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Gas Laws Mr. Gates Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Gas Laws Mr. Gates Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gas Laws Mr. Gates Created by Educational Technology Network

2 POWERPOINT JEOPARDY Relationship Combined Ideal Gas Dalton’s Law Random 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 Is the relationship between temperature and pressure direct or inverse?
Relationship– 10 Points Direct

4 If the volume of a gas increases, what will happen to the pressure?
Relationship– 20 Points The pressure will decrease.

5 As the temperature decreases, the pressure will… ?
Relationship– 30 Points Decrease

6 A balloon is placed into a freezer at a much colder temperature than the balloon, what will happen to the volume of the balloon? Relationship– 40 Points It will decrease.

7 The temperature will decrease.
Under constant volume and pressure, what will happen to the temperature inside a container if more gas is added to it? Relationship– 50 Points The temperature will decrease.

8 If I have 5. 6 liters of gas in a piston at a pressure of 1
If I have 5.6 liters of gas in a piston at a pressure of 1.5 atm and compress the gas until its volume is 4.8 L, what will the new pressure inside the piston be? Combined– 10 Points 1.75atm

9 At 189 K, a sample of gas has a volume of 32. 0 cm3
At 189 K, a sample of gas has a volume of 32.0 cm3. What volume does the gas occupy at 242 K? Combined– 20 Points 25.0cm3

10 [remember to convert to K first then back to °C!]
A cylinder of gas has a pressure of 4.40 atm at 25°C. At what temperature, in °C, will it reach a pressure of 6.50 atm? [remember to convert to K first then back to °C!] Combined– 30 Points 167 °C

11 The sample now has a volume of 392mL at a pressure of 0
The sample now has a volume of 392mL at a pressure of atm and a temperature of 21°C. What was the original temperature (in °C) of the gas, if the volume was 379 mL and the pressure was atm? Combined– 40 Points 12.7 °C

12 A piston containing argon gas, o originally in a volume of 3
A piston containing argon gas, o originally in a volume of 3.50 L at 650. mmHg and –75°C is heated to 358°C and a pressure of 875 mmHg. What is the change in the volume of the piston? Combined– 50 Points 4.79 L

13 Oxygen gas is collected at a pressure of 123 kPa in a container which has a volume of 10.0 L. What temperature must be maintained on moles of this gas? Express the temperature in degrees Celsius. Ideal Gas– 10 Points 23°C

14 How many moles of chlorine gas would occupy a volume of 35
How many moles of chlorine gas would occupy a volume of 35.5 L at a pressure of kPa and a temperature of 100. C? Ideal Gas– 20 Points 1.15mol

15 What is the volume of a balloon if it contains 3
What is the volume of a balloon if it contains 3.2 moles of helium at a temperature of 20.0 C and 2.0atm? Ideal Gas– 30 Points 38.5L

16 What pressure in atmospheres would be required to contain 100
What pressure in atmospheres would be required to contain g of SO2 gas in a 25.0 L container at a temperature of 100. C? Ideal Gas– 40 Points 1.91atm

17 What mass of nitrous oxide gas (N2O) is contained in 20
What mass of nitrous oxide gas (N2O) is contained in 20.0 L balloon at a pressure of kPa and a temperature of 25 C? Ideal Gas– 50 Points 39.1g N2O

18 If the partial pressures of the three gases in a tank are 35 atm of O2, 15 atm of N2, and 25 atm of He, what is the total pressure inside of the tank? Dalton's Law– 10 Points 75atm

19 If the total air pressure is 0
If the total air pressure is 0.99atm, the partial pressure of carbon dioxide is 0.17atm, and the partial pressure of hydrogen sulfide is 0.12atm, what is the partial pressure of the remaining air? Dalton's Law– 20 Points 0.70atm

20 What’s the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in a container that holds 7mol of carbon dioxide, 4mol of nitrogen, and 8mol of oxygen and has a total pressure of 3.14atm? Dalton's Law– 30 Points 1.16atm

21 If I place 3mol N2 and 4mol O2 in a 35L container at a temperature of 25◦C, what will the pressure of the mixture of gases be in atm? Dalton's Law– 40 Points 4.88atm

22 Dalton's Law– 50 Points 2.09atm
Two flasks are connected with a stopcock. The first flask has a volume of 7L and contains N2 at a pressure of 1.75atm. The second flask has a volume of 9L and contains O2 at a pressure of 2.35atm. When the stopcock between the flasks is opened and the gases are free to mix, what will the pressure be in the mixture? Dalton's Law– 50 Points 2.09atm

23 What do you do with a dead chemist?
Random – 10 Points Barium

24 If a gas sample has 32% oxygen at a total pressure of 1
If a gas sample has 32% oxygen at a total pressure of 1.02atm, what is the partial pressure of oxygen? Random – 20 Points .326atm

25 Barometer or Monometer
Name one device that was discussed in class that can be used to measure pressure. Random – 30 Points Barometer or Monometer

26 What is assumed to be constant in the combined gas law?
Random – 40 Points The number of moles of gas.

27 What interaction is the cause for the pressure of a gas?
Random – 50 Points The collisions between the gas particles and the sides of the container.

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