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Wanaque School District

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1 Wanaque School District
Budget Presentation April 28, “Providing an enriched academic and social foundation that fosters a love of learning”

2 BOARD OF EDUCATION Robert Barnhardt – President Dana Imbasciani – Vice President Charles Strobel Richard McFarlane Jill Nitkinas Tom Paster Daniel Sinclair Suzin Triolo Danielle Liautaud-Watkins

3 WELCOME AGENDA Donna Cardiello, Superintendent
Budget Goals Nancy Di Bartolo, Business Administrator Revenue Expenditures QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION

4 Overall Budget Goal To provide the best possible educational program for Wanaque School District children while exercising the utmost diligence in the expenditure of public funds.

5 Budget Goals for The implementation of a new Integrated Pre-School Program in both schools Two additional teachers, one in each building to support our special needs population Three sections of Kindergarten at Haskell School To enhance student achievement and support the social and emotional development for all students To maintain class section sizes at educationally appropriate levels for To maintain and enhance the Board’s investment in educational and administrative technology To meet Federal and State regulations for mandated programs To maintain programs such as Reading Recovery, Homework Assistance and Academic Support To meet the curriculum revision process timeline as mandated by the State of New Jersey To continue implementation in of AchieveNJ Educators Evaluation for New Jersey teachers and administrators. To continue to provide high quality staff development opportunities to faculty and staff To maintain school buildings and grounds, and ensure a healthy and safe environment To meet the Board’s contractual salary and benefit obligations

6 What’s New for the 15/16 budget?
1) Increase in Capital Outlay for Capital Projects: Partial Roof Replacement at Wanaque School Kindergarten blacktop replacement at Wanaque School 2) Additional Teachers: Kindergarten LLD Special Education Resource 3) PreK Integrated Program in both Schools $450K

State Aid Implementation of Common Core State Standards Special Education Costs for Out of District Placements Health Benefit Costs Unfunded State Mandates HIB Achieve NJ PARCC Assessments 14

Scrutinize the budget and carefully review expenditures Review personnel and consider the most cost efficient means to address student needs Use in-house maintenance personnel where practical Technology Services – Shared service with Manchester Regional High School Cooperatively purchase supplies, utilities, and services Transportation cooperative with Passaic County Educational Services Commission and Ringwood Public Schools Curriculum Articulation – Tri-District coordination with Lakeland Regional and Ringwood Public Schools

9 COST CONTAINMENT cont. Tri-District Community Drug and Alcohol Awareness Program with Lakeland Regional and Ringwood Public Schools Borough of Wanaque provides assistance with snow removal, salting, trash and recycling services, etc. Instrumental Music Program at Lakeland Regional High School beginning in September 2015.

10 Sources of Revenue 2014-2015 vs 2015-2016
Budget Proposed Budget Difference $ Difference % % of Budget Local Taxes $13,753,723 $14,098,942 $345,219 2.51% 77.35% State Aid $3,019,653 $3,004,014 -$15,639 -0.52% 16.48% Revenues from Federal Sources $433,012 $362,263 -$70,749 -16.34% 1.99% Budget Fund Balance $302,982 $273,278 -$29,704 -9.80% 1.50% Withdrawal from Capital Reserve $150,000 $400,000 $250,000 166.67% 2.19% Tuition, Int & Misc Rev $80,000 $90,000 $10,000 12.50% 0.49% $17,739,370 $18,228,497 $489,127 2.76% 100.00%

11 Sources of Revenue

12 Thanks for Special Sources of Revenue
PTA Contributions Wanaque Haskell Education Foundation

13 Out of District Tuition
Where does the money go? Out of District Tuition Professional Services Utilities Repairs & Maintenance Transportation Supplies Salaries

14 Required spending takes up a large part of the District’s budget

15 Required Spending: Contracted Salaries Contracted Health Benefits
Mandated Special Education Spending Tuition – Out of District Placements Mandated Professional Services (Attorney, Auditor) Essential Building Maintenance ( Utilities, Custodial, Repairs, Maintenance) Transportation Mandated Insurances State Mandated Testing (PARCC)

16 Discretionary Spending:
Textbooks (Hard Cover & On-line) New/Additional Technology Hardware Enhancements Optional Instructional Software General Supplies Construction Improvements to programs, instruction or facilities Teacher training/Professional Development (evolving into mandated cost)

17 2014-2015 vs. 2015-2016 Expenditure Analysis Chart
Expense Category % of Total % of Total2 Increase/Decrease Regular Education Programs $4,638,629 28.7% $4,681,133 28.1% 0.92% Special Education $3,034,723 18.8% $3,105,115 18.7% 2.32% Tuition $734,565 4.5% $738,300 4.4% 0.51% Support Services (Health, Media, Guidance, CST, Speech) $1,450,353 9.0% $1,369,577 8.2% -5.57% Improvement of Instruction $244,971 1.5% $261,453 1.6% 6.73% Administration $1,486,442 9.2% $1,431,497 8.6% -3.70% Plant Maintenance/Capital Outlay $1,467,944 9.1% $1,682,039 10.1% 14.58% Transportation $698,569 4.3% $670,000 4.0% -4.09% Employee Benefits $2,391,852 14.8% $2,691,868 16.2% 12.54% Total $16,148,048 $16,630,982 2.99% Administration includes legal and professional fees, liability insurance, technology, board of education training and salaries.

18 Comparison of Appropriations 2014-2015 vs. 2015-2016

19 Estimated Tax Increase
This budget represents a Tax Increase on Average Assessed Home($248,043) of $76.37 per year. Actual 2015 Proposed 2016 Total Tax Levy Needed $13,753,723 $14,098,942 Tax Levy Increase $ $345,219 Tax Levy Increase % 2.51% School Taxes $3,043 $3,119 $ Increase $76.37

20 Questions?? Thank you for your continued support of the children of the Wanaque School District. Please submit any questions to the Business Administrator at

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