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Chapter 6: Process Synchronization Joe McCarthy CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization1.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 6: Process Synchronization Joe McCarthy CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 6: Process Synchronization Joe McCarthy CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization1

2 Chapter 6: Process Synchronization Background The Critical-Section Problem Peterson’s Solution Synchronization Hardware Semaphores Classic Problems of Synchronization Monitors Synchronization Examples Atomic Transactions 2CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization Material derived, in part, from Operating Systems Concepts with Java, 8 th Ed. © 2009 Silberschatz, Galvin & Gagne

3 Synchronization What is synchronization? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization3

4 Synchronization What is synchronization? Why do we need to synchronize processes? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization4

5 Synchronization What is synchronization? Why do we need to synchronize processes? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization5

6 Circular Buffer (Queue) CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization6

7 Producer-Consumer Problem public void insert () { // Producer E item; while (count == BUFFER_SIZE) ; // busy wait buffer[in] = item; in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; ++count; } 7CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization public E remove() { // Consumer E item; while (count == 0) ; // busy wait item = buffer[out]; out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; --count; return item; }

8 Producer-Consumer Problem public void insert () { // Producer E item; while (count == BUFFER_SIZE) ; // busy wait buffer[in] = item; in = (in + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; ++count; } 8CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization public E remove() { // Consumer E item; while (count == 0) ; // busy wait item = buffer[out]; out = (out + 1) % BUFFER_SIZE; --count; return item; } LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT

9 Producer-Consumer Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization9 import java.util.Date; public class Factory { public static void main( String[] args ) { // create the message queue Channel queue = new MessageQueue (); // create the producer and consumer threads Thread producer = new Thread( new Producer(queue) ); Thread consumer = new Thread( new Consumer(queue) ); // start the threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); } LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT [from Chapter 3: Processes]

10 Producer-Consumer Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization10 LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT [from Chapter 3: Processes] import java.util.Date; public class Factory { public static void main( String[] args ) { // create the message queue Channel queue = new MessageQueue (); Integer count = new Integer( 0 ); // create the producer and consumer threads Thread producer = new Thread( new Producer(queue, count) ); Thread consumer = new Thread( new Consumer(queue, count) ); // start the threads producer.start(); consumer.start(); }

11 Producer-Consumer Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization11 LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT

12 Producer-Consumer Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization12 LDA COUNT INCA LDA COUNT DECA producer consumer STA COUNT LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT

13 Producer-Consumer Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization13 LDA COUNT INCA LDA COUNT DECA producer consumer STA COUNT LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT What’s the value of count ?

14 Race Condition CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization14 LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT Who will get there first?

15 Race Condition CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization15 LDA COUNT INCA STA COUNT LDA COUNT DECA STA COUNT Who will get there first? ace_condition

16 Critical Section Definition: segment of code that accesses a shared resource Problem: multiple processes have concurrent access to shared resource Solution: prevent multiple processes from having concurrent access to shared resource – No two processes are executing in their critical section at the same time. CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization16

17 General Structure Protocol: – Request entry to critical section – Execute critical section – Exit critical section – Do other stuff (remainder section) CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization17

18 Solution to Critical-Section Problem 1.Mutual Exclusion - If process P i is executing in its critical section, then no other processes can be executing in their critical sections. 2.Progress - If no process is executing in its critical section and there exist some processes that wish to enter their critical section, then the selection of the processes that will enter the critical section next cannot be postponed indefinitely. 3.Bounded Waiting - A bound must exist on the number of times that other processes are allowed to enter their critical sections after a process has made a request to enter its critical section and before that request is granted. Assume that each process executes at a nonzero speed No assumption concerning relative speed of the N processes CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization18

19 A simple solution Assume: – 2 processes, P 0 & P 1 – 2 shared variables int turn; // if 0, P 0 ’s turn; if 1, P 1 ’s turn boolean flag[2]; // if flag[i], P i wants to enter CS – LOAD (LDA) & STORE (STA) are atomic i.e., assignment statements are indivisible How would you implement this? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization19

20 Peterson’s Solution CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization20 while ( true ) { flag[i] = true; turn = j; while ( flag[j] && turn == j ) ; // busy wait // critical section // … flag[i] = false; // remainder section // … } entry section exit section

21 Peterson’s Solution CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization21 while (true) { flag[i] = true; turn = j; while (flag[j] && turn == j) ; // busy wait // critical section // … flag[i] = false; // remainder section // … } P0P0 while (true) { flag[i] = true; turn = j; while (flag[j] && turn == j) ; // busy wait // critical section // … flag[i] = false; // remainder section // … } P1P1 i = 0, j = 1i = 1, j = 0

