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Mission Command Systems Overview
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Action: Identify the Capabilities and interoperability of the Army Mission Command Systems. Condition: Given a classroom environment with operational Mission Command (MC) Systems, working AMCS network, connected to appropriate Servers and Databases. Standard: A. Identify the Capabilities, Mission, and Interoperability of the Army Mission Command Systems. B. Define GCCS-A, TBC Co-host, BCS, AMDWS, TAIS, AFATDS, DSGS-A, BCS3, and FBCB2. C. Define Mission Command System Components to understand the role of the TMC host and there contribution to the COP. Action: Identify the Capability and interoperability of the Mission Command Systems. Condition: Given a classroom environment with operational Mission Command (MC) Systems, working AMCS network, connected to appropriate Servers and Databases. Standard: A. Definition, Capabilities, Mission, and Interoperability of Mission Command Systems. B. Description of GCCS-A ,TMC Co-Host, BCCS, AMDWS, TAIS, AFATDS, DCGS-A, BCS3, FBCB2. C. Define Mission Command Systems components to understand the role of the TMC Co-Host contribution to the COP
Why bother learning about AMCS ?
Mission Command Systems creates an operational picture of the battlespace through timely presentation of information in various types of formats including voice, data, imagery, graphics, and video in order to enhance the commander's visualization of the battlespace. Battle Command Systems also provides: Integration of the five Battle Functional areas of Maneuver, Fire Support, Air Defense, Intelligence and Combat Service Support Supports mission by integrating the automation and communications systems that link strategic and tactical HQ Interoperable with Joint and Multi-National C2 systems at upper echelons. Both vertical and horizontally integrated at the tactical and operational level. Army Battle Command System (ABCS) enables a digital battlefield that frames an architecture of every stationary and moving platform in the battlespace. It employs a mix of fixed/semi-fixed installations and mobile networks and will be interoperable with theater, joint, and combined command and control systems.
Mission Command Systems
“In 2010, the battlefield will be fully ‘digitized’......The leaders of 2010 must and will be masters of information technology.” - GEN Gordon Sullivan (Retired) GEN Gordon Sullivan, U.S. Army (Ret) Former Chief Army Automation Officer When GEN Gordon R. Sullivan, former Army Chief of Staff, devised his vision for Force XXI in the late 1980’s, it was the beginning of what would take nearly 15 years to see to fruition—the digitized division (and this process is not complete yet!). Former Chief of Staff, GEN Eric K. Shinseki, by contrast, provided the vision of Objective Force in 1999, with a directive to implement by Army Transformation is indeed upon us. Army Transformation is not just about “tracks to wheels” or even “hats to berets.” The rate and impact of this change on warfighting capabilities, training, the development of institutions and the heart of Army culture are of historical proportions. 4
How do Army Mission Command Systems help the Commander?
The common operational picture includes other Army units as well as joint, allied or coalition forces, and enemy, neutral or unknown forces. Each user has the ability to tailor his operational picture to meet his specific needs showing as little or as much information as is desired. Although it is possible for soldiers at different locations to create identical operational picture displays, that is not a primary goal of Battle Command Systems. Battle Command Systems’ essential contribution to C2 is that it provides identical, shared data as the basis of any operational picture that a particular user chooses to display. Commanders command their forces using Battle Command Systems' continuous, high-quality updates of the operational picture to make effective incremental adjustments during execution.
How do Army Mission Command Systems help the Commander?
Answer: By providing a Common Operational Picture (COP) The Mission Command Systems provide a familiar look, touch, sound, and feel to the commander, no matter where the commander is deployed. Information presentation from Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence system interfaces (C4I) are maintained consistently from platform to platform, enabling the commander to focus attention on the mission at hand as well as future operations and planning. The common operational picture includes other Army units as well as joint, allied or coalition forces, and enemy, neutral or unknown forces. Each user has the ability to tailor his operational picture to meet his specific needs showing as little or as much information as is desired. Although it is possible for soldiers at different locations to create identical operational picture displays, that is not a primary goal of Battle Command Systems. Battle Command Systems’ essential contribution to C2 is that it provides identical, shared data as the basis of any operational picture that a particular user chooses to display. Commanders command their forces using Battle Command Systems' continuous, high-quality updates of the operational picture to make effective incremental adjustments during execution.
Definition of Mission Command Systems
- Mission Command Systems support the mission by integrating the automation and communications systems that link strategic and tactical headquarters. - Mission Command Systems are interoperable with joint and multinational C2 systems at upper echelons (Division and above), and it is vertically and horizontally integrated at the tactical and operational levels. Commanders depend on command and control (C2) systems to collect, combine, process, and exchange vital information needed to gain information dominance. The C2 systems in each tactical operations center (TOC) connect forming a local area network (LAN). These systems connected to the TOC LAN enhance C2 of the forces. This class gives an overview of a TOC, LAN, Army Battle Command and Control System (Battle Command Systems). Why use Battle Command Systems? Provides the latest available sustainment C2 on a map-based display. Provides for electronic messaging and data exchange with the Army battle Command System and Movement Tracking System. Battle Command Systems 6.4 allows for a System of Systems (SoS) concept. Ultimately, the SoS will essentially provide the Warfighter with the same type of service that the Internet provides to its customers today. In the commercial environment, customers can access the Internet from separate computers without even knowing the location of the network they are attached to. In the future, the Warfighter will have a similar capability when using the Army Battle Command Systems. Battle Command Systems 6.4 is an integrated set of systems that will allow a Commander to see multiple systems on one screen and seamless pass data from one program to the next. A combined and integrated package of systems allows PMs to work across the network, thus removing stovepipes and saving money for the taxpayer.
