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Anvil Media Uses Linkedln Brand Building

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1 Anvil Media Uses Linkedln Brand Building

2 Agenda History Case summary Strategy Anvil Media and Linkedln Results
Case Study Questions Purpose of the case study is: Understand how Linkedin can be used for social media marketing? Understand how it might be used differently from Facebook and MySpace in marketing campaigns?

3 Anvil Media History Kent Lewis Founded in 2000
Search Engine Marketing/ SEO Purpose Josh In 2000, Kent Lewis became founder and President of Anvil Media Inc Integrated marketing agency, specialize in search engine marketing, pay-per-click management, public relations, and social media marketing. Purpose is “To move our clients’ businesses forward by identifying new opportunities across the digital marketing and broader business landscapes

4 The Anvil Effect Josh

5 Case Summary SEO for Kent Lewis and his company
Flatten out six degree of separation Profile optimization via LinkedIn Ken Lewis wanted to use SEO for himself and his company in order to better increase his online presence by gaining prestige via LinkedIn. Lewis curated personal connections on LinkedIn. He wanted to flatten out Six degrees of separation. Six degrees of separation is the theory that everyone and everything is six or fewer steps away from any other person in the world. so that a chain of "a friend of a friend" statements can be made to connect any two people in a maximum of six steps. Lewis wanted to be relevant and accessible as easy as possible. LinkedIn became the meticulous crafted platform to allow indexing of keywords relevant to himself or his company.

6 Strategies Continuously cultivate company’s reputation and brand
Quality connections “People you many know” on LinkedIn Profile optimization to gain control of brand Ana- Linkedin answers was used so people could ask questions about his company and he could personally respond therefore impacting likelihood customers may want to business with his company. Ken: Recommendations from current and past peers. Recommendations show quality and depth. Keyword optimization on Linkedin profile that would show up in Google and LinkedIn search results. With pertinent descriptions of past experience. Leverage applications that had links back to linkedin. Those applications showcased his companies talent and his experience.

7 LinkedIn Linkedln polls to develop credibility Linkedln’s “best
answers” Ana-

8 Results Connect with key clients Secure outside engagements
Prove company and self competent Maggie

9 Case Questions 1. How did connecting with quality industry contracts bridge the gap between Anvil Media and the people they would like to meet? 2. Why should one seek recommendation from people on LinkedIn? Jose 1) By requesting introductionsfrom existing contacts and through the use of “People you may know” feature he was able to proactively connect with prospective clients and partners. 2) Seeking recommendations from people on LinkedIn can strengthe the profile of a member, it shows quality and depth of experience. Receiving testimonials from people that have work with you adds credibility to your profile and yourself. Usually, members of LinkedIn use the strategy of “give-to-get”, meaning give a recommendation to get one in return. (Lewis reached out to associates from every line item of his experience with a request for recommendation)

10 Case Questions 3. Why is it important to optimize a LinkedIn profile with keywords? 4. What is the value of adding applications such as SlideShare and WordPress to a LinkedIn profile? 3) It is imprtant because it can improve your own website search rankings, help profile standout from most other profiles. this information also shows up in LinkedIn and Google so when people search the keyword you inserted your profile pops up on their screen. 4)The value of adding such applications is that one can discover and learn from other individuals and organizations on topics that range from business, travel, health and education. It allows an organization to share content that matters to its customers. Can upload pictures, video, presentacions, documents Wordpress can be used as a full content management system, blogging site through its use of plugins and widgets. One has access to forums and mailing lists.

11 Case Questions 5. How can LinkedIn answers be used to showcase a person’s expertise to a broader audience? 5) LinkedIn answers can be used to showcase a users expertise by answering questions that one is knowledgable about. Then people read the answers and select answers as “best answer”. People often share answers or even contact you directly for your service.

12 Discussion Questions Are nonprofits more likely to use non commercial social media outlets? Are Facebook or LinkedIn the most popular social media outlets? Why? Ken Question 1 and 2 Whats app used in Mexico, Brazil, S. Africa, India, etc

13 Discussion Questions 3. Why does a company need search engine optimization? 4. How has social media increased Anvil Media’s brand image?

14 Discussion Questions 5. What other sites besides Twitter and SlideShare could Lewis use to better his LinkedIn profile? 6. Do you think having a detailed LinkedIn profile like Lewis will become the norm and does it help job applicants? Maggie Link to Lewis linkedIn account to show how detailed.

15 Discussion Questions 7. Can you think of any companies that could benefit from using Lewis’s social media strategies? 8. Do you think facebook would be as effective as Linkdeln to help Anvil Media build its credibility and brand reputation from? Ana

16 Discussion Questions 9. Can it be intimidating to contact a CEO of a company directly through LinkedIn? 10. Which do you believe to be more effective, recommendations through LinkedIn or traditional recommendations? Jose-elaborate on recs

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