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Published byDiana Shields Modified over 9 years ago
INTRODUCTION The GoI have issued Swachh Bharath guidelines for total sanitation by construction of Individual Household Toilets and Community Toilets as per need. GoAP is formed a Swachh Andhra Pradesh Corporation for implementation of construction of toilet programmes for the Urban households who are not having toilet facility, to eradicate open defecation and to improve sanitation in the urban area. In this connection Technical guidelines are herewith prepared for the Municipal Commissioners and Municipal Engineers who will play major role in the implementation of the programme. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
TECHNICAL OPTION - I IHHT WITH TWIN LEACH PITS D escription: It consists of superstructure (Toilet) and treatment units (two chambers). The two underground chambers (pits) are provided to hold fecal sludge. These are normally offset from the toilet and should be at least 1 meter apart. A single pipe leads from the toilet to a small diversion chamber, from which separate pipes lead to the two underground chambers. The pits should be lined with open jointed brick work/ concrete rings S pecifications: i. Size options for Toilet/ Super Structure 750 mm x 900 mm x 1900mm; or 800 mm x 1000 mm x 1900 mm ii. Material : Brick work / FRP/ Pre-cast Cylindrical Unit iii. Minimum Land Requirement : 40 Sq. ft. - 60 Sq. ft. (Depending upon the location of superstructure and distance between two pits) SWAC HHA ANDH RA
900 115 900115 1000 900 115 600 115 750 1130 Junction / Inspection chamber SWAC HHA ANDH RA
TECHNICAL OPTIONS - II IHHT WITH SPETIC TANK D escription: A septic tank is a buried chamber that collects, stores and treats the wastewater under anaerobic conditions. Effluent from septic tanks should be discharged into a soak pit. A well-managed septic tank will remove about 50 to 60 % of the biological load in the wastewater S pecifications: i. Size options for Toilet/ Super Structure 750 mm x 900 mm x 1900mm; or 800 mm x 1000 mm x 1900 mm ii. Material : Brick work / FRP/ Pre-cast Cylindrical Unit iii. Minimum Land Requirement : 40 Sq. ft. - 60 Sq. ft. (Depending upon the location of superstructure) SWAC HHA ANDH RA
iv. Soak-Pit Size : The seepage pit may be of any suitable shape with the least cross- sectional dimension of 0.90 m and not less than 1 m in depth below the invert level of the inlet pipe. The construction shall be of perforated brickwork. v. Size of Pits is shown in Table -1 below :. *- only for IHL, **- Group household toilets SWAC HHA ANDH RA
Note 1 : The capacities are recommended on the assumption that discharge from only WC will be treated in the septic tank. Note 2: A provision of 300 mm should be made for free broad. Note 3: The sizes of septic tank are based on certain assumption on peak discharges, as estimated in IS: 2470 (part 1) and while choosing the size of septic tank exact calculations shall be made. C ost (for 5 Users) : Tentative cost varies from Rs. 25,000/- to Rs. 30,000/- depending upon the construction material (toilet & septic tank). Pre fabricated septic tanks are available at lower cost in the market, which also may be explored to speed up the implementation. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
TECHNICAL OPTION - III BIODIGESTER TOILET (DEVELOPED BY DRDO) D escription: A bio-digester toilet is an anaerobic multi-compartment tank with inoculums (anaerobic bacteria) which digests organic material biologically. The details of bio-digester toilets are shown in Figure. This system converts faecal waste into usable water and gases in an eco- friendly manner. S pecifications: i. Toilet Superstructure: Size of Toilet / Superstructure as shown in Fig.1 750 mm x 900 mm x 1900mm; or 800 mm x 1000 mm x 1900 mm ii. Material : Brick work (as per Fig. 1) / FRP/ Pre-cast Cylindrical Unit SWAC HHA ANDH RA
iii. BIO Tank : Land requirement - 25 Sq. ft. Tank internal dimensions – 1336mm x 1036 mm x 900 mm Diagonal partition wall of 8mm thickness (adequately stiffened by ribs) Tank is buried 600mm deep and anchored by 300mm long stainless steel(SS316) anchor bolts at corners FRP tanks of 8mm thickness. Provision of water sealed outlet from the tank. For 5-6 users: o- Total capacity: 700 liters (1000 mm x 700 mm & 1000mm depth). Where space is a constraint the depth of the tank can be increased to 1.5m o- Volume of anaerobic Compartment (30% of total capacity): 210 ltr o- Tank may be constructed with masonry also. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
Table -3 Volume of bio-digester tank for various user groups: Bio-digester tank as per Table-4 below *- Group / Shared toilets Toilet cost between Rs.12,000 and Rs. 15,000 depending on material of construction. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