Global Command and Control system- Army (GCCS-A)
Provides Army components with automated decision support tools for the planning and executing of military operations that require mobilization, deployment, employment, sustainment, reconstitution, redeployment, and demobilization of U.S. forces that support conventional joint military operations: Strategic - GCCS-Joint: Combination of joint policies, procedures, personnel, training and a reporting structure supported by automated data processing on GCCS. Operational/Tactical - GCCS-Army: Provides a seamless link of information and data from the strategic Global Command and Control System- Joint to the Army corps elements and below. GCCS-J: mission applications Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES)The Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) is the integrated command and control system used to plan and execute joint military operations. It is a combination of joint policies, procedures, personnel, training and a reporting structure supported by automated data processing on GCCS. GCCS-A is the Army's strategic, tactical and theater command and control system (C2). A key component of the Army Battle Command System (ABCS), GCCS-A provides a seamless link of information and data from the strategic Global Command and Control System- Joint to the Army corps elements and below.
Global Command and Control System-Army (GCCS-A)
CAPABILITIES - The Army’s version the Global Command and Control System - Provides a single, Joint battle command system from BCT / Division commander to Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff - Synchronizes battlefield awareness over widely dispersed locations - Utilizes a global map for the COP -Supports Corps-level planning, execution and monitoring The Global Command and Control System – Army (GCCS-A) is the Army’s strategic, theater, and tactical C2 system. GCCS-A is a critical Army Battle Command System that supports the full spectrum of military operations. It provides a seamless link of operational information and critical data from the strategic Global Command and Control System. GCCS-A assists in mission planning, deployment support, operations in theater and redeployment. It provides a common picture of Army tactical operations to the Joint and Coalition community and delivers joint asset visibility to the Army to facilitate operations. GCCS-A is the Commander’s Battle Command asset for force planning and projection, readiness and situational awareness and is the system of record for theater Army headquarters world-wide. GCCS-A provides: Force readiness, planning, projection, and situational awareness. Force employment (receipt of forces, intra-operational planning, readiness, force tracking and other operational level mission applications). Joint Common Operational Picture (COP) with supporting status and intelligence information. Where would you find GCCS? Div and above.
GCCS-A Common Operating Picture (COP)
- Common map source – Compressed ARC Digitized Raster Graphics (CADRG) in various military scales - Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) - Common Imagery Base (CIB) - 1m, 5m & 10m resolution - Common look and feel across AMCS GCCS-A displays GCCS-A provides the joint view for the Common Operating Picture (COP). It gives the locations of Army forces at echelons above corps (EAC) as well as joint and coalition units, aircraft, vessels and facilities. GCCS-A modules interface with shared components of the ABCS and with the joint C2 mission applications provided by the Global Command and Control System (GCCS). Useful time to discuss the common digital map products that ABCS uses. Mapping products ultimately come National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) - one of our ABCS is designed to “acquire” those digital products (DTSS). Maps are generally stored on our servers so that all of ABCS has access to them
Tactical Mission Command Host
(CPOF) - Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) is a command-level decision support system with the primary purpose of providing situational awareness and real-time collaborative tools to support the military decision-making process (MDMP). Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) is used at all echelons from battalion through Army Service Component Command (ASCC). Battalion level near real time but sends information back to command tactical information. *NOTE* MCS is being phased out as a stand alone application and is being incorporated into CPOF as a Tactical Battle Command Co-Hosted Solution (TBC Co-Host) The Maneuver Control System (MCS) environment is viewed differently depending upon the task to be performed. For example, the role and responsibility of installing and configuring the Unit Server differs from the role and responsibility of installing and configuring the Battle Command (BC) Server, MCS Gateway or MCS Workstation. The role of a soldier using MCS to view a mission differs greatly from the role of the MCS Maintainer configuring the MCS Gateway for operation. The following will identify the duties and responsibilities of each of the various members within the MCS environment.
Mission Command Work Station(CPOF) Workstation
Personal work area Shared work area 3D map & Animation Voice Collaboration Headset In partnership with PM Battle Command, General Dynamics C4 Systems is fielding a state of the art visualization and collaboration system to today’s warfighters. The Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) is an executive level decision support system providing situational awareness and collaborative tools to support decision making. This tool suite is built using General Dynamics C4 Systems CoMotion® technology. CoMotion supports visualization, information analysis, and collaboration, in a single, integrated environment that ultimately helps commanders and decision makers analyze information, share thoughts, and evaluate courses of action. Team members share workspace and collaborate to create a rich multi-perspective shared operational picture Supports parallel, synchronous and asynchronous cross functional planning and execution Simple and easy to use Commander’s tool Command Posts have tended to grow in order to digest and process greater amounts of information. As a result, commanders have increasingly found themselves in danger of becoming a slave to the information resident in these large structures. Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) was developed out of a need to create a Commander centric software environment that will support distributed and collaborative operations and allow the commander to command anywhere on the battlefield. Collaboration is more than sharing information. It involves sharing thoughts and thought processes between superiors and subordinates, subordinates, and peers. Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) supports this type of deep collaboration – collaboration that operates at the thought process level. In essence, CPOF creates an environment where you can tailor your visualizations to suit the way you absorb information – literally allowing others to See What You Think. CPOF supports commanders with three key capabilities: 2D and 3D information visualization Information Liquidity: drag and drop information analysis across visualization products Topsight – visibility of evolving understanding among distributed subordinates and team members. Mission Command Work Station (CPOF) is a decision support system providing situational awareness and collaborative tools supporting decision making, planning, rehearsal and execution management.
