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Sage Evolution ERP IMFO Conference Expenditure Management

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1 Sage Evolution ERP IMFO Conference Expenditure Management
ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance IMFO Audit & Risk Indaba 2015 20 – 22April 2015: Olive Convention Centre, Durban Presenter: Eddie Sweeney 1 October 2013

2 Governance defined is about leadership mitigating risks through:-
Embracing Corporate Discipline Speed Respecting the Statutes Cost Deploying Enabling Systems and Business Processes Growth Skill Empowering People IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

3 Sage Evolution ERP AGSA – 2012/13 MFMA Audit Outcome Status of Information Technology Controls
Slight Improvement from previous audit Alarmingly, almost half of municipalities has ineffective IT Controls IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

4 Sage Evolution ERP AGSA – 2012/13 MFMA Audit Outcome IT Governance
Corporate Governance of Information and Communication Technology Policy Framework (CGICTPF) adopted by Cabinet King III ISO 38500 COBIT 5 IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

5 Sage Evolution ERP CGICTPF KING III / ISO 38500 Governance Framework
6 Principles Responsibility Strategy Acquisition Performance Conformance Human behaviour IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

6 Sage Evolution ERP ISACA COBIT 5 - Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology
Information Systems Audit and Control Association, an international professional association focused on IT Governance IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

7 Sage Evolution ERP ISACA COBIT 5 - Priority Focus Areas for ICT Audits as defined by AGSA
EDM01: Governance framework setting and maintenance APO01: Manage the ICT management framework APO02: Manage strategy APO03: Manage enterprise architecture APO05: Manage portfolio APO10: Manage Suppliers APO12: Manage Risk APO13: Manage security BAI01: Manage programmes and projects DSS01: Manage operations DSS04: Manage continuity MEA01: Monitor, evaluate and assess performance and conformance

8 Sage Evolution ERP AGSA – 2012/13 MFMA Audit Outcome Security Management
IT security is managed at the highest organizational level (CIO) Strong password controls to authenticate system access, minimum character length, alpha numeric, encrypted, forced change of password Firewalls & routers are configured correctly within the network environment Patch management processes to prevent exploitation of vulnerabilities Antivirus software is implemented across the organisation System configurations need to ensure that security vulnerabilities and incidents are detected, monitored, reported and resolved on a regular basis Activities within the system network including databases are tracked, using audit trails and reviewed on a regular basis by someone independent of administration functions and in a senior position IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

9 Sage Evolution ERP AGSA – 2012/13 MFMA Audit Outcome User Access Management
Formally documented and approved user account management standards and procedures are in place Formal access request for registering users, changing of access rights, password resets and termination of access rights is approved by management The number of users with administrator privileges that can perform all functions pertaining to user account management is minimised Activities of system administrators are monitored by an independent person, in a senior position Periodic reviews of employee access rights and privileges to ensure it is in line with their job responsibilities are performed IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

10 Sage Evolution ERP AGSA – 2012/13 MFMA Audit Outcome IT Service Continuity
The IT continuity and disaster recovery plans have been incorporated into the organisational business continuity plan. The IT continuity plan and DRP has been distributed, updated and tested and is also stored at an offsite location An IT backup and retention strategy has been implemented Backup procedures for data and programs exist and are performed according to above strategy Backups are stored in a secure offsite storage facility Physical access and environmental controls over the offsite storage facility are implemented IMFO: ICT- The ABC of Clean Audit Governance

11 Sage Evolution Enabling Systems and Business Processes Compliance with the Statutes
MFMA, PPPFA, MPRA, VAT, PAYE Budget Regulations – Multiple Financial Periods (7 minimum) Reporting up to GRAP AFS SCM – Supplier Rotation, BBBEE, Automated Evaluation and Adjudication, Budget Control, Levels of Approval, Authorised Deviations, Requisition to PO Property Valuation Roll (GV & SV) Billing - Tariffs for Rates and Services, Statements

12 Sage Evolution Enabling Systems and Business Processes Compliance with the Statutes
MFMA, PPPFA, MPRA, VAT, PAYE CRM - Debt Collection and Credit Control, Interest Charging, Ageing per Service VRM - Supplier Database, BBBEE & Tax Clearance, Invoicing and Payments Asset Management – Bar Coding, Infrastructure, Depreciation VAT – Payments or Invoice Based, VAT201 Payroll – EMP201, EMP500 Audit Trails – Transactional as well as System Transactions

13 Sage Evolution Enabling Systems and Business Processes mSCOA
Design Elements of SCOA Segmented GL Account Structure (7 Segments) with Lookups and Filters per Segment Short Codes, Full mSCOA Codes and GUID’s Business Process Automation Uniform Transaction Types Multiple Reporting Categories and Levels Scheduling and Locking of Published Reports Transaction Data Output File as per NT requirements

14 Sage Evolution Supply Chain Management
Main features of the Sage Evolution Advanced Procurement Module:- Manages your SCM cycle from requisitions to purchase order and payment of suppliers Manages your tender processes Allows you to rotate preferred suppliers Categorise suppliers by sector / commodities Allows you to request, evaluate and approve quotes using workflows Create preferred suppliers to supply certain requested commodities Set specific qualifying criteria for supplier Manually or automatically calculate supplier scores Import and export functionality for supplier quotes Compare and evaluate quotes and suppliers according to PPPFA scorecards Thank You!

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