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Test Administration Workshop Spring 2014
PARCC SBA Science Spanish Language Arts NCSC NMAPA ACCESS NAEP (selected schools) End of Course
New Mexico Assessment Program
PARCC Grades 3-11 English Language Arts (ELA) and Math NMSBA Science (grades 4, 7 and 11) Spanish Language Arts Reading (grades 3 – 8, 10 and 11) Writing (grades (3, 5, and 8) NCSC (grades 3 – 8 and 11) Reading and Math Test Administration Workshop 2015
New Mexico Assessment Program (continued)
New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment (NMAPA) Science (grades 4, 7, 11) Social Studies (grade 11) ACCESS for ELL students Grades K-12 NAEP (selected schools) Grades 4, 8, 12 End of Course (EoC) exams Grades Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Testing Schedule Testing Windows PARCC PBA March 2 – March 27, 2015 EOY April 13 – May 8, 2015 SBA Science and Spanish Language Arts (SLA) March 23 – March 27, 2015 NCSC April 6 – May 15, 2015 NMAPA TBD Test Administration Workshop 2015
Testing Schedule (continued)
Testing Windows ACCESS January 12– February 27, 2014 NAEP (selected schools) January 26 – March 6, 2015 END OF COURSE (EoC) Grades : April 27 – May 8, 2015 Grades 4 – 8: May 11 – May 22, 20145 Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Accommodations Maintain records of testing accommodations administered. Coded accommodations are allowed for students with IEPs, 504 Plans, or current ELL status. Accommodations are intended to remove a barrier so students have equal access to the test. Accommodations do NOT change the constructs being assessed. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Participation of Students with Disabilities: Three Ways
Participation in standard administration without accommodations. Participation with allowable accommodations. National Center and State Collaborative (NCSC) and New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment (NMAPA): for students with significant cognitive disabilities who are unable to participate in general assessments, even with accommodations. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Accommodations Manuals
PED Accommodations Manual SBA EoC PARCC Accommodations and Accessibility Features Manual ACCESS for ELLs Accommodations (on website) NCSC/NMAPA (in Teacher Administration Manuals) Test Administration Workshop 2015
Participation of English Language Learners
Variety of ways to participate: Depends, in part, on how long the student has attended school in the United States. Language of instruction is also an important consideration. ACCESS classifications: Use most recent W-APT or ACCESS scores. Test Administration Workshop 2015
ELL Students: First Year in U.S. Schools
These students have a language exemption in Language Arts. Language-proficiency test (W-APT) and ACCESS substitutes for participation in Reading. These students must still take writing, math and other subjects. This option available to only first year in U.S. students. Scores DO NOT count towards school grades. All children who have been in a school less than one full academic year do not county for AYP purposes. [National Education Association (NEA)] Test Administration Workshop 2015
ELL Students: First 3 Years in U.S. Schools
Students may participate in: Standard administration of English language test English language test with accommodations Standard administration of Spanish language test Spanish language test with accommodations Student may take assessments in Spanish: PARCC Math SBA Science SBA Spanish Language Arts Test Administration Workshop 2015
ELL Students: 3 or More Years in U.S. Schools
Students must participate in English language versions of assessment, with or without accommodations. However, a waiver is available for up to two additional years to continue testing a student in his or her home language. (4th & 5th Years in U.S. Schools) Waiver is only good for one year. Must be resubmitted for a maximum of 2 submissions per student. Waiver must be submitted to PED by specified date. Kindergarten does not count as one of the 3 years. If, after 3 consecutive years, prior to the date of the test administration, the district determines (on a case-by-case basis) that state assessments in a language other than English would yield more accurate and reliable information, the student may continue to be tested in another language for a period not to exceed two years. Test Administration Workshop 2015
ELL students (continued)
Students in 9th grade who qualify for the Spanish Language Arts test do not have to take PARCC ELA assessment. (SLA is only for graders.) Students in 9th – 11th grade who speak languages other than Spanish, have to take PARCC ELA assessments with appropriate accommodations. Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career
Performance Based Assessment (PBA) 75% into the school year End of Year (EOY) Assessment 90% into the school year PBA + EOY = Summative Score (October/November 2015) Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC Grades 4 – 11 Computer Based (online) Grade 3 Paper Based PARCC Principal Binder Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC Accessibility Features and Accommodations