Mission Command Work Station (CPOF)
Use In Theater 24/7 – COP, BUBs, CUBs, Cdr’s Intel Assessments, Mortar/Rocket Analysis, ISR Tracking, Collection Management, Orders Tracking, General Intel Analysis, IPB, Detainee Tracking, Critical Event Synchronization, Weather Forecasts, Battle Tracking Briefings and Rehearsals Primary Battle Tracking Tool, (Friendly and Enemy SIGACTS). Ops and Intel are Integrated – Planning, Coordination, Battle Tracking, Collaboration are Shared Pattern Analysis Applications Built In All Data in CPOF is Shared and Collaborative 24/7—Daily Battlefield Update Briefs (BUBs) & Cdr’s Update Briefs (CUBs); weekly Cdr’s Intel Assessments; continuous Mortar/Rocket analysis; continuous G2 ISR monitoring; continuous collection management; FRAGO tracking; continuous general intel analysis by G2 Fusion, (e.g., data mining from SIGACTs, trends analysis, pattern analysis); ad hoc/continuous IPB, (e.g., from simple terrain analysis using imagery & LOS tools to combined product overlays); detainee tracking, (e.g., building rosters w/who, what, where, when, why); critical event synchronization (e.g., combines critical events on one subset master schedule showing events, forecasts, predictions, plans over time); Weather forecast are driven by Div SWO; a multitude of battle tracking tasks are conducted continuously by every major 3ID node in theater, (e.g., Events & SIGACTs, patrol planning & tracking, Blue SA, Air Msn Rqsts, logistics coordination, CA analysis such as Mosque analysis, etc). 107 machines online: Master – 61 DMain Midtier – 26 Taji Midtier – 20 IZ Midtier - 10
Air and Missile Defense Work Station
(AMDWS) CAPABILITIES - Primary component of AMCS that provides air and missile defense and air situational awareness - Provides the air picture to the COP -The AMDWS is fielded to AMD units at all echelons of command, battalion through theater - Air Defense Planning and Analysis Notifies AMCS systems of potential air threats and TBM’s AMDWS The Air and Missile Defense Work Station (AMDWS) is an integrated system of weapons, sensors, and C2 elements that supports air defense weapons systems at the division-and-below levels. It protects maneuver forces, critical command posts, and CSSCS elements from low-altitude air attack. Integrating sensor inputs from various sources, the AMDWS provides early warning, targeting, and control information to Forward Air Defense and supported units. An area-of-interest air picture is developed, and air tracks are identified using automated and manual means. Threat tracks cause alerts, with fire units automatically cued to the targets.
Air and Missile Defense Work Station
(AMDWS) CAPABILITIES Cont’d - Defense Planner with ADA Specific Graphics Weapon/Sensor Coverage ACO/ATO Control Measures Threat Analysis/Playback - Near-real time Air Picture Air Breathers-Fixed, Rotary UAV’s, Missiles, TBM’s - Common Message Processor Defense Planner- Is your desktop display when your system is fully operational. It can display weapon/Sensor(Radar) coverage and also Airspace Control Orders. Threat Analysis/Playback-AMDWS has the capability to play back all Air Defense coverage including air tracks. Any live feed coverage can be played back recorded for analysis. Near real time air picture-Near real time air picture can be displayed with only a two to six second delay. The following can be depicted on the defense planner: Fixed wing, Rotary wing, UAV’s, missiles, and Theatre ballistic missiles. Common Message Processor-Messaging capabilities that can communicate with other ABCS Systems. AMDWS The AMDWS integrates battlespace control measures in relationship to the air picture, which is displayed to fire units to enhance acquisition of hostile tracks by the weapons systems. At the corps level, the AMDWS is integrated with Patriot, HAWK, and future Medium Extended-Range Air Defense System (MEADS) systems into the comprehensive Air and Missile Defense (AMD) system. Within AMD, essential command, control, communications, and intelligence (C3I) operational functions are distributed among Air Defense Tactical Operations Centers (ADTOCs), sensor nodes, and fire units throughout the depth of the battlefield. The ADTOC serves as the AMD link to ABCS and joint/allied C3I systems. It processes and distributes the information required to direct AMD forces and synchronizes their actions with the maneuver commander's concept of operations. AMDWS supports the Surface Launched Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (SLAMRAAM) air defense system by providing an automated defense planning capability for deployed units. The Galaxy program (AMDWS derivative) has demonstrated the ability to support Homeland Defense Initiatives through the integration and coordination of civilian and military air traffic control data. The AMDPCS provides the Army Battle Command System (ABCS) architecture and the Army AMD Task Force (AMDTF) with Joint BM/C4I capability and the Army component of interoperable Joint Theater Air and Missile Defense (JTAMD) BM/C4I. The role of the AMDWS is to depict aircrafts, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), and deployed missile tracks. It provides the user with an Air Defense picture.
