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Dialogue & Dissent and Enabling Environment Cornelius Hacking

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1 Dialogue & Dissent and Enabling Environment Cornelius Hacking

2  Substantial percentage of ODA via CSOs: 2011: € 1211 million (26% of NL – ODA) 2012: € 1109 million (25% of NL – ODA) 2013: € 1100 million (26% of NL – ODA) Always in 3 categories: thematic programmes (± 45%), directly via embassies (± 15%), and capacity building programmes (± 40%).  Despite severe budget cuts there will be only a slight decrease in percentage of ODA to CSOs: 22% expected by 2016. 2 Current Dutch funding of CSOs

3 Background of New policy framework for Capacity building of CSOs  Strengthening Southern CSOs  Support their role as ‘watchdog’.  Connect them to the global agenda.  Provide political backing.  Primarily through Dutch CSOs  Added value of CSOs in povery alleviation, inclusive economic development and for their role in addressing GPGs.  CSOs are an important backbone of a strong society. 3

4 Future collaboration Dutch government with civil society: Strengthening CSOs in lower- and lower-middle income countries  Attention for lobby and advocacy (for in-country service delivery and bringing national issues to global policy arena).  Enabling Environment for CSOs.  Through strategic partnerships and Accountability Fund (additional funding for direct support to CSOs by Embassies); an Innovation Fund will be added to the framework as well. 4 Shift in Dutch Policy towards civil society (implemented from 2016 onwards)

5 Strategic Partnerships  Max. 25 partnerships (min € 2 mln., max € 20 mln. annually)  A strategic partnership is more far-reaching than the relationship between grant provider and grant recipient.  Jointly define strategic goals.  Partners will retain their own identity and respect each other’s fundamental independence. Agreements will be made about roles, tasks, responsibilities and communication. 5

6 Accountability Fund  To support the lobby and advocacy role of local CSOs.  Local CSOs have become stronger in the recent years.  Direct funding of Southern organisations will be intensified.  More direct contact between CSOs and Dutch Embassies.  Enabling environment is essential for CSOs to function. 6

7 7 Enabling Environment – the playing fields of the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1.Co-chair of the GPEDC: influence agenda, multi-stakeholder, monitoring of Busan commitments, etc. 2.Strategic Partnerships: enabling environment for L&A. 3.Bilateral, via Embassies. 4.EU-Roadmaps for engagement with Civil Society. 5.Other donors: member of the International Donor Group (IDG): learn, exchange and cooperate in supporting CSOs. 6.Community of Democracies’ Working Group on Enabling and Protecting Civil Society: calls for action when human rights are likely to be infringed by new laws.

8 8 ….the playing fields…. (cont.): Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment Task Team on CSO Development Effectiveness and Enabling Environment: Objectives:  Strengthen democratic ownership.  Implement an enabling environment for civil society (including donor support models and engagement with civil society.  Further the development effectiveness of CSOs. Activities:  Influence implementation at country level: pilots in partner countries.  Research on multi-stakeholder partnerships  Develop framework and guidelines for the measurability of Enabling Environment.  Input for work on Indicator 2 of the GPEDC  GP-Initiative on inclusiveness and partnerships  Input for work on future SC meetings and HLM of GPEDC.

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