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Published byBeryl Melton Modified over 9 years ago
2 MOTIVATOR You have been selected to be the Master Driver Trainer (MDT) for your Battalion (BN). While performing the duties of a MDT, you are expected to maintain the highest of Army standards and discipline both on and off duty. You represent the best in your BN. You are charged with creating and implementing a drivers training program based on the materials and knowledge you receive in this course. Your program will be the primary tool used to teach and license young soldiers to correctly and safely handle basic military vehicles in the BN. The standard that you create and instill in your program will be the same standard that young Soldiers will take with them and operate under during their missions. In order to assist you in successfully developing and implementing the best drivers training program possible, your Battalion Commander should provide you with a fully competent staff (minimum recommendation is for a MDT/License Examiner, Unit Senior Instructor Diver (USID)/Check Rider and Unit Instructor Drivers (UID)). The first challenge you will face as a MDT is to understand the duties and responsibilities of your staff (and those of the command) so that you can most effectively utilize them. The following gives you insight into how your staff was picked, what their intended responsibilities are, and how you can best supervise them.
3 RESPONSIBILITIES INSTALLATION COMMANDERS, MAJOR US ARMY RESERVE COMMANDERS, NATIONAL GUARD OR TERRITORY ADJUTANTS GENERAL WILL: Select, train, and license vehicle and equipment operators (AR 600-55). Staff driver testing stations (AR 600-55). Delegate to subordinate commanders in writing the authority to train, test, and license noncommercial vehicle and equipment operators (AR 600-55). Ensure driver and operator training, testing, and licensing will be conducted at battalion level or higher (AR 600-55). Implement this regulation and any additional requirements made necessary by local traffic conditions, civil restrictions, accident data, and desired standards of operator performance and preventative maintenance (AR 600-55). *see reference for exact wording
4 RESPONSIBILITIES INSTALLATION TRANSPORTATION OFFICER - Has oversight for commercial and non-tactical vehicle operator training programs (AR 600, 1-4, g, (5)). The motor maintenance officer or a designated individual may be assigned this function in organizations without a transportation officer (AR 600-55). *see reference for exact wording
5 COMMANDERS OF USAREUR COMMANDS WILL - Establish effective training programs on operating tactical and non- tactical vehicles (NTVs) IAWAR 600-55. Ensure assigned operators are trained and licensed IAW AR 600- 55. *see reference for exact wording RESPONSIBILITIES
6 BATTALION/SEPARATE COMMANDERS are likely to have their responsibilities directed from higher commands (*AR 600- 55). These responsibilities may include, but are not limited to : Ensure instructors, examiners and licensing personnel are qualified IAW AR 600-55. Ensure Night Vision Device (NVD) training is conducted IAW AR 600-55. Ensure that all licensed drivers are given annual check rides by qualified Check Riders/Examiners and that records are updated accordingly. Ensure command emphasis on the importance of safety and operator training within the unit. * see reference for exact wording
7 RESPONSIBILITIES BATTALION/SEPARATE COMMANDERS (continued) Include all driver training on the unit training schedules. Ensure a Driver’s Training SOP outlines how newly arrived soldiers will be trained and licensed within the unit (whether through the establishment of a BN Driver’s Training Academy or through a BN/Unit Driver’s Training Program) and how licensed soldiers will continue to improve on their skills both in the area of safety as well as additional vehicle training and licensing. Monitor drivers performance and where appropriate drivers with good performance records should receive incentives designed to stimulate high performance. Safety awards should be annotated on the soldiers ITR and DA Form 348/DA Form 348-1-R or DA Form 348-E.