Air and Missile Defense Work Station
(AMDWS) CAPABILITIES Cont’d - AMCS systems receive ADA data through PASS - Displayed COP products include: ACO/ATO Friendly & Hostile Unknown Fixed/Rotary Wing Aircraft UAV’s Missiles TBMCS theater battle management core systems-TBMCS is the Air Forces’ primary system for planning, managing and executing the air battle, feeding real-time, decision-quality information to users from the Joint Forces Air Component Commander (JFACC) and the staff at the AOC to pilots, navigators, and weapons control officers on the battlefield. Integrating numerous previously discrete C2 systems into a secure, web-based architecture, TBMCS synchronizes air combat power by giving users across the battlefield dynamic, mission-critical information in real time. TBMCS grew out of a need for a powerful, reliable, network-centric system to integrate the functions of the AOC into a fast and flexible architecture. Compared to systems available during Desert Storm, TBMCS delivers vastly superior capabilities in several mission-critical areas, including: Connectivity Joint Interoperability Speed Flexibility Reliability ADSI air defense systems integrator- The Command and Control (C2) system for mobile, airborne, or shipboard use at both the strategic and tactical levels as a real-time bridge between tactical data links and intelligence data sources. Air Defense Systems Integrator (ADSI) receives, processes, correlates, and displays up to 2000 tracks from local radars, tactical data links, and intelligence sources with minimal operator interaction. Global Command and Control System-Joint (GCCS-J) utilizes ADSI as the primary gateway to receive the following formatted message types: • Ultra High Frequency/ High Frequency UHF/HF) Digital Data Link (Link 11) • Joint Tactical Information Data System (JTIDS) Data Link (Link 16) ADSI provides the warfighter with a fused, correlated, real-time picture of the battlespace. ie: displays air tracks and TBM launches. FAAD forward area air defense-FAAD implements air defense artillery doctrine, but adds interfaces to systems outside the immediate ADA structure. command posts (CP), tactical operations centers (TOC), and fire direction centers (FDC). This system pushes data to AMDWS. TAIS-Tactical Airspace Integration System- Air traffic control for military and civilian flights.
Tactical Airspace Integration System
(TAIS) CAPABILITIES - Supports the Protection Warfighting Function - Provides the Air SA for airspace de-confliction and fratricide avoidance - Automates Airspace Command and Control (AC2) planning & operations and Air Traffic Services (ATS) TAIS The TAIS is employed in any theater of operations and will be the Army system to meet both Airspace Command and Control (AC2) and Air Traffic Services (ATS) requirements. Real and near real time battlefield information integrating the warfighting functions of intelligence, fire support, air defense, aviation maneuver and airspace management would almost ensure that aviation assets are properly directed, protected and controlled. TAIS proposes to provide real time airspace information that displays the location and movement of aircraft transitioning the battlespace overlaid by the actual Airspace Control Measures. Supporting systems, such as ASAS and AFATDS, would be synchronized to enable and protect aviation by real time battlespace information. Instead of templating, thereby increasing the probability of missing the target. TAIS gives the commander the ability to view their assets moving down the ACM to its target. It allows for real time synchronization of artillery fires and CAS. It also allows for real time synchronization of ADA systems to allow for the tightest coverage for ground units possible without endangering friendly air assets. This system brings a before unimagined lethality and survivability to the attack helicopter.
Tactical Airspace Integration System
(TAIS) CAPABILITIES Cont’d - Located at Division & Corps CPs and at BCT & ADAM Cells - Provides input for Joint Airspace Control Order - Displayed COP products include: 2-D & 3-D airspace views Displays ACOs and ACMs - Distributes AC2 overlays to AMCS Above listed items are displayed on the common operational picture.
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
CAPABILITIES AFATDS - Supports the Fires Warfighting Function - Provides automated decision support for Fire Support (FS) - Supports the planning, coordination and execution of close support and counter fire - Responsible for publishing fire support missions AFATDS is a multi-service (Army and Marine Corps), digitized and totally integrated fire support C2 system designed to replace TACFIRE. It processes fire mission and other related information to coordinate and optimize the use of all fire support assets, including mortars, field artillery, cannon, missile, attack helicopters, air support, and naval gunfire. AFATDS will provide processing capabilities from the corps to the platoon Fire Direction Center.
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
CAPABILITIES Cont’d - Located from Platoon to Echelons Above Corps (EAC) - Fires Cells & Artillery CPs - Fully automated fire support system for planning, coordination, & control of: Close Support suppression of Enemy Air Defense (SEAD) Counter Fire Deep Operations Interdiction - Target Data: Active & Inactive Planned & On-call Suspect Targets AFATDS will automate and facilitate fire support planning and current operations. During battle, AFATDS will provide up-to-date battlefield information, target analysis, and unit status, while coordinating target damage assessment and sensor operations. AFATDS provides integrated Battlefield Fire Support by ensuring that the right weapon fires the ideal munitions at the target with the highest tactical payoff. It does so by synchronizing and integrating all available fire support attack resources and by processing more than 400 fire requests each hour.
Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System (AFATDS)
Displayed COP products include: Fire Support Coordination Measures Weapon/Radar Range Fans Target Data Pre-Planned Fires Final Protective Fires Active Missions Above are the geometries displayed on the Common Operational Picture.
Distributed Common Ground Station-Army (DCGS-A)
TES ASAS GGB CI&I Ops IMETS CGS ETW PC From 9 Stovepipe Programs of Record … DCGS-A …to the Intelligence Enterprise under One Roof From 9 stovepipe Programs of Record Common Ground Station-The Common Ground Station has been in service since During that time 102 Common Ground Stations and 70 Joint Service Work Stations have been deployed in support of U.S. Forces around the world. The CGS is a mobile tactical data processing and evaluation center. The CGS is a subcomponent of a joint Army/Air Force program whose other major component is the E-8 airborne platform. The CGM processes data from the Joint STARS aircraft and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and disseminates intelligence, battle management and targeting data to Army Command, Control, Communications and Intelligence (C3I) nodes via LAN, wire or radio. This enables integrated battle management, surveillance, targeting and interdiction plans to be developed/executed using near real-time data. All Source Analysis System-The All-Source Analysis System is an Army program to automate the processing and analysis of intelligence data from all sources. ASAS is a tactically deployable, ruggedized, and automated information system. It is a tactically deployable Automated Data Processing (ADP) system designed to support management of IEW operations and target development in battalions, brigades, armored cavalry regiments (ACR), separate brigades, divisions, corps, and echelons above corps (EAC). The ASAS is a "linchpin" system in forming a seamless intelligence architecture between and across echelons. The architecture can be broken down into three major groups: sensors, processors, and communications systems. The systems within each group support simultaneous demands for intelligence and targeting information at multiple echelons. They form a seamless intelligence system that supports commanders from tactical through strategic levels anywhere across the range of military operations. Guardrail Ground Baseline-Since 1971, Northrop Grumman has been the Army’s prime contractor and systems integrator for Guardrail. The company is now implementing Guardrail Ground Baseline (GGB) to enhance the current system and to ensure that Guardrail capabilities are supported during the transition to the next-generation Distributed Common Ground System-Army (DCGS-A). Capabilities include SIGINT, Audio, Precision Geolocation, Near Real-Time, Targeting, Direction Finding, Rapid Worldwide Deployment, Universal Workstation Capability. Tactical Exploitation System-TES interfaces with numerous satellite and aircraft tactical sensors and processors to exploit their data, imagery, and information. TES provides commanders with maximum flexibility to satisfy intelligence needs under a wide range of operational scenarios. TES operators can perform multiple imagery intelligence (IMINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), cross-intelligence, or dissemination functions from any workstation. Integrated Meteorological System -The tool used to process and display weather intelligence is the Integrated Meteorological System (IMETS). The IMETS processes weather data, runs weather forecast models, and displays the weather forecast information on the COP. Figure 1 includes an overlay display of forecast winds on a COP map. In this example, the commander and various battlefield functional areas (BFAs) can employ the METS to visualize the wind environment over the battlespace, and can see areas of light and strong winds, as well as the wind direction. This would be extremely helpful for the Chemical BFA. Digital Topographic Support System-The Digital Topographic Support System (DTSS) is the topographic engineering component that is being developed and fielded to provide critical, timely, and accurate digital and hardcopy geospatial information to support mission planning and execution. The DTSS missions include the generation and collection of geospatial data, development and management of a geospatial database, geospatial information processing, geospatial information and services, special map reproduction, and geodetic survey support. Prophet Control-Prophet disseminates intelligence information on the battlefield through a Prophet control (PC) element collocated with the brigade tactical operations center A physical group of those elements of a general and special staff concerned with the current tactical operations and the tactical support thereof. Also called TOC. See also command post Click the link for more information. (TOC). PCs will perform emitter mapping and nodal analysis on Prophet-derived intelligence, and then forward timely and accurate targeting information, intelligence products, and predictions on probable enemy courses of action to the brigade commander. ETW-Enhanced TRACKWOLF (ETW) is an Echelon Above Corps (EAC) ground based, man-transportable transit case High Frequency direction finding and intercept system. The program was directed by Congress in FY93 as a result of Desert Shield/Desert Storm, during which the current TRACKWOLF system proved too large and cumbersome for rapid deployment. Counterintelligence and Interrogation Operations Workstation-will provide CI/HUMINT automation support to deployed CI/HUMINT organizational elements. It consists of a standard ASAS Remote Workstation (RWS) with CI/HUMINT applications, organic communications, and a communications processor capable of interfacing with the area communications system, IEW special purpose communications, Combat Net Radio (CNR), and emerging Army communication systems. The CI/I WS operates at the SECRET collateral level and is capable of operation either individually in an off-line configuration, or as an integrated system connected via a LAN or emerging networks (WAN, etc). The WS provides automation for unit level operational and asset management of CI/HUMINT operations and activities. The CI/I Ops WS dovetails with the BLK II RWS Integrated ACE schedule. Research Development Testing and Evaluation (RDTE) is to commence FY00. DTSS
Distributed Common Ground Station-Army (DCGS-A)
