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Chaired by David Burrowes MP for Enfield #hardedges Hard Edges: Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage.

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Presentation on theme: "Chaired by David Burrowes MP for Enfield #hardedges Hard Edges: Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chaired by David Burrowes MP for Enfield and Southgate @APPGComplexNeed @DavidBurrowesMP #hardedges Hard Edges: Mapping Severe and Multiple Disadvantage in England

2 Today’s speakers: Alice Evans, Director at LankellyChase - @lankellychase @AliceMevans @lankellychase Darren Murinas, Vice Chair Stoke Expert Citizens - @darrenmurinas @ExpertCitizens Gill Brown, Chief Executive at Brighter Futures - @BFNW @gillBrown7 @BFNW@gillBrown7 The Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP, Government Policy Minister - @OliverLetwinMP @OliverLetwinMP #hardedges

3 Severe and Multiple Disadvantage in England : A Profile of People Affected by Homelessness, Substance Dependency and Offending Suzanne Fitzpatrick & Glen Bramley (Professors of Social Policy and Urban Studies; )

4 Scale & Overlap 58,000 in core SMD3 group 164,000 in SMD2 364,000 in SMD1 586,000 in total

5 Families/Children 85-90% of cases in Supporting People dataset are ‘single homeless’

6 Geography All three main administrative sources tell a very similar story. SMD is concentrated in - core northern cities - declining industrial towns and ports - seaside resorts - some central London boroughs Difference of 10x from lowest to highest (in prevalence) But SMD cases found in all LAs

7 Childhood Experiences

8 Background

9 Social Support

10 SMD and Service Outcomes

11 Women & girls at risk: Evidence across the life course (McNeish & Scott) “Compared with the sexual abuse of boys, the sexual abuse of girls is more likely to perpetrated by family members, to begin at an earlier age and to occur repeatedly” “Women with multiple problems often end up in the mental health system or secure mental health services instead of prison” “From a young age responses to adversity, including abuse, tend to be differentiated by gender, with boys more likely to externalise problems (and act out anger and distress through asb) and girls more likely to internalise their responses in the form of depression and self-harming behaviours”

12 Converging disadvantage Structural disadvantage (poverty of your environment) Familial disadvantage (childhood experiences) Systemic disadvantage (how services and society responds) PLACE NRU/SEU Individual agency Wealth as protective factor Removes social contact Victim/prepetrator (DV) LA funding formula Service sticking plaster Gender/BME

13 Discussion #hardedges Chaired by David Burrowes MP - @APPGComplexNeed @Davidburrowesmp Alice Evans, Director at LankellyChase - @lankellychase @AliceMevans Darren Murinas, Vice Chair Stoke Expert Citizens - @darrenmurinas @ExpertCitizens Gill Brown, Chief Executive at Brighter Futures - @BFNW @gillBrown7 The Rt Hon Oliver Letwin MP, Government Policy Minister - @OliverLetwinMP

14 Details of the next meeting – TBC You can find more information on the APPG or contact us via: WEBSITE: TWITTER: EMAIL:

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