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Supralaryngeal Anatomy
Muscles of Face Facial muscles are devoid of facial sheaths (characteristic of skeletal muscle) Size, shape & extent of development depend on age dentition sex Lips are most mobile
Facial Muscles Risorius Orbicularis Oris Mentalis Levator Labii
Superioris Risorius Depressor Anguli Oris Orbicularis Oris Mentalis
Orbicularis Oris Principal muscle acting on the lips
Oval ring of muscle encircling mouth Paired: upper & lower muscles (superior & inferior), functional differentiation Acts as point of insertion for many other muscles Function: Protrude & close lips, compress, contract, extend, rounding
Obicularis Oris
Buccinator “Bugler’s muscle” Lies deep to the risorius
Originates on the pterygomandibular ligament Inserts into the lower orbicularis oris Function: Compresses the lips & cheeks against the teeth & draws the corners of mouth laterally; primarily involved in mastication, moves food onto grinding surface of the molars, contraction constricts the oropharynx
Buccinator Pterygomandibular Ligament
Levator Anguli Oris Arises from the canine fossa of the maxilla (lower part of orbit) Inserts into upper & lower lips Function: Draws the corner of the mouth up and medial-ward (spreads lips)
Levator Anguli Oris Canine Fossa of Maxilla
Levator Labii Superioris
Originates from the infraorbital margin of the maxilla (lower part of orbit) Insertion into the mid-lateral region of the upper lip Function: Elevation of the upper lip
Levator Labii Superioris
Infraorbital margin of Maxilla
Zygomatic Major Arises on the zygomatic bone Courses obliquely Inserts into the corner of the obicularis oris Function: Elevates and retracts the angle of the mouth, as in the gesture of smiling
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Originates oblique line of mandible, runs upward Insert into the lower lip and orbicularis oris Function: Depresses the corners of the mouth and, by virtue of attachment to lower lip, help compress the lower lip to the upper lip
Depressor Labii Inferioris
Mentalis Origin from incisive fossa of mandible, inserting into skin of chin below (lower gum in area of mandibular teeth) Function: contraction elevates and wrinkles the chin and pulls the lower lip out
Masseter Originates for zygomatic arch
Insert into angle & lateral surface of the ramus of the mandible Function: Closes jaw & retracts the mandible
Facial Muscles Obicularis oris, inferior & superior muscles:
Lip protrusion, closure, retraction, elevation & depression Risorius & Buccinator: Assist in retraction of the lips & support entrapment of air within the oral cavity Levator labii superioris, zygomatic minor: Elevate upper lip Depressor labii inferioris: Depresses lower lip Zygomatic major: Elevates & contracts corners of mouth
Muscles of the Mouth Extrinsic & intrinsic muscles of the tongue
Muscles for soft palate elevation
Tongue Occupies the floor of the mouth
Extrinsic muscles: moves tongue into different positions or regions in the mouth Intrinsic muscles: Shapes tongue into contours; fine graded control of the articulatory gestures Primarily involved in mastication & deglutition Movement of food Position food for chewing Propel it backward for swallowing
Tongue Dorsum: Superior surface Tip or Apex: Anterior-most portion
Base: In oropharynx Palatine surface: Portion of surface in oral cavity; 2/3 of tongue Lingual Frenulum: Underside of tongue; Joins inferior tongue & mandible; stabilizing tongue during movement
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Two pairs of muscles running longitudinally, transversely & vertically Interact in a delicate fashion to produce the rapid, delicate articulations for speech & nonspeech activities
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Superior Longitudinal: Courses along the length of tongue Upper layer of tongue Originates from fibrous submucous layer near epiglottis Fibers fan forward & outward to insert into the lateral margins of the tongue & apex region Function: Elevate tongue tip, pulls tongue to one side (toward side of contraction)
Superior & Inferior Longitudinal Muscles
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Inferior Longitudinal Muscle: Originates at the root of the tongue & corpus hyoid Fibers course to apex of tongue Occupies lower sides of tongue (absent in medial tongue base) Function: Depresses tongue tip; assist in retraction of the tongue; Contraction to one side pulls tongue in that direction & downward
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Transverse Muscles: Function: to narrow tongue; Pulls edges toward midline Fibers originate at the median fibrous septum & course laterally to insert into side of the tongue
Transverse & Vertical Muscles
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles
Vertical Muscles: Run at right angles to the transverse muscles Course from base of tongue and insert into the membranous cover Function: Flatten tongue; Pulls tongue down into the floor of the mouth
Intrinsic Tongue Muscles Inferior Longitudinal
Superior Longitudinal Coronal Vertical Muscles Transverse Muscles Inferior Longitudinal
Extrinsic Muscles Genioglossus: Prime mover, most of deeper bulk
Arises from inner mandibular surface and fans to insert into the tip & dorsum of the tongue Medial position Function: 1. Withdraw tongue into mouth 2. Pull tongue tip down, lower the tongue 3. Protrude the tongue 4. Pull tongue root & dorsum anteriorly
Extrinsic Muscles Hyoglossus:
Arises from greater cornu & lateral body of the hyoid Inserts into the sides of the tongue between the styloglossus & inferior longitudinal Function: Pulls sides of tongue down
Extrinsic Muscles Styloglossus:
Originates from antero-lateral margin of styloid process Inserts into inferior sides of tongue; divides to insert into inferior longitudinal & hyoglossus Function: Draws tongue back & up
Extrinsic Muscles Palatoglossus: Muscle of the tongue & velum
Function: Depress the soft palate or elevating the back of the tongue
Velopharyngeal Anatomy
Soft palate & its relationship with the pharyngeal wall Muscles here run from skull and insert somewhere in palate Muscles important for speech-Cleft palate Three sounds in English that require velum to be depressed- n, m, ing
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