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HIST 1114 Renaissance and Reformation Dr Niall Christie Office Hours: Monday 11:30 am-2:30 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30-3:30 pm; or by appointment Copy.

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Presentation on theme: "HIST 1114 Renaissance and Reformation Dr Niall Christie Office Hours: Monday 11:30 am-2:30 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30-3:30 pm; or by appointment Copy."— Presentation transcript:

1 HIST 1114 Renaissance and Reformation Dr Niall Christie Office Hours: Monday 11:30 am-2:30 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 2:30-3:30 pm; or by appointment Copy of outline on the web at:

2 Some terms: Renaissance Giorgio Vasari (1511-74) Period from 14th c. Italian cultural movement to mid-17th century

3 Some terms: Reformation 19th-century term Period starting with reform activities of Martin Luther in early 16th c., to end of religious wars in mid-17th century, incl. Catholic and Protestant reformations

4 Some terms: Early Modern Period Approximately 1450-1750

5  Political Developments  Religion  Education and Culture  Social History Story so far to 1300 AD..

6 Map Link: Reference Map of the European Provinces of the Roman Empire: < shepherd-c-038-039.jpgshepherd-c-038-039.jpg>

7 3rd-4th c. Fall of Roman Empire Eastern empire becomes Byzantine Empire, based at Constantinople Western empire becomes patchwork of states

8 Map Link: Europe in the 12th Century: < europe_12thcentury_1884.jpgeurope_12thcentury_1884.jpg>

9 1300 Feudal system beginning to break down scutage Divine right of kings

10 Religion In 1300 most western Europeans are Catholic Christians Innocent III (p. 1198-1216) 1215 Fourth Lateran Council Papal Monarchy

11 Pope Cardinals Archbishops/Bishops Cathedral Canons Archdeacons (usually 4 archdeaconries/diocese) Rural Deans Parish Rector Vicar or Curate Chaplains, Deacons and Subdeacons (not beneficed) Minor Orders (allowed to marry) Major Orders

12 Monasteries and nunneries Friars – Franciscans and Dominicans Canons – Augustinians Military Orders – Templars, Hospitallers, Teutonic Knights

13 Education and Culture Most scholars are clergy Late 12th/early 13th c. Expansion of education system in Europe, incl. foundation of universities Peter Abelard (1079-1142) Thomas Aquinas (1225-74) 12th c. Recovery of Aristotle

14 Growth of vernacular literature Song of Roland Old French epic poem, earliest version from c. 1100

15 The Golden Legend (c. 1260), by Jacobus de Voragine (1228/30-98) Compilation of lives of saints, as well as events in lives of Christ and Virgin Mary

16 manorial/seignorial system 9th-11th c. peasants becoming serfs in exchange for protection 12th-13th c. Serfs gaining freedom through bribery, education, civil resistance, law Social History

17 12th-13th c. Growth of towns as commercial centres Guilds and town councils

18 Women: position in mediaeval society?

19 Others: Non-Christians or non-Catholics – merchants, slaves, P.O.W.s Non-Christians also incl. large Jewish communities throughout Europe

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