CAPABILITIES - DCGS-A provides the toolset to create and disseminate visual intelligence products from Battalion to Echelons Above Corps (EAC). - DCGS-A’s are the link for the Commander to receive the all source correlated intelligence picture provided by the Analysis and Control Element. (ACE) The core functions of DCGS-A are sensor collection management, processing and fusion of sensor information, and direction and distribution of sensor information. As an element of the Future Force Battle Command architecture, DCGS-A allows the integration of all ISR assets based on the Commander’s Critical Information Requirements (CCIR) to produce intelligence that contributes to the Common Operational Picture (COP) and situational understanding (SU) and situational awareness (SA). The fixed configuration (e.g. Home Station Operations Center (HSOC)) will conduct day-to-day intelligence planning, collection, processing, and production to enable information superiority during all phases of an operation. Currently located at the INSCOM IDC and IOCs and operational units around the world. Mobile DCGS-A configurations will be flexible enough to operate from HSOC and deploy into contingency area(s) based on the commanders’ requirements. Mobile and Embedded support Forward Deployed units currently in the Iraq and Afghanistan Theatres and enable Forward deployed organizations including UA to collaborate with, and reach fixed and mobile configurations across the network. This substantially expands the commander’s situation awareness without increasing the forward footprint. Embedded DCGS-A is the common software baseline used in Fixed and Mobile DCGS-A. The Embedded is also provided for integration into other systems to provide ISR capabilities. The cornerstone and primary value added of the DCGS-A concept is the integrated intelligence data repository. This repository will provide the means to overcome the current analytic challenge of routinely having to query, build, and share multiple databases at various echelons with no assurance that all data pertinent to a given question has been identified and incorporated for analysis. It will integrate all sensor feeds, data bases and other data sources accessible to the DCGS-A to create a comprehensive analytic resource. Also depicted here is the integration of the most prolific sensors to the network: the warfighter on the ground. The information comes in through their sensors, it is then goes down to the middleware where it is processed tagged and parsed in to the different layers, which is stored within DINAR, then it is accessed by the analysts with the variety of tools they use in their toolbox, some of the info is fed back into DINAR while the whole of the data is used to look at, discover, and find the gold nuggets of information forming a great SA for the products to present to the decision makers. The variety of tools is used for the variety of functions needed on the battlefield.
Distributed Common Ground Station-Army (DCGS-A)
CAPABILITIES Cont’d - DCGS-A allows tactical units to exchange intelligence information. - DCGS-A provides a robust set of intelligence analysis tools for use in stability operations environments. - Displayed COP products include Enemy Graphics The Distributed Common Ground System (DCGS) is a DoD initiative. It’s goal is to provide an integrated architecture of all for all intelligence collection systems. ground/surface systems. The strategy was for DCGS to integrate the Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) ground/surface systems in the Common Imagery Ground/Surface System (CIGSS) architecture, and the Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) ground/surface systems are integrated in the Joint Airborne SIGINT Architecture (JASA), and then to combine the CIGSS and JASA architectures into DCGS. DCGS will be completed by the addition of IMINT, SIGINT, and MASINT specific functions and components to the common infrastructure. DCGS-A is the Army component of the DoD’s DCGS Family of Systems. There is also DCGS-N (Navy), DCGS-MC (Marine Corps) and AF-DCGS (Air Force). he red listed above are the geometries displayed on the COP.
Battle Command Sustainment Support System (BCS3)
CAPABILITIES - Supports the Sustainment Warfighting Function - Fuses sustainment and in-transit / force data to aid staffs in making critical decisions - BCS3 provides a graphical representation of the current and future logistics situation for the land Area of Operations (AO) - Provides logistical CCIR tracking with alerts BCS3 BCS3 fuses sustainment information from numerous sources into one-user-defined mission focused and tailored, map-centric visual display. Provides graphics that are scalable to the display requirements of tactical, operational and strategic users’ needs Integrates logistics information critical to operations and enhances the ability to manage sustainment operations through end to end visibility BCS3 is the logisticians C2 program of choice providing, for the first time, a visual map display of the area of operation for warfighters. Before BCS3, commanders and Soldiers had to look at different systems that did not present near real-time information on one system. BCS3 is the first product to give warfighters the unprecedented collaboration of attributes to include: Map-centric user-defined display Formerly separate data feeds into one integrated software program Tool to help commanders make better Command and Control (C2) decisions Tailored, scalable and adaptable to each user BCS3 equips the commander with the ability to visualize cargo and equipment deployment. Enables the movement manager to plan, coordinate and execute convoy operations; it is a force protection combat multiplier Integrates TransLog Web, currently a separate application to display in-transit visibility data that reflect convoy movements in near-real time and provides alerts if/when convoys reach destination, go off-track, or are late to support movement BCS3 provides end-to-end visibility of deployment assets. Provides information collaboration through a Global Transportation Network (GTN) query that shows a ship manifest and projected arrival information which can be tied to identification of resources at the final destination. BCS3 provides a roll-up reporting tool to depict on-hand balances and forecasting requirements at all unit levels. Enhances the commander’s ability to understand what resources are at hand and also projected shortfalls incorporated into a combat power reporting tool.