22 Peterson’s Solution CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization22 while ( true ) { flag[i] = true; turn = j; while ( flag[j] && turn == j ) ; // busy wait // critical section // … flag[i] = false; // remainder section // … } entry section exit section Software-based solution

23 Synchronization via Locks CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization23 Hardware-based solution

24 Synchronization via Hardware Disable interrupts during CS – Preempt preemption – Feasible on uniprocessors – What about multiprocessors? Atomic machine instructions – Indivisible (non-interruptable) – Examples: Test & modify word Swap two words CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization24

25 S/W abstraction for H/W Synch. CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization25 public class HardwareData { private boolean value = false; public HardwareData( boolean initialValue ) { this.value = initialValue; } public boolean get() { return value; } public void set( boolean newValue ) { this.value = newValue; } public boolean getAndSet( boolean newValue ) { boolean oldValue = this.get(); this.set( newValue ); return oldValue; } public void swap( HardwareData other ) { boolean temp = this.get(); this.set( other.get() ); other.set( temp ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

26 Using getAndSet() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization26 public class Worker1 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker1( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { // mutex initialized when Worker instantiated while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); while ( mutex.getAndSet( true ) ) Thread.yield(); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware Do you [fore]see any problems?

27 Using getAndSet() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization27 public class Worker1 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker1( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { // mutex initialized when Worker instantiated while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); while ( mutex.getAndSet( true ) ) Thread.yield(); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware Do you [fore]see any problems? Does this enforce mutual exclusion?

28 Using swap() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization28 public class Worker2 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker2( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { HardwareData key = new HardwareData( true ); while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); key.set( true ); do { mutex.swap( key ); } while ( key.get() ); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

29 Using swap() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization29 public class Worker2 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker2( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { key = new HardwareData( true ); while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); key.set( true ); do { mutex.swap( key ); } while ( key.get() ); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } Do you [fore]see any new problems? /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

30 Using swap() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization30 public class Worker2 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker2( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { key = new HardwareData( true ); while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); key.set( true ); do { mutex.swap( key ); } while ( key.get() ); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } Does not work & play well w/ others /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware Do you [fore]see any new problems?

31 Using swap() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization31 public class Worker2 implements Runnable { private String name; private HardwareData mutex; public Worker2( String name, HardwareData mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { key = new HardwareData( true ); while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); key.set( true ); while ( key.get() ) { Thread.yield(); mutex.swap( key ); } System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware Rewrite using while & yield()

32 Using AtomicBoolean CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization32 public class Worker1a implements Runnable { private String name; private AtomicBoolean mutex; public Worker1a( String name, AtomicBoolean mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { // mutex initialized when Worker instantiated while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); while ( mutex.getAndSet( true ) ) Thread.yield(); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

33 AtomicBooleanFactory CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization33 import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; public class AtomicBooleanFactory { public static void main( String args[] ) { AtomicBoolean lock = new AtomicBoolean( false ); Thread[] worker = new Thread[5]; for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { worker[i] = new Thread( new Worker1a( String.format( "worker %d", i ), lock ) ); worker[i].start(); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

34 Semaphores Software-based synchronization mechanism – Avoids busy waiting Semaphore S – integer variable – Value  # of shared resources available – Binary (1), aka mutex locks, or Counting (> 1) [Only] 2 indivisible operations modify S: – acquire() & release() – Originally: P() [proberen, “test”] & V() [verhogen, “increment”] CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization34

35 Semaphores Indivisible testing & modification of value CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization35

36 Semaphores for Synchronization Critical section protection, other synchronization CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization36 Process P 0 : Process P 1 :

37 getAndSet vs. Semaphores CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization37 private AtomicBoolean mutex; … while ( mutex.getAndSet( true ) ) Thread.yield(); // critical section mutex.set( false ); // remainder section …

38 Busy waiting vs. Blocking CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization38

39 Busy waiting vs. Blocking CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization39

40 Blocking & Waking up CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization40

41 A Semaphore Implementation CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization41 public class Semaphore { private int value; public Semaphore( int initialValue ) { this.value = initialValue; } public synchronized void acquire() { while ( value <= 0 ) { try { wait(); } catch ( InterruptedException e ) { } value--; } public synchronized void release() { ++value; notify(); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/semaphores

