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SEN Data Audit January 2015. SEND by Year group SEND by need.

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Presentation on theme: "SEN Data Audit January 2015. SEND by Year group SEND by need."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEN Data Audit January 2015

2 SEND by Year group

3 SEND by need

4 The three waves of SEND Wave 1: In class support Wave 2: Interventions Wave 3: Funded support (Statement or EHCP)

5 The 3 Waves of SEND Wave 1: Visual timetables Visual cue cards Lanyards Seating plans Now and next systems with choosing time Rest breaks Green overlays and green boards Daily readers TA support Numicon Time out areas Reward charts and praise systems Buddy systems Task boards Resource trays (Numeracy) Timers Carpet spots Regular communication meetings / bks.

6 Wave 2

7 SEND by Wave

8 So far this academic year: -SEND data audit -Updated IEPs -Staff training -Good practice session (wave 1) in staff meetings -Vulnerable pupil slot following pupil progress -SENCo training -Volunteer training -Training of NQTs in borough

9 SEND reform Action Plan 2014 ActionOutcomeBy whomTimescale Create two categories of SEN removal of SA / SA+ and statemented categories to 2 SEN categories within the school. 3 wave approach within a provision map. PR in liaison with staffby summer 2015 using a phased transfer approach (by year group) Clear maps of all provision within the school. SENDCO and staff have a clear and summative view of the send provision within the school / year group / class. Removal of IEPs. PR and teaching staffPR will crate audit of provision by Christmas CPD for staff Quality First Teaching (wave 1) will create opportunities for SEND children to learn within the classroom. Utilising internal knowledge and skills (e.g. Dyslexia, Autism) to support staff. Some external training where necessary for staff Internal training for staff on Autism and Dyslexia by Christmas. Behaviour management strategies and speech therapy strategies training sourced externally in Spring term. Lead governor for SEN SEN governor to oversee reform of SEN with the school. Support of SEN working party. Tom Barwood Polly Ross Named governor from Sept. 2014, working party from Set. 2014. Changes implemented by December 2016. Training for SENDCO SENDCO fully aware of changes in legislation and best practice within schools. Polly Ross – University of Hertfordshire (Cambridge course). Course completed August 2015. Revised SEN policy Up to date information on the way in which SEND pupils are provided for within the setting. Details of how we communicate with parents and outside organisations. Polly Ross, Sharon Baker, Nicola Mason. October 2014

10 Local Offer (SEN info. Report) Clear outlined provision on website and on local authority “local offer” website. Polly RossSeptember / October 2014 Agree provision of new EHCP plans Over 3 years all pupils transferred onto an EHCP plan. New pupils will arrive with an EHCP plan, removal of statements. SEND team and Polly RossBy September 2017 all statements removed (3 year transfer process). Synchronise SEN provision with medical provision All medical support for pupils will meet new statutory guidance. Including practical outline of provision and training for staff. Polly Rossby December 2014 Named staff for medical policy review Policy up to date and compliant with statutory guidance. By December 2014 Up to date care plans Each child to have a detailed up to date care plan for medical needs on going

11 New directions: Wave 1: Further staff inset from SENDCo Further sharing of resources and good practice Use of one page profile across school Wave 2: Development of Numicon group in each year gp. Wave 3: Development of person centred review meetings Website – SEND section

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