PARCC Accommodations Manual Personal Needs Profile Field Definitions Complete Personal Needs Profile (PNP) by February 9, 2015. Submit to Claudine Sanchez, Accessibility Features are available to all students. Accommodations are available to students with IEPS and/or 504 plans and ELL students. Test Administration Workshop 2015
SBA – Science (Grades 4, 7, and 11)
Paper Based Testing (PBT) must be administered according to the APS schedule Students within the same building must take the same session(s) at the same time Exceptions: Students who are provided accommodations and need more time Make-up tests Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Spanish Language Arts Reading Grades 3 – 8, 10 and 11 Writing Grades 3, 5 and 8 Paper Based Testing (PBT) must be administered according to the APS schedule Students within the same building must take the same session(s) at the same time EXCEPTIONS: Students who are provided with accommodations and need more time Make-up tests Test Administration Workshop 2015
Types of Accommodations
For PBT - Type of accommodation must be documented on the Student Bio-grid. Students can have more than one accommodation. Accommodations must be documented on a separate sheet. Bubble in either “Y” for Yes or ”N” for No for every content area in the Presentation grid and the Response grid. Test Administration Workshop 2015
NCSC National Center and State Collaborative
ELA (including writing) and math (grades 3-8, 11) Common Core aligned Computer Based only 11th grade test is a graduation assessment Available to students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the eligibility criteria established by the New Mexico Public Education Department Online training begins March 9, 2015 Test Administration Workshop 2015
NMAPA New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment
New Mexico Alternate Performance Assessment (NMAPA) Science (grades 4, 7, 11) Social Studies (grade 11) Available to students with significant cognitive disabilities who meet the eligibility criteria established by the New Mexico Public Education Department Administrators need to attend training every 3 years Test Administration Workshop 2015
NAEP (Selected Schools only)
Paper and Pencil Assessments Grades 4, 8, and 12 Approximately 90 minutes for students, includes transition time and instructions Assessment Administrator: NAEP representative Pilot Technology-Based Assessment Approximately 120 minutes for students, includes transition time and instructions Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
EoC End of Course exams Students may take an EoC as long as they have completed a course for which the EoC is intended. High school students take EoCs in reading, writing, math, science, and social studies to meet graduation requirements. EoCs provide an Alternative Demonstration of Competency (ADC) in the academic content standards required for graduation ( NMAC). Most tests are multiple choice. HS: 90 minutes MS and ES: 60 minutes Test Administration Workshop 2015
Principles of Test Security
Protect the student Protect your staff Protect the test Protect yourself Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security and Training
Test security is everybody’s responsibility. Training and test security requirements are outlined in NM PED regulation NMAC. The regulation may be found on the web at: index.html Test Administration Workshop 2015
Testing Irregularities
A testing irregularity is “any circumstance within or beyond the control of a school district that in the opinion of the Public Education Department (PED) or a school district raises doubts about the propriety of standardized testing procedures, preparation materials, standardized test administration, standardized testing security, student scores attained from standardized testing, or teacher or student conduct observed during standardized testing.” [ NMAC] Suspected testing irregularities should be reported in accordance with procedures outlined in PED Regulation [ NMAC]. Referred to as (7) Test Irregularities on the Student Biogrid Test Administration Workshop 2015
Assessment Support System
Do not contact the PED! If you have questions, check the manuals. If Test Administrator (TA) still has questions, ask the School Test Coordinator (STC). If STC still has questions, ask the District Test Coordinator (DTC). Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Prohibited Practices Diminishing the significance or importance of the tests. Having a cell phone, smart phone, e-reader, or tablet on person during testing. Staff may use devices for internal communication. Stray-mark clean-up is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security - The Basics
Keep test material, including Student Testing Tickets, printed Seal Codes, Mathematics Reference Sheets, scratch paper, and Test Booklets secure before, during, and after testing. Keep track of and return every secured test material, used or unused. Test materials must be stored overnight in a secure area with limited access. Test material must not be left unattended in an unlocked room. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security - The Basics (continued)
