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PBIS at Hoyt (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Beginning of the Year with All Staff.

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Presentation on theme: "PBIS at Hoyt (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Beginning of the Year with All Staff."— Presentation transcript:

1 PBIS at Hoyt (Positive Behavior Intervention Support) Beginning of the Year with All Staff

2 Big Idea/Main Message Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant and durable (Zins & Ponti, 1990)

3 What is PBIS? PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Intervention Support. PBIS is a behavior framework that allows us to use positive feedback and praise verse negative feedback.


5 Academic SystemsBehavioral Systems 1-5% 5-10% 80-90% Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based High Intensity Intensive, Individual Interventions Individual Students Assessment-based Intense, durable procedures Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Targeted Group Interventions Some students (at-risk) High efficiency Rapid response Universal Interventions All students Preventive, proactive Universal Interventions All settings, all students Preventive, proactive Designing School-Wide Systems for Student Success

6 Background of PBIS District: Staff determined 32 Schools in Des Moines Hoyt: Staff had a revote in 2009-2010 SET (School Evaluation Tool) Scores – 80% in 2010-2011 75% in 2011-2012 95% in 2012 – 2013 100% in 2013 - 2014

7 Reward System Students Rewards SOAR Tickets Golden Tickets Grade Level Celebration/ School Dance Leader of the SOAR Student SOAR to Awesome Adult Rewards Adult SOAR to Awesome PBIS SOAR Ticket Backs for Jean Day

8 SOAR Tickets Why does Hoyt use SOAR Tickets? SOAR Tickets are a reminder for us as teachers to give positive comments to our students verse negative comments.

9 SOAR Tickets How can they receive SOAR Tickets? Following Expectations Not using their Bathroom Passes What can students use their SOAR Tickets for? SOAR Store Menu Classroom Items

10 Golden Tickets What are Golden Tickets? A random day and time picked by the PBIS team, to catch students follow the School- Wide Expectations in the classroom.

11 Grade Level Celebration / School Dance What is a Grade Level Celebration? A celebration for students who didn’t receive any tardies, unexcused absents, office referrals and filling in their planners during a certain time period. Examples of Grade Level Celebrations: Treats Social Time School Dance for December and April

12 Leader of the SOAR Students who have No Office Referrals Less than 2 Unexcused Absents No Tardies They earn many different privileges. We are going to try to have a field trip every 9 weeks. The first set of Leaders of the SOAR will be starting 2 nd 9 weeks. If you have feedback on this program please let a PBIS team member know.

13 Student SOAR to Awesome Student can write awesome acts that they see just like the adults. We will post them up in areas for Students to read.

14 Adult SOAR to Awesome Similar to Student to Student SOAR to Awesome this allows us to write and share awesome acts that we do. Rewards: Weekly Drawings: 4 Pepsi Bucks 1 Parking Spot ??

15 SOAR Ticket Backs for Jean Day Collecting 45 backs as a grade level or wheel/intervention group will earn that group a jean day. This will be posted in the teacher work room again.

16 Hoyt’s Expectations We expect the students and staff at Hoyt to SOAR. Safety / Order Achievement Respect Please post your matrix somewhere in your room.

17 Respond to behavioral errors as you would academic errors

18 Lesson Plan: During the Year Teaching and Booster will be done during Hawk Time Homeroom. Please check for the lessons and other PBIS information.

19 Do not expect negative consequences to change behavior patterns. Negative consequences are a way to “keep the lid on.” Teaching changes behavior

20 Consequence Inappropriate Behavior Hoyt Behavior Management Chart Office Discipline Referral form (ODR) Behavior definitions Interventions for Problem Students Changing the Student State of Mind

21 Office Referrals Level 1 Teacher Interventions Step 5 – High Alert Other Documentation a Teacher wants to report Level 2 Step 6 – Buddy Room Step 7 – Administration Interventions Level 3 and Level 4 Only written by Administrators

22 Titles of Referrals Non-compliance Disrespect Disruption in Class Disruption in Hallway Physical Altercation/Fight Truancy Unserved Detention Tardy Cellphone TIP – In the title after the code you can add the students initials

23 Investing in PBIS has resulted in: Reduction in problem behaviors Savings in student and staff time results in improved academic performance (increased instructional intensity) Improved effectiveness with red zone students Improved social culture of the building Include your own testimonials

24 Planners In your class have the students write down something, whether it is the standard, the overall theme for the day, or the agenda. If a student is absent they need to get the information from your while you were out zone. Please work on checking that students are doing this during the first couple of weeks.

25 Reminders Bathroom passes should be given at the beginning of each 9 weeks. They should receive 9 per quarters. The websites is Use the titles given to name referrals to help us sort data. Please have a focus on using the planners and giving them worth.

26 Who is on the PBIS team? Danielle Whitmire – Coach Joe Green – SIL Bev Eck – 6 th Grade Rep Nate Evans – 6 th Grade Rep Hanna Wielsey – 6 th Grade Rep Jenn Blanchard – 7 th Grade Rep Lindsay Meyer – 7 th Grade Rep Heather Blue – 7 th Grade Rep Cathy Carlson – 7 th Grade Rep. - 8 th Grade Rep. - Wheels/Intervention

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