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National conference on Agriculture for kharif campaign 2015

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1 National conference on Agriculture for kharif campaign 2015
Promotion of Pulses through Inter Cropping in Kharif season Department of Agriculture, Manipur April 2015

2 Achievements of Rabi pulses, 2014-15
Pea is the major pulse crop covering 26,000 ha producing 837 Kg/ha More area under different pulses covered under NFSM-Pulses since implementation of NFSM Lentil has introduced in the state Multi locational trial conducted at different farmers field and found encouraging. A new technology of pea cultivation – Zero tillage on pea introduced and found satisfactory

3 Prospects for Kharif 2015 Black Gram : Area- 1300ha
Production – 1072MT Yield – 825 Kg/ha Rice Bean : Area- 1840ha Production – 1407MT Yield – 765 Kg/ha Arhar : Area- 500ha Production – 370MT Yield – 740 Kg/ha

4 Intercropping of pulses with other kharif crops
Black gram and Rice bean are the major kharif pulses Rice bean- a poor man rice, intercropped with Maize in the foot hills Intercropping of Arhar with Sesame in the upland area Adoption of intercropping of Sesame with Groundnut in some hill pockets.

Non-availability of improved /suitable variety of pulses mostly for rice bean which accounts for more areas. SRR is hardly against the desired level for rice bean Pulses are mostly Grown in marginal and sub- marginal lands in rainfed lands of the state. Very sensitive to acidity , Soils of the state are acidic. Mostly grown as mixed crops, intercrops and bund crops. Poor storability and lack of storage facility. Post harvest losses Stray cattle menace restrict the horizontal expansion. Poor land preparation in rice fallows in absence of suitable zero tillage implements.

6 Strategy Intercropping of Rice bean with Sesame, Maize in an area of 1000 ha. in Kharif season. Demonstration of cultivation of Arhar in upland/bunds with improved variety, Plant protection measure and Bio fertilizers. Distribution of Sprinkler sets to provide life saving irrigation at critical growth stages of the pulse crops under OFWM. Provision of Farm Ponds, Water pumping sets, water delivery pipes under NFSM, NMSA, RKVY Application of micronutrient, bio-fertilizers and bio-pesticides

7 Strategy Condt…… Timley avaialability of HYV seeds Seed Treatment
Soil Amelioration with lime and gypsum under different CSS Timley avaialability of HYV seeds Seed Treatment Organisation of Farmers Training Programme Exposure visit of farmers as well as extension functionaries under ATMA

8 ISSUES Acidic Soil- needs soil amelioration with lime
Horizontal expansion of land at the foot hills Availability of irrigation water and its devices Lack of improved package of practices of Rice bean Lack of HYV seeds on Rice bean Suitable technology for intercropped with other crops Massive awareness campaign along with demonstration for intercropped of pulses with other crops. Application complex fertilizer (designed specifically for pulses like DAP) Suitable farm implement for hill agriculture

9 Thank You

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