42 Java Thread Transitions CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization42 er+9.+Threads/9.5+Thread+Transitions/

43 AtomicBoolean vs. Semaphore CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization43 public class Worker1a implements Runnable { private String name; private AtomicBoolean mutex; public Worker1a( String name, AtomicBoolean mutex ) { = name; this.mutex = mutex; } public void run() { // mutex initialized when Worker instantiated while ( true ) { System.out.println( name + " wants to enter CS" ); while ( mutex.getAndSet( true ) ) Thread.yield(); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); mutex.set( false ); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/hardware

44 A Semaphore Example CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization44 import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; public class Worker implements Runnable { private Semaphore sem; private String name; public Worker( String name, Semaphore sem ) { = name; this.sem = sem; } public void run() { while ( true ) { sem.acquire(); System.out.println( name + " is in critical section" ); MutualExclusionUtilities.criticalSection( name ); System.out.println( name + " is out of critical section" ); sem.release(); MutualExclusionUtilities.remainderSection( name ); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/semaphores

45 A Semaphore Example CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization45 import java.util.concurrent.Semaphore; public class SemaphoreFactory { public static void main( String args[] ) { Semaphore sem = new Semaphore( 1 ); Thread[] bee = new Thread[5]; for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) bee[i] = new Thread( new Worker( String.format( "worker %d", i), sem ) ); for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) bee[i].start(); } /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os-book/ch6/semaphores

46 Deadlock & Starvation Deadlock – two or more processes are waiting indefinitely for an event that can be caused by only one of the waiting processes Let S and Q be two semaphores initialized to 1 Starvation – indefinite blocking. A process may never be removed from the semaphore queue in which it is suspended. 46CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

47 Classic Synchronization Problems Representative of large class of problems Used to test prospective solutions Examples: – Bounded Buffer Problem – Readers and Writers Problem – Dining Philosophers Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization47

48 Bounded Buffer Problem N buffers, each can hold one item Solution: 3 semaphores – mutex (1): provide mutual exclusion – full (0): # of full buffers – empty (N): # of empty buffers CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization48 /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os- book/ch6/semaphores/boundedbuffer

49 Bounded Buffer Problem 49CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

50 Bounded Buffer insert() 50CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

51 Bounded Buffer remove() 51CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

52 Bounded Buffer producer 52CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization import java.util.Date; public class Producer implements Runnable { private Buffer buffer; public Producer( Buffer buffer ) { this.buffer = buffer; } public void run() { Date message; while ( true ) { // produce an item & enter it into the buffer message = new Date(); System.out.printf( "> Producer wants to insert\n" ); buffer.insert( message ); System.out.printf( "< Producer has inserted\n" ); }

53 Bounded Buffer consumer 53CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization import java.util.*; public class Consumer implements Runnable { private Buffer buffer; // was public Consumer( Buffer buffer ) { this.buffer = buffer; } public void run() { Date message; while ( true ) { SleepUtilities.nap(); // consume an item from the buffer System.out.printf( "> Consumer wants to consume\n" ); message = buffer.remove(); System.out.printf( "< Consumer has consumed '%s'\n", message ); }

54 Bounded Buffer factory 54CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

55 Readers & Writers Problem Data set shared among concurrent processes – Readers: only read the data; do not modify it – Writers: can both read and write Multiple readers can concurrently read If one writer has access, no one else can have access Problem: if reader(s) and writer(s) both want access, who gets to go (& when)? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization55

56 Readers & Writers Problem Potential solutions? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization56

57 Readers & Writers Problem Potential solutions: – New writers waits for readers – New readers wait for writers Any problems with these “solutions”? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization57

58 Readers & Writers Problem Potential solutions: – New writers waits for readers – New readers wait for writers Any problems with these “solutions”? – starvation Approach: – Database – Integer readerCount (0): # of current readers – Semaphore mutex (1): protect readerCount – Semaphore db (1): protect database updates CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization58 /usr/apps/CSS430/examples/os- book/ch6/semaphores/readwrite

59 Readers & Writers Problem Interface for read-write locks CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization59

60 Readers & Writers Problem The structure of a Writer CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization60

61 Readers & Writers Problem The structure of a Reader CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization61

62 The database Readers & Writers Problem CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization62

63 Readers & Writers Problem Reader methods CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization63

64 Readers & Writers Problem Writer methods CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization64

65 Dining Philosophers Problem Philosopher’s Life: a cycle of – Thinking (no interaction) – Getting Hungry Pick up one chopstick at a time – Eating Eat Put down both chopsticks CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization65

