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EU funding and Research Support

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1 EU funding and Research Support
Dr. Dawn Howard Research Support NUI Galway

2 What is EARMA?

3 Technology Readiness Level (TRL)

4 H2020- Pillar 1 European Research Council (ERC):
Reinforce excellence, dynamism and creativity across European research. ERC Starter - Awards are generally up to €1.5M over five years for applicants with 2-7 years of experience beyond the PhD (or equivalent) award. ERC Consolidator - €2M over five years for applicants with 7-12 years of experience beyond the PhD ERC Advanced - up to €2.5M over five years. Future and Emerging Technologies (FET): Promote radically new technologies by exploring new and high risk ideas based on scientific grounds. It seeks to identify and exploit long-term opportunities for benefit for citizens, the economy and society.

5 H2020- Pillar 1 • Marie Curie (MSCA) Actions:
All areas of research are covered including STEM subjects & the social sciences, humanities & economic sciences. International, Intersectoral & Interdisciplinary mobility. Strong focus on career development of the researcher. RISE; Research & Innovation Staff Exchange ITN; Innovative Training Networks COFUND; Co‐financing fellowship or doctoral programmes with transnational mobility NIGHT; European Researchers’ Night IF; Individual Fellowships ( European, Global) • Research infrastructures: Funding for world-class research infrastructures, accessible to all researchers in Europe and beyond, and fully exploit its potential for scientific advancement and innovation.

6 H Participant Portal Call information, documents, templates, deadlines Submit a proposal online ECAS account, NUIG PIC: Coordinator contact : Dawn Howard

7 Enterprise Ireland funding for proposal preparation
Coordination support for academics - €12,500. Academic coordinator support applications will only be accepted up to 10 weeks prior to call deadline (or submission date). Coordination support for ERC Applications - €8,000 The scheme covers all funding streams by the European Research Council (ERC). Eligible costs relate solely to the preparation of the application to the ERC Travel grants for academic researchers - €2,000 to facilitate multiple visits to meet research partners in other countries.

8 COST Action What is COST?
European CoOperation in Science and Technology supports the networking of researchers through science and technology networks called ‘COST Actions’ and is open to: Any novel and original idea (innovative) All fields of S&T (including interdisciplinary, new and emergent fields) All partners (public and private, big and small) All career stages (young and senior researchers) All countries (small and big, leader and follower countries) COST does not fund research itself, but supports networking activities carried out within COST Actions

9 COST Action Every COST Action lasts for up to four years and requires the participation of researchers from at least 5 COST Member Countries. EUR support for a COST Action featuring 20 participating countries on average networking tools: Management Committees Working Group Meetings Scientific Workshops and Seminars Training Schools Short-Term Scientific Meetings (STSMs) Dissemination and Publications

10 COST Action Two ways to participate in a COST Action
1. Submit a proposal for a COST Action – Online submission – Template, guidelines available at – 2 collection dates per year – 24th March 2015 and September – EI Coordination support up to €3,000 available 2. Join an existing COST Action – Look at Actions on COST website – Look at Management Committee for a particular COST Action – contact Rita Ward (MoU needs to be signed, and MC member nominated) – If one from Ireland on MC, a second person or substitute can be nominated (contact Rita Ward) OR if only want to participate in the working groups within the COST Action (contact the MC person direct)

11 SFI Investigator programme & H2020
SFI IvP (Ann Ryan –RO for SFI) Proposed research must align to either Pillar 2 or 3 (i.e. Industrial Leadership or Societal Challenges) of H2020. In the planning H2020 activity section of the SFI IvP application, you may say that you will apply for a call within any of the 3 H2020 Pillars (e.g. MSCA within Pillar 1) and not just Pillar 2 or 3. IRC New Horizons Scheme (Fiona Burns – RO for IRC) The aim of the New Horizons Strand (2) Interdisciplinary Grant is twofold:  - To encourage AHSS researchers to collaborate with STEM researchers on interdisciplinary projects that address societal challenges in the medium term under Horizon 2020.  - To help AHSS researchers to form new connections and build on existing national and international networks to develop pilot studies, prepare preliminary findings and help establish consortia on upcoming topics across all Horizon 2020 Societal Challenges. 

12 Research Support Officer & EU Funding Team Manager Dawn Howard
Natalie Walsh Research Support Officer & EU Funding Team Manager Dawn Howard H2020 Research Support Officer for College of Science Marie Kennedy H2020 Research Support Officer, College of Business, Public Policy & Law College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences Ena Brophy H2020 Research Support Officer College of Arts, Social Sciences & Celtic Studies College of Engineering & Informatics

13 Support given by H2020 Team Natalie Walsh: Research Strategy
Research Reports, Forecasting and Targets Research Promotion Research Development H2020 Team: Assistance in identifying funding opportunities Funding notices, alerts Information Sessions & Workshops – NCPs, guest speakers Advice and support in preparing grant applications Review of draft proposals Templates for proposal writing One-to-one meetings, Training Sessions Eligibility review, Budgets Preparation, Impact Statements, Admin Forms, Support Letters etc EI support grants preparation and review

14 Meet the Research office team
Joanne O’Connor PA to VPR Lokesh Joshi Vice President for Research Orla Baxter Head of Research Office, Planning and Strategy Fiona Burns Research Support Officer- IRC, EPA, DAFM Ann Ryan Research Support Officer- SFI, HRB, Wellcome Trust, NIH Eithne O’Connell Ethics and RO Admin Asst (currently in SS) Tara Ryan Research Desk Manager Noreen Goggin Research Systems Officer

15 Thank you

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