the Art of Leadership into the Science of Results. Great Britain: Time Warner Books  Goleman, D. (1998a). Working with emotional intelligence. New York: Bantam Books.  Goleman, D. (1998b). What makes a leader? Harvard Business Review, November-December.  Covey, Stephen, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People”, The Business Library, 1989  The Power of Culture, AIM Management Today Series; McGraw Hill 2004 S Simpson UGRs: cracking the corporate culture code, Narnia house Publishing, Queensland, 2000  Developing Management Skills, Carpopio, Andrewartha Armstrong, 2 nd edition 2001, Pearson Education Australia

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