8 RESPONSIBILITIES COMPANY COMMANDERS WILL - Ensure vehicle and equipment operators are properly licensed and trained IAW AR 600-55 and other local requirements. Ensure that drivers training includes Driver Responsibilities and Government Liability, Law and Regulations, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance, Accident Avoidance, Environmental Considerations, Convoy Operations, Off-Road Operations, and other topics necessary for safe and proficient military driving (AR 600-55). Ensure personnel receive required Sustainment training and annotate on DA Form 348 IAW AR 600-55. Ensure all records and forms are maintained according to AR 600-55. Develop and publish guidance for interviewing and selecting driver candidates and suggested interview questions. *see reference for exact wording
9 RESPONSIBILITIES COMPANY COMMANDERS WILL - (continued) Ensure instructors/examiners have the tools necessary to do their jobs and consider their inclusion in a formal instructor training course. Select and appoint in writing License Examiners (AR 600-55) and instructors (Unit Senior Instructor Drivers (USID) and Unit Instructor Drivers (UIDs). –A prerequisite for any driver instructor or examiner is possessing a license for the vehicle on which he or she will train or test (AR 600- 55). –Instructors need to be certified to conduct training. Commanders will certify instructors in writing in IAW AR 600-55. *see reference for exact wording
10 RESPONSIBILITIES COMPANY COMMANDERS (inferred responsibilities): Monitor records and performance of drivers to determine if remedial training is needed. Provide a vehicle for soldiers attending Phase II while at the driving range. Conduct the motor vehicle program IAW AR 600-55 and BN Driver Tng SOP. Ensure all newly assigned soldiers requiring an OF 346 attend and pass the standard Driver’s Training Selection program of instruction (POI) the BN Driver’s Training Driver Training Program Phase I, and the unit driver’s training Phase II. May submit a waiver for Phase II of Driver training for NCOs with prior military vehicle driving experience.) Provide a copy of all appointment orders to MDT. *see reference for exact wording
11 RESPONSIBILITIES FIRST LINE LEADER/SUPERVISOR/SQUAD LEADER WILL - Ensure personnel are properly trained in PMCS, safe driving practices, and correct loading techniques. Continually spot check and supervise personnel. Review operators forms and records for accuracy and completeness as required by chain of command. Conduct annual check rides to assess driving proficiency and identify weaknesses. Assess driving proficiency and identify weaknesses NOTE: For recommended organizational structure, the first line supervisor, if licensed can be called a “Check Rider” and/or if an instructor the Unit Senior Instructor Diver (USID). However, the first line supervisor cannot be the USID and Check Rider for the same student.
12 RESPONSIBILITIES VEHICLE DRIVER WILL - Operate vehicles or equipment in a safe and prudent manner. Report unsafe operating conditions of vehicles or equip. Comply will all municipal, State, host nation and military motor vehicle or equipment regulation, as required. Ensure vehicles or equipment are properly serviced. Wear installed restraint systems. Back vehicles and use ground guides according to the provisions of AR 385- 10 and FM 21-305. Report all accidents to his/her supervisor and motor pool. *see reference for exact wording
13 RESPONSIBILITIES SENIOR OCCUPANT (The ranking individual present) will - Ensure the driver does not exceed the maximum operating hours listed in AR 385-10 without a rest break (AR 600-55). Not permit a driver who appears fatigued or physically, mentally, or emotionally impaired to operate a vehicle (AR 600-55). Ensure the authorized seating capacity of the vehicle is not exceeded (AR 600- 55). Ensure vehicle occupants wear installed restraint systems when the vehicle is in motion (AR 600-55). Be responsible for the overall safety of the occupants (AR 600-55). Assist the driver in recognizing unsafe traffic situations and unsafe mechanical conditions of the vehicle (AR 600-55). Ensure the driver complies with road signs and posted speed limits and adjusts as dictated by weather, traffic and road conditions (AR 600-55). *see reference for exact wording
14 RESPONSIBILITIES SENIOR OCCUPANT (continued) Ensure highway warning devices are properly displayed when the vehicle is stopped on or beside the traveled portion of the street, road, or highway. (see FM 21-305). Post personnel, if applicable, to warn approaching traffic when the vehicle is halted or disabled in a manner that may obstruct traffic (AR 600-55). When traveling in a convoy, relay to the last vehicle information received from the convoy commander and ensure compliance with march discipline when at a halt (AR 600-55). Ensure the tire chains are used when needed and are removed when no longer needed (AR 600-55). Ensure the driver maintains proper interval (AR 600-55). Ensure driver’s vision is not obstructed (AR 600-55). *see reference for exact wording
15 RESPONSIBILITIES SENIOR OCCUPANT (continued) Ensure that only authorized personnel are allowed to travel in Government vehicles, and that Government vehicles are used for official purposes only (AR 600-55). NOTE: The Senior Occupant is responsible for the vehicle whether or not he/she is licensed on the vehicle. *see reference for exact wording
16 RESPONSIBILITIES CLASS ROOM INSTRUCTORS WILL - B e interviewed by the commander and have their records screened to ensure they are properly trained, qualified and licensed on the types of vehicle they instruct/ test operators. Have a good safety/driving record with civilian/military vehicles for at least 1 year Exhibit personality traits that support communication ability, trustworthiness, leadership ability, etc., should be hazardous cargo trainer qualified. Other duties and responsibilities as directed by the Battalion SOP. Recommended Organizational Positions: Senior Instructors (Unit Senior Instructor Drivers, (USID))/Check Rider: must be SFC and possess the managerial skills required to organize, plan, conduct and evaluate driver training programs. Other Instructors (Unit Instructor Drivers (UID)): must be SSG. *commander may waive rank requirements for classroom instructors to SSG and SGT, respectively.