Each student must be assigned the appropriate test material. Make sure they write their name in the appropriate place on each of the test materials given to them. This includes scratch paper and Math Reference Sheets. No individuals (including staff members) can review secure tests without approval from the NM PED. Ensure that no student has exposure to the assessment prior to test administration. Never photocopy, discuss, or reproduce in any manner items from any secure test. Report testing irregularities immediately to Director of Testing or Director of Assessment. (DO NOT INVALIDATE !) Test Administration Workshop 2015
Security of Student Test Materials
Sign in/out all secure materials, including Student Testing Tickets and scratch paper. Documentation should indicate movement of materials for extended time, make-ups, accommodations, etc. When collecting materials after testing each day, Test Administrators (TAs) must inventory materials. Account for all materials DAILY with details check-in and check-out forms. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Security of Student Test Materials (continued)
Staff should not leave test materials in unattended classrooms. Count each PBT booklet every time it changes location. If a test material is missing, the TA must immediately contact the STC to report the loss and commence a search for the missing material. If the test material is not found, this incident must be reported to the DTC. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Specific Test Security
Students must be unable to see another student’s screen and/or work. This includes secure materials, i.e. Student Testing Tickets and scratch paper. Students need enough room at workstation to write on scratch paper. Adjust computer volume for headphone use (videos and text-to-speech) prior to testing. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Who can administer the tests?
Only trained, certified staff are permitted to administer tests. The Test Administrator must be a certified staff member who has received training from the DTC/STC. In the event schools require additional staff to administer the test, other staff members (who have received training) may be used to: - provide one-on-one accommodations to Special Ed or ELL students (i.e., scribing, oral presentation of directions), or - provide one-on-one administration because of other documented IEP accommodations. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Who can serve as test proctors?
Parents cannot proctor in their own child’s or relative’s classroom. Proctors can assist, but may not act as test administrators. Proctors must sign a non-disclosure form. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Responsibilities Before Testing: STC
Verify receipt of sufficient test materials. Notify parents of test administration. Plan for testing students who are eligible for allowable accommodations. Identify students who have documented accommodation needs; confer with others if necessary. Identify students who will require separate settings or who will not be participating in one or more subtests with the larger group. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Responsibilities Before Testing: TA
TAs must plan for make-ups (scores are not reported for a content area if even one session is missed). TAs must adhere to ALL directions and instructions in DFA/TAMs. During testing, TAs must read scripts from DFA/TAMs EXACTLY as written. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Responsibilities During Testing: TA
Post appropriate signs on classroom door: “Do Not Disturb” and “Testing in Progress”. When you distribute the test materials for the first time, have students write their name on the front of them. Follow all directions for a standardized administration. PARCC testing is timed. TA must adhere to the Unit times. Students who have cell phones in their possession are to turn them off and place them in their own backpacks to be stored at the front of the testing room during the test session. Ensure adequate lighting, temperature, and quiet atmosphere. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC – Timed Tests Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security: During Testing
DO: Follow directions and scripts in the test administration manuals exactly. Have a proctor in the room and test monitors in the halls to assist with medical emergencies or obtaining additional test materials. Allow bathroom breaks during sessions if necessary. Students may be allowed to use the restroom as long as they are escorted to and from the facility by a proctor. Remind students to answer every question before there is a break in a testing session. Proctor the exam actively. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security: During Testing
DO NOT: Do not allow students to start a test session who arrive late and/or who miss the test directions. Schedule a make-up session for these students. Do not give students breaks that allow them to leave the room or talk/interact with one another in the middle of a test session. Do not paraphrase test questions or directions. Do not coach or assist student with items before, during, or after the assessment. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Security: During Testing