66 Dining Philosophers Problem Philosopher’s Life: a cycle of – Thinking (no interaction) – Getting Hungry Pick up one chopstick at a time – Eating Eat Put down both chopsticks Potential problems? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization66

67 Dining Philosophers Problem Philosopher’s Life: a cycle of – Thinking (no interaction) – Getting Hungry Pick up one chopstick at a time – Eating Eat Put down both chopsticks Potential problems: – Starvation and Deadlock CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization67

68 Dining Philosophers Problem Philosopher’s Life: a cycle of – Thinking (no interaction) – Getting Hungry Pick up one chopstick at a time – Eating Eat Put down both chopsticks Potential problems: – Starvation and Deadlock CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization68 Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

69 Dining Philosophers Problem Potential solutions? CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization69

70 Dining Philosophers Problem Potential solutions (deadlock): – Restrict # of philosophers at table – Allow pickup only if both available – Asymmetry: Odd philosopher pick up left, then right Even philosopher pick up right, then left Note: deadlock-free != starvation-free Approach: – Bowl of rice (data set) – Semaphore chopStick [5] initialized to 1 CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization70

71 Dining Philosophers Problem The structure of Philosopher i: CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization71

72 Problems with Semaphores Might arise from – Honest programming error – Intentionally uncooperative programming CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization72 mutex.release(); // critical // section mutex.acquire(); // critical // section mutex.acquire(); // critical // section // … // critical // section mutex.release()

73 Monitors A high-level abstraction that provides a convenient and effective mechanism for process synchronization Only one process may be active within the monitor at a time 73CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

74 Syntax of a Monitor 74CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

75 Schematic view of a Monitor 75CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

76 Condition Variables Condition x, y; Two operations on a condition variable: – x.wait () – a process that invokes the operation is suspended – x.signal () – resumes one of processes (if any) that invoked x.wait () 76CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

77 Monitor with Condition Variables CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization77

78 Solution to Dining Philosophers 78CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

79 Solution to Dining Philosophers CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization79 Each philosopher I invokes the operations takeForks(i) & returnForks(i) in the following sequence: dp.takeForks (i) EAT dp.returnForks (i)

80 Java Synchronization Java provides synchronization at the language-level – “Thread-safe” Each Java object has an implicit lock – It is acquired by invoking a synchronized method – It is released by exiting the synchronized method – Normally or abnormally (via exception) Threads waiting to acquire the object lock are placed in the entry set for the lock Threads waiting to re-acquire a previously acquired object lock are placed in the wait set for the lock CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization80

81 Java Synchronization When a thread invokes wait(): 1. It releases the object lock 2. Its state is set to Blocked 3. It is placed in the wait set for the object When a thread invokes notify(): 1. A thread T from the wait set is selected 2. T is moved from the wait set to the entry set 3. The state of T is set to Runnable CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization81

82 Java Synchronization: insert() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization82

83 Java Synchronization: remove() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization83

84 Java Synchronization: Bounded Buffer CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization84

85 Java Synchronization notify() may not notify the correct thread! 85CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

86 Java Synchronization The call to notify() arbitrarily selects a single thread from the wait set. It is possible the selected thread is in fact not waiting upon the condition for which it was notified. The call notifyAll() selects all threads in the wait set and moves them to the entry set. In general, notifyAll() is a more conservative strategy than notify(). CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization86

87 CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization87

88 Java Synchronization: Readers & Writers CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization88

89 Java Synchronization: Readers & Writers CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization89

90 Java Synchronization: Readers & Writers CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization90

91 Block Synchronization Rather than synchronizing an entire method, block synchronization allows blocks of code to be declared as synchronized CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization91

92 Block Synchronization Block synchronization using wait()/notify() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization92

93 Concurrency Features in Java 5 Concurrency features before Java 5: – synchronized methods & blocks – wait(), notify(), notifyAll() Concurrency classes added to Java 5: – Semaphore – ReentrantLock – Condition Concurrency Tutorial: – urrency/ urrency/ CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization93

94 Java 5: Semaphore CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization94

95 CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization95

96 Java 5: ReentrantLock CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization96

97 CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization97

98 Java 5: Condition A Condition variable is created by – Creating a RentrantLock – Invoking its newCondition() method – Assigning result to a Condition variable Once this is done, it is possible to invoke – await() – signal() CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization98

99 Java Condition Class CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization99

100 Concurrency Features in Java 5 100CSS 430: Operating Systems - Process Synchronization

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