TECHNICAL OPTION - IV BIO TANK / BIO TOILETS (PATENTED BY PRIVATE OPERATORS AND APPROVED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY) D escription: This technology differs from that of the bio-digester toilets developed by DRDO since the process adopted is aerobic - which involves a different multi-strain of bacteria which breaks down the waste matter through oxidization. Bio-toilets consist of a purpose built multi chambered bio- tank in which the waste is stored S pecifications: i. Toilet Superstructure: Size of Toilet / Superstructure as shown in Fig.1 750 mm x 900 mm x 1900mm; or 800 mm x 1000 mm x 1900 mm ii. Material : Bricks and Mortar walls of Bio Digester tank and Superstructure, PCC tank floor, RCC Toilet Floor, PVC Door and Frame, RCC/PVC/GI sheet Toilet Roof. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
iii. The Bio-Toilet System consist of : Bio digester Tank(Bricks & Mortar/FRP/Steel). Superstructure (Bricks * Mortar/FRP) Indian Pan/WC Size: 4 feet x 4 feet tank base, 4 feet tank height, 6 feet superstructure height Maximum usage recommended : 30 defecations / day/bio-toilet (no limit on urination) Land Requirement – 16 Sq.ft. C ost Estimates : The Tentative cost of bio-toilet including super structure is approximately Rs.20,000/- depending upon the construction material. The bio-toilets should be supplied by the manufacturers and the O&M for at least 5 years along with IEC by the manufacturer/supplier also should be built into the under taking SWAC HHA ANDH RA
20 Concept of IHHT with Twin Pits Pour-flush toilets linked to twin-pits (also called Twin-pit Pour-flush (TPPF)) toilets are improved pit latrines, allowing on-site treatment and transformation of the faecal sludge into a hygienised soil amendment. They are semi-dry toilet systems (not linked to a piping system, but require water for flushing). Different models of different prices exist. They require generally little maintenance but due to the need of the construction of two pits, initial investment costs can be little high. SWACHHA ANDHRA
21 A simple pour-flush squatting platform (porcelain or cement). A water seal as a barrier for odour and flies Set into a brick and concrete based. The outlet is piped to a Y junction box. From the box the blackwater (faeces, flush water, cleansing water) are directed to one of two shallow (leach or soak pits) Pits are used in alteration A superstructure is added for privacy and can be constructed from a wide range of locally available materials. Water seal Removable cover Superstructure Sewer junction (outlet blocked for unused pit) Door Leach pit / soak pit Pit full. Sludge safe for removal after two years Pit in use SWACHHA ANDHRA
22 Pits are lined with porous material: water infiltrates locally into the soil, solids (faeces) remain in the pits and are decomposed (by a mixed composting/digestion process). The two pits are used in alteration: while one pit is filling, the other pit remains out of service. When the first pit is full, it is covered and temporarily taken out of service. When the second pit is full, the first pit is re-opened and emptied. It should take a minimum of two years to fill a pit and during that time, the faeces in the pit out of service can continue to decompose. The treated sludge can be used as solid fertiliser (i.e. humanure). SWACHHA ANDHRA How does it work
24 Schematic overview of pour-flush toilet with two alternating leach pits made out of brick work Source: MARA (1985) SWACHHA ANDHRA
25 Leach pits made out of bricks (much like a honeycomb) and perforated concrete SWACHHA ANDHRA
26 Twin-Pit Pour-Flush Toilet The pour-flush squatting pan consist of a steep bottom slope and a water seal trap. From there, faeces and flushing water is directed to one of two leach pits. An inspection chamber containing a Y junction is normally built between the pits and the pan so that the excrete can be channeled into either pit. Each pit is designed to last for about three years before it gets filled; filling time is should be 2 years for all pathogens to die off. 3. Design Principals Pour-flush Toilet (Twin-pit Model) SWACHHA ANDHRA
27 Pits location If site conditions do not permit this layout, the pits can be placed on the side or even in front of the pan as shown, but this results in more water needed for flushing. Toilets can be constructed inside the house, while the pits can be situated outside the house. To remain accessible, pits should be constructed in open ground. But if no space is available, they can also be constructed below the toilet. In cases where there is no space close to the toilet leach pits could be located even 15 metres away from the latrine cubicle provided the connecting pipe is laid at a slope of 1:5:1 to 15. Pits should not be situated in drainage lines or the paths of storm water drains to prevent cross-contamination. The pits should not be located in depressions where water is likely to collect. The pits be constructed over 1 m from any structural foundation as leachate can negatively impact structural supports. 3. Design Principals SWACHHA ANDHRA