Battle Command Sustainment Support System (BCS3)
CAPABILITIES Cont’d - Located from FSC to Echelons Above Corps (EAC) CPs; used by S1/S4, G1/G4 & SPO’s - Supply Class Search – shows resource status with items grouped by class of supply - Personnel Daily Summary – for company size units & separate battalions Reports allow the commander to rapidly assess the status of critical major weapon systems, ammunition, fuel and personnel, and the feasibility of a selected course of action (COA) in terms of its logistical supportability Enables the commander to view both top-down (STAMIS) and bottom-up (LOGSTAT) data in the same report view Provides BCS3's command and control Web report capability. Obtains asset visibility throughout the supply chain from the point of shipment to final destination; from vendor to last tactical mile Tracks resources and establishes automated alerts when critical resources require tracking or are below required levels
Battle Command Sustainment Support System (BCS3)
- Displayed COP products include: Combat Power (CL III, V, VII & Pers) In-Transit Visibility (ITV) Supply Point Visibility / Status Logistical COA Analysis Logistic related CCIR alerts Maintenance & Collection point The above listed items are displayed products for the COP. Provides graphics that are scalable to the display requirements of tactical, operational and strategic users' needs tailored, scalable and adaptable to each user
Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)
CAPABILITIES Two configurations: BFT- satellite based communications FBCB2-EPLRS Manages SA and SU down to the individual platform level Passing combat information (near real-time) using formatted messages It supports lower-echelon battle command requirements including: What is FBCB2? FBCB2 is a digital battle command information system providing integrated, on-the-move, timely, relevant battle command information to tactical combat leaders & soldiers from brigade to platform & across platforms within the brigade task force. It allows warfighters to pass orders & graphics to visualize the commander’s intent & scheme of maneuver. FBCB2 is a key component of the Army Battle Command System (ABCS). What are FBCB2’s capabilities and benefits? Enables synchronization of maneuver and fires through shared situational awareness What are the main variants of FBCB2? There are two FBCB2 systems fielded: FBCB2-BFT and FBCB2-EPLRS. What is the difference between FBCB2-BFT and FBCB2-EPLRS systems? (FBCB2-BFT) uses a transceiver for satellite communications. FBCB2-BFT cannot process SECRET data and has limited interoperability with the Army Battle Command System (ABCS).The Force XXI Battle Command Brigade-and-Below-Enhanced Position Location Reporting System use FM radios for terrestrial communications. FBCB2-EPLRS can process SECRET data had full interoperability with the Army Battle Command System (ABCS). Blue force tracker-Limited interoperability with all ABCS system in the TOC. Not currently accredited to transmit, receive, and store classified data. Has a more limited bandwidth capability, resulting in: Smaller messages, reports, orders, and overlays. Slower SA and C2. Unlimited range. Beyond Line-Of-Sight system. L-Band Satellite Transceiver. FBCB2 EPLRS-Has full interoperability with the other ABCS. Has the capability and credentials to transmit and store classified data up to and including Secret. Has a greater bandwidth capability resulting in: Larger messages, reports, orders and overlays. Quicker SA and C2. Limited range. Line-Of-Sight system SINCGARS ASIP/EPLRS/Tactical Internet. FBCB2 will provide situational awareness and command and control to the lowest tactical echelons. It will facilitate a seamless flow of battle command information across the battlespace, and will interoperate with external command and control and sensor systems, such as ATCCS. The end result will be a vertical and horizontal integration of the digital battlespace and the brigade-and-below tactical unit levels. The FBCB2 system is comprised of: Appropriate category of Applique or embedded system hardware. FBCB2 software—architecturally compliant with the DII COE. Position navigation and reporting capability (e.g., Global Positioning System (GPS) or an embedded position-navigation (POSNAV) capability). An interface to a terrestrial communication system (e.g., SINCGARS and/or Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) radio) or to a satellite communications system for operations over long distances or rugged terrain. A combat identification capability (e.g., a BCIS capability). Functionally, the FBCB2 system will support lower–echelon battle command tactical mission requirements including: Real-time situational awareness for commander, staff, and soldiers. Shared common picture of the battlespace. Graphical displays, with friendly and enemy unit locations. Target identification. Integrated logistics support. Communications/electronics interfaces with host platforms. **NOTE FBCB2 will be called Joint Battle Command Platform (JBCP) in the near future. The FBCB2 end product is the battle command capability it brings to the individual Soldier. This capability is brought to the fight through the integration of Software, Hardware, Communications and network Infrastructure. Software Products: FBCB2 Version 6.4-Fielded now FBCB2 Version 6.5-Pending fielding decision FBCB2 Joint Capabilities Release 1.0-In developmental testing. It brings many key capabilities to the fight Joint Battle Command-Platform (JBC-P)- Future Software (SW) versions supporting the JBC-P Capabilities Description Document (CDD) Computer Hardware: The vast majority of ground platforms use the PM FBCB2 procured Enhanced Version 4 FBCB2 Computer (EV4) ruggedized computer or the newer more powerful Joint Version 5, FBCB2 Computer (JV5) computer. Communications: FBCB2 leverages the Enhanced Position Location Reporting System (EPLRS) tactical radio network in 15 Brigades (approximately 20% of our Army units). For the remainder of the force structure (approximately 80% of our units), FBCB2 provides an on-the-move L- Band satellite communications transceiver, commonly referred to as Blue Force Tracking (BFT). Network Infrastructure: Though not seen by soldiers, the BFT Global Network (BGN) Operation Centers are critical infrastructure sites that optimize the dissemination of data on the BFT network as well as the sharing of BFT data with EPLRS brigades operating in the Secret Domain.
Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)
CAPABILITIES Cont’d FBCB2 is designed to support commanders at lower echelons with real-time situational awareness, target identification and graphical combat area displays. The system's situational awareness component displays the geographical location of all weapons, platforms, soldiers, command posts and other facilities based on actual locations reported automatically by the system's subscribers in near-real time. The system is used in conjunction with the Army’s Tactical Internet (TI) seamless Internet and legacy Army Tactical Command and Controls System (ATTCS) to link to the Army Battle Command Systems (ABCS). Operating at division level and above, ABCS collects information from both the operation center and the individual units, processes a common operational picture (COP) and disseminates it through FBCB2 computers to all levels of command, thus improved situational awareness, coordination and combined operations and support. FBCB2 subscribers automatically post their position and status messages, via wireless or satellite radios, to nearby subscribers as well as to central hubs at the brigade's Command Post. The information is transmitted over wireless and secured internet, which enables every member of the network receiving relevant information on nearby friendly forces, and creates common, constantly updated digital maps of the battlespace, shared by all the combat echelons below or above the brigade, as well as nearby forces or joint forces. This common picture displays positions and details about enemy forces, and specific targets, friendly and own forces, logistics information etc. FBCB2 is designed to operate with current systems, and is fully functional with relatively slow wireless data modems and narrowband links. To support such operation the system relies on a number of common messages, and the delivery of textual messages. FBCB2 provides leaders and Soldiers with the Battle Command(BC) capabilities that have fundamentally changed American warfare, drastically improving our capability to execute full spectrum operations. Project Manager (PM) FBCB2 products include computer hardware, software, communications and network management infrastructure to form an integrated system. Enhanced operational effectiveness and Survivability. Bringing C2 and SA to command posts and the individual platform is a combat multiplier and a critical element of force protection. It enhances synchronization, expedites decision making, and reduces the risk of fratricide. Soldiers, Marines and Airmen at all echelons. FBCB2/Joint Battle Command-Platforms (JBC-P) is the primary air, ground platform, and dismounted Soldier Command and Control (C2)/Situational Awareness (SA) system designed for use by Joint forces. Currently, it supports Soldiers, Marines and Airmen on over 67,000 platforms. Future requirements call for fielding to nearly 200,000 platforms and dismounted Soldiers. - Tactical picture with common look and feel from squad to brigade High quality digital maps - Battle Command: Combat messages Sharing of information – Vertical and Horizontal
Force XXI Battle Command Brigade and Below (FBCB2)
- Displayed COP products include: Graphical displays with friendly and enemy unit locations Situational Awareness: Where are you at? Where are your buddies? Where is the enemy? The above items can be displayed on the COP.
Battle Command Server (BCS)
The Battle Command Server (BC Server) provides interoperability services including the Publish and Subscribe Services (PASS). Also supports Joint Convergence with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) by providing a data exchange gateway (C2PC) that allows the direct exchange of Common Operating Picture (COP) data between the joint services. The Battle Command Server (BC Server) provides interoperability services including the Publish and Subscribe Services (PASS) and Data Dissemination Service (DDS). Also supports Joint Convergence with the United States Marine Corps (USMC) by providing a data exchange gateway that allows the direct exchange of Common Operating Picture (COP) data between the joint services.
Army Mission Command Systems
TMC Tactical Mission Command Host GCCS-A Global Command and Control System-Army FBCB2 Force XXI Battle Command - Brigade and Below AMDWS Air and Missile Defense Work Station BCS3 Battle Command Sustainment and Support System JTRS TAIS Tactical Airspace Integration System Army Battle Command System consist of a suite of systems that all provide critical battlefield information to the Commander. Each system provides a specific type of date related to a particular BOS type. Such as ASAS for Intel, AFATDS for Fire Support and DTSS for terrain. The Publish and Subscribe Service (PASS) is the primary method of data exchange between each system. BCS Battle Command Server DCGS-A Distributed Ground Station - Army AFATDS Advanced Field Artillery Tactical Data System
Where is AMCS Found? - AFATDS - AMDWS - DCGS-A - BCS3
FECC: Fire Effect Coordination Cell FSE: Fire Support Element (Platoon and above) - AMDWS ADAM Cell: Air Defense Airspace Management (Battalion and above) - DCGS-A Intel / ACE: Analysis Control Element (Battalion and above) - BCS3 Sustainment Cell (Forward Support Companies and above)
Command Post’s (Current Operations) Selected Individual Platforms - GCCS-A G3 (Div and Above) - IMETS Intel Cell (Battalion and above) - CPOF/MCS Operations/ Sustainment Cell (Battalion and above) - TAIS Operations/ ADAM Cell (Battalion through Division) Note: All Common Services provided by these systems are hosted on the Centralized (BCS) Battle Command Server.
Summary - Identify the Capabilities, Mission, and Interoperability of Mission Command Systems - Define GCCS-A ,TMC Host, BCS, AMDWS, TAIS, AFATDS, DCGS-A, BCS3, FBCB2 - Define Mission Command Systems components to understand the role of the TMC Host contribution to the COP
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