17 RESPONSIBILITIES HANDS-ON INSTRUCTORS WILL - Meet the general prerequisites for an instructor (as Unit Instructor Driver). Be in the rank of SGT or above. Have successfully completed the classroom training (Phase I) of the POI. Other duties and responsibilities as assigned by Battalion SOP.
18 RESPONSIBILITIES LICENSE EXAMINER WILL - Meet the general prerequisites for an instructor. Possess knowledge of test administration. Should be checked periodically by having different examiners simultaneously rate the same driver applicant. Be qualified on and licensed to operate each type of equipment on which they test operators. Conduct driver testing and verify driver performance qualification. Verifies the proper training has been accurately annotated on the individual’s DA Form 348 (or ULLS/SAMS-E automated form). Be familiar with the road test route and testing procedures used in road testing. Be completely impartial in all examination procedures. * See AR 600-55 for exact wording
19 MASTER DRIVER TRAINER (MDT) The MDT is not a position specifically designated by regulation, however if this position does exist in your organization, as a senior instructor, this individual must meet the qualifications of a classroom instructor. He/she should also possess the ability to diagnose driver, examiner, and instructor deficiencies and take corrective action. If Battalion SOP directs this position, their duties and responsibilities might include: Create and implement a BN (Phase I) driver training program for newly assigned and unlicensed soldiers on wheeled and track equipment. Serves as Commandant of BN Driver Training Academy (if established). Instruct, train, and evaluate the proficiency of Instructors and Examiners. Monitor/validate unit (Phase II) driver training programs to ensure the quality of driver training. RESPONSIBILITIES
20 RESPONSIBILITIES MASTER DRIVER TRAINER (MDT) (continued) Ensure all students attending BN Driver Training Academy/BN driver training program are trained, tested and issued a Learner’s Permit OF 346 and a DA Form 348 IAW AR 600-55. Ensure all personnel are licensed and DA Form 348/DA Form 348-1-R or DA Form 348-E is properly maintained IAW AR 600-55. Ensure SUIDs/UIDs/License Examiner are appointed in writing IAW AR 600- 55 by unit commander. Compile information, guidance, and suggestions to constantly improve the BN driver training program. NOTE: It is further suggested that the MDT should not fill any other job position in the BN that would prevent them from creating and maintaining the highest quality driver training and licensing program.
21 RESPONSIBILITIES BATTALION SOP RECOMMENDATIONS: It is suggested that the following important points be considered for your Battalion SOP when designing or evaluating a curriculum for a BN Driving Tng Academy or a BN Driver Training Program: Ensure that Unit Phase II, III, and IV training is inspected and conducted to standard. Verify Phase III Sustainment Training is being performed and monitor annual check rides being administered by first line supervisors. Monitor and assist the Community Safety Officer in the conduct of Driver Safety Training. Initiate a DA Form 348 or DA Form 348-E at the conclusion of required training. Certify the qualifications, and provide proof of training for UIDs.
22 RESPONSIBILITIES BATTALION SOP RECOMMENDATIONS (con’t): Conduct Phase I driver training (minus Driver Testing Station (DTS) topics*) as outlined in AR 600-55. *Each BN should appoint on orders one Master Driver Trainer (MDT) and one Unit Sr. Instructor Driver (USID), both preferably assigned to the S-3 section, with their primary capacity being MDT/USID. License Examiner duties can be additional duty filled by the MDT or USID at the BN level and/or a position established at the CO level depending upon the number of soldiers requiring driver training.
23 RESPONSIBILITIES BATTALION SOP ORGANIZATIONAL RECOMMENDATIONS *Each separate company should appoint on orders two Check Riders * (who are first line supervisors) and two Unit Instructor Drivers (UIDs) (1 primary, 1 alternate) whose additional duty is to perform as Check Riders/UIDs for the unit. *USID, License Examiner, and UIDs should be given access to the DA Form 348/DA Form 348-1-R or DA Form 348-E and the SAMS-E/ULLS system (where available). NOTE: A “Check Rider” is an first line supervisor/ USID responsible for checking the quality of training in each unlicensed soldier that he/she check rides; sending soldiers ready for testing to License Examiner for a road test; and conducts quality check rides annually on all licensed operators. For accountability, the UID cannot be the Check Rider for the same student driver.
24 CHECK ON LEARNING 1.The BN Commander can not delegate to subordinate commanders the authority to train, test, and license noncommercial vehicle and equipment operators. True False 2.The responsibilities for the MDT position are designated in AR 600-55. True False 3.First Line Supervisors conduct annual check rides for all licensed operators. True False
25 CHECK ON LEARNING 1.The BN Commander can not delegate to subordinate commanders the authority to train, test, and license noncommercial vehicle and equipment operators. True 2.The responsibilities for the MDT position are designated in AR 600-55. True 3.First line supervisors conduct annual check rides for all licensed operators. False
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