28 Use Maintain correct squatting position so as excreta fall in the center of the trap opening Flushing and anal cleansing with 1.5 to 2 L, so that the excreta slide smoothly without sticking to the surface. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Day-to-day maintenance Washing the latrine floor. Cleaning the squatting pan (brush with a long handle). Only little water should used for cleaning and washing to reduce pit filling. Bath, kitchen or rain water should not be added in large volumes because this would cause overflow of the pit Solid waste (kitchen waste, sweepings etc.) should not be added as this would cause clogging SWACHHA ANDHRA
29 Pit alternation Every two years The inspection chamber is opened and one of the pipes in the Y junction is stopped off,while the other one is opened. A brick, stone, mound of clay or block of wood cam be used as stopper. The pit is re-sealed to prevent gases escaping to the atmosphere. About 15 cm of soil should be filled in the bottom of the first pit when before use. After two years of rest, soil will be safe for handling, dry and without any foul smell. It can be dug out manually and used as soil amendment in kitchen gardens or field. In case of humid sludge, it can be spread out and dried under the sun The twin pits can be used indefinitely. Long-term support facilities to remind and assist the user in changing and emptying pits will greatly improve operational success Operation and Maintenance (O&M) SWACHHA ANDHRA
30 Where water for flushing and anal cleansing is available In areas with soils of soil good absorptive capacity (alleviates, silt ); Tightly packed or rocky soils (clay) are not appropriate. Low groundwater tables, low risk of flooding. Depending on soil conditions, a certain minimum vertical distance from the bottom of the pit to the groundwater is required to prevent its pollution. If soil conditions are full-filled and water for flushing available, TPPFs can be constructed in both, rural and urban housings, but to many pits in dense housing areas will cause groundwater pollution and overflow as soil matrix may not can absorb all the water. Applicability Groundwater SWACHHA ANDHRA
II. NORMS & SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMMUNITY AND PUBLIC TOILETS D escription: Community toilet block is a shared facility provided for a group of residents or an entire settlement. Community toilet blocks are used primarily in low- income informal settlements where space and/or land are constraints. Pour flush option is generally used in this kind of OSS systems. It is also advisable to provide facilities like washing, bathing, and a small incinerator in this block for the use of the community. Public toilets are provided for the floating population /general public in places such as markets, rain stations or other public areas, where there is a considerable number of people passing by. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
S eptic tanks for Public / Community toilets: Recommended sizes of septic tanks for community / public toilets (up to 300 users) is given in Table 5 below Source : Manual on Sewerage and Sewage Treatment Systems, 2013 Part A Engineering Note 1 : A provision of 300 mm should be made for free broad. Note 2 : The sizes of septic tank are based on certain assumption on peak discharges, as estimated in IS: 2470 (part 1) and while choosing the size of septic tank exact calculations shall be made. Note 3 : For Population over 100, the tank may be divided into independent parallel chambers of maintenance and cleaning. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
C ommunity Toilet – Norms for toilet seats One seat for 35 men, one seat for 25 women, adequate bathing facilities P ublic Toilets – Norms for toilets seats: SWAC HHA ANDH RA
III. PRE-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY : The Commissioners/ Municipal commissioners concerned shall prepare a day wise plan immediately after completion of the state level training programme scheduled on 1 st and 2 nd of May for verification of applications immediately in a week i.e., 3 rd to 10 th of May with the help of Municipal Engineer. After launching of the programme on 11 th May the Commissioners/ Municipal commissioners shall direct the Municipal Engineers concerned to plan for procurement of required material like cement, bricks, sand, chips, RCC rings etc., well in advance i.e., atleast one week in advance (i.e., 23 rd May) for the foundation stone to be laid by Hon’ble Chief Minister of Andhra Pradesh of 1 st or 2 nd of June, to avoid delay in construction work. The Commissioner/Municipal Commissioners shall plan and direct the Municipal Engineer to complete the entire target of IHTs by the end of June at any cost. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
The Municipal Engineer shall collect the list of beneficiaries from their respective Commissioners /Municipal Commissioners and arrive the total no. of Individual House hold toilets to be constructed. The total materials required for the completion of total IHTs in the respective Corporation or Municipality shall be assessed and can be estimated in the following manner for a toilet of size 750mm x 900mm with 2 pit system. Engineer shall guide and facilitate the SLFs in procurement of material by i) identification of reputed material suppliers / agencies ii) grouping the no nearby SLFs so that the overheads like transportation etc. will reduce. The Engineer shall advise the beneficiary/SLF to adopt suitable foundation as per the soil condition. The municipal Engineer shall inspect the site of construction and shall Geo-tag the vacant site before construction. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
