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Stress By: Andrew Sowden Nick Luggio Andrew Owens Kristin Borrone.

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Presentation on theme: "Stress By: Andrew Sowden Nick Luggio Andrew Owens Kristin Borrone."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress By: Andrew Sowden Nick Luggio Andrew Owens Kristin Borrone

2 Stress defined: Stress is defined as, “A state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work etc” (Merriam Dictionary). Stress also, “... causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety” (Merriam Dictionary). Every person handles stress differently Negative or Positive Way Genetics Mother’s reaction while you were in the womb

3 4 Primary Reason College Students Stress Environment loud noises, traffic, where you live, weather Psychological injuries, not enough sleep, illness, Your Thoughts lack of confidence, over thinking Social family/friend/relationship drama, financial problems, death

4 Your body & Stress Stress= stimuli; body’s reaction= response “Allostasis is the process of how the body and the way the body responds to stress whether it is acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term)” (McEwen & Sapolsky 2013) Acute & Chronic Increases heart rate and blood pressure

5 Acute & Chronic Acute- stressed experience a few days before a test Chronic- more serious, body does not have time to recover from being stressed out Digestive System Cardiovascular System Immune System Nervous System Obesity

6 Obesity: You could say that part of the reason why 1/3 of Americans are overweight/obese is because stress is produced by the way our society is run competitive fast pace cut throat tough

7 Difference in Stress Eustress- Stress that we see as something good Distress- stress that we define as something bad

8 Managing Stress Negative Drinking, drugs, violence, over eating Positive Music, venting, showering, exercise, tv, social media

9 Coping with Stress Managing physical and psychological well being (not letting yourself get out of control while stressed) positive attitude, keep head up Monitoring your stress levels stay calm, socialize, treat yourself Avoiding extremely stressful situations TIME MANAGEMENT

10 Road Blocks for stress Road blocks give us the individual ways to combat stress within ourselves as well as with others. Cognitive Emotional Physiological

11 Cognitive Road blocks that we think up in our mind. Tell ourselves to stick to a certain schedule Think back to what caused the stress Tell ourselves when a stressful behavior is arising to get away

12 Emotional Road blocks that take care of our emotional stress needs Talking to a friend about your stress Having a stress counsel group Reading or listening to music

13 Physiological Road blocks that help with our bodies reactions to stress Working out Going for a run Breathing

14 Know when to say NO! Stress builds up on you quickly Know when to regulate your time You cannot please everyone always It is ok to say no

15 Other Methods Meditation- Focusing your attention on one thing to direct yourself away from stress Mindfulness- Being mindful of your surrouding, seeing the world in a different way Forgiving- Lets a person heal wounds that may have been open

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