IV. ACTIVITY DURING-CONSTRUCTION Marking shall be given by the Municipal Engineer and shall inspect the construction activity at random at regular intervals. He shall geo-tag the photograph of construction i) after completion of basement ii) completion of super structure. Simultaneously, he may deploy the local Engineering’s/Engineering students engaged by the respective Commissioners for supervision. He shall guide the SLFs in the construction procedure and also shall guide the mason(s) as and when required. Procurement of material by i) identification of reputed material suppliers / agencies ii) grouping the no nearby SLFs so that the overheads like transportation etc. will reduce. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
V. POST-CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY : He shall geo-tag the photograph of completion (of Roof and fixing of door and WC pan). He shall inspect the functionality of the toilets after usage by the beneficiaries. In case any defects are noticed, he shall guide them for rectification. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
VI. RECORDING AND PAYMENT SYSTEM In case of construction taken up by the SLFs: a) After capturing of vacant site photograph though Geo-Tagging an amount of Rs.5000/- for each beneficiary shall be released to the respective SLF as 1 st installment of release. The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record that proceedings in the M.Book as the advance payment. b) The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record the M. Book after completion of basement level including Geo-tagging the photograph and recommend for payment for release of 2 nd installment of Rs.5000/- as per the regular procedure of recording in regular engineering departments. c) The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record the M. Book after completion of toilet in full shape including Geo-tagging the photograph and recommend for payment for release of 3 rd installment of Rs.5000/- as per the regular procedure of recording in regular engineering departments. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
In case of construction taken up by the Individual Beneficiaries: The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record the M. Book after completion of basement level including Geo-tagging the photograph and recommend for payment for release of 1st installment of Rs.5000/- as per the regular procedure of recording in regular engineering departments. The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record the M. Book after completion of super Structure (up to roof level) including Geo-tagging the photograph and recommend for payment for release of 2 nd installment of Rs.5000/- as per the regular procedure of recording in regular engineering departments. The Asst. Engineer /Asst. Executive Engineer shall record the M. Book after completion of toilet in full shape including Geo-tagging the photograph and recommend for payment for release of 3rd installment of Rs.5000/- as per the regular procedure of recording in regular engineering departments. SW ACH HA AND HRA
METHOD OF CONSTRUCTION IN DIFFERENT SOILS Type I : Steps for construction of toilet in hard soils 1.Earth work excavation of 1’-3” to 1’-6” depth is advised. 2.PCC (1:5:10) or (1:4:8) base concrete with 40mm metal of 0-4” thick is proposed. 3.8” or 9” width cement blocks/clay bricks/RR stone may be used for construction up to ground level (apply: to height of 0-11” to 1’-2” is proposed). 4.Above ground level again 8” or 9” width cement blocks/clay bricks/RR stone may be used for construction to a height of 1’-0” to 1’-6”. 5.Using 0-4” width cement blocks/clay bricks may be used for superstructure to height of 6’-0” to 7’-0”. 6.Construct two leach pits with 4 RCC rings in each pit. 7.If necessary plastering is advised. 8.Complete with flooring, fixing of pan and door shutter. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
VII. TIME LINE Municipal Engineers shall prepare schedule of work and issue to the SLF for completion of works as per the Action Plan of the ULB. A model action plan in case of toilet with twin pits may be followed as follows: DayActivity Day 0-20 The Municipal Engineer shall plan and guide the SLF for procurement of entire materials required for number of toilets. Day 21 Excavation of Basement and leach pits. Day 22-23 Construction of Basement and placing of RCC rings. Day 24 Allow for Curing. Day 25-26 Construction of walls for super structure and Junction chamber. Day 27 Allow for Curing. Day 28-29 Plastering to super structure. Day 30 Allow for Curing. Day 31-35 Fixing of Door Sanitary items i.e. WC, Connection pipe, Lid for the leach pits and Fixing of Roof. SWAC HHA ANDH RA
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