DO NOT: Do not test students on different subtests at the same time when they are all in the same room together (except for make-up exams). Do not read the test to students or a groups of students who don’t qualify for such an accommodation. Do not coach students before, during, or after testing; or influence, alter, or interfere with students’ responses in any way. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Helpful Hints: TAs If a student asks, you must repeat oral directions in the script of the administration manual to the whole class. If students finish early, they may read but not write. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Testing Disruptions Student Illness Emergency Evacuation Fire Drill, Lock Down, etc. - Students may be allowed to complete the session at a later time, but may not change response to any test items already answered. Have paper clips ready for students to clip on the page where they are working in the test booklet. Upon return and the testing session is resumed, walk around to ensure that students are working on the page with the paper clip. Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC Paper Based Test Booklet Demographic Page
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
PARCC Within one week of testing, TA must complete the Test Administrator Survey after each administration. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Completing Biogrids for SBA Science and/or SLA
Pre-ID labels are provided as a convenience for all students who are enrolled in a public school, charter school, state educational institution, or BIE schools. Use only valid pre-ID labels on answer booklets. A pre-ID label is valid if the following information is up-to-date: Student’s last name, first name, and middle initial, Student’s date of birth, Student state identification number (STARS). Test Administration Workshop 2015
Completing Biogrids for SBA Science and/or SLA
If a Pre-ID label is valid and applied to the answer document: boxes A-H of the SBA answer document do not need to be bubbled. Do no use a pre-ID label if it contains outdated or incorrect student information. If no valid pre-ID label is available for a student, the biogrid must be completed including every field on the outside, back cover. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Completing Biogrids Science and/or SLA
The second page of the biogrid must be completed for all students, as applicable, by the TA after test completion. Refer to the SBA TCM sections “Rules for Completing Biogrids in 2015” chart and “Directions for Each Box on the Biogrid”. Affix pre-coded label and/or complete the Student Biogrid on a blank booklet for students not tested (e.g., no shows, invalid tests). NOTE: If a student is no longer enrolled in your school, do not affix the pre-coded label to a blank test booklet. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Student moves to another APS school prior to SBA Science and/or SLA testing Before the test: If a student officially withdraws before the testing window and you have their label; DO NOT AFFIX THE LABEL. If you affix the label and the child is not enrolled in your school it will count against participation and performance since the questions will not be answered. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Student moves to another APS School during the SBA Science and/or SLA test window If a child moves to a different school and has started but not finished the test, the answer booklet needs to go with the child. You can deliver it with a form that requires your signature and the receiving school’s signature (each school and Testing Services get a copy) OR Testing Services can deliver it for you. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Documentation for All Students for SBA Science and/or SLA testing
According to the PED, Foreign Exchange students DO NOT need to be tested. Only put their label on a bio-grid if your school has decided to test them. If a bio-grid is submitted the student will count for participation. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Documentation for All Students for SBA Science and/or SLA testing (continued) If a student has used large print: TA or STC must transfer all MC answers and written responses into a regular test booklet. Keep the Large Print book with the regular booklet. If a student has used Braille as a response format: Appropriate school personnel must transcribe this information into regular print booklet. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Final Check for SBA Science and/or SLA testing
Name on cover of test booklet and Answer document. Pre-coded label and/or Student Bio-grid are complete/accurate. Return tests to STC: no tape, staples or rubber bands. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Prepare Materials for Return
Fill out the appropriate header sheets/group information sheets as directed by Testing Services. (See folder in SBA box 1, and PARCC directions.) Package materials as directed by Testing Services. Keep the original boxes. Check to be sure that all materials are accounted for, and that test materials are separated as directed in manuals and/or by Testing Services. For SBA, do not return manuals, Mathematics Reference Sheets, Spanish glossaries, or rulers. Do not save the manuals for the next administration as directions will change from year to year. For PARCC, return of materials instructions will be made available before test administration. Pay particular attention to which documents go in which envelope and/or box; scorable materials, non-scorable materials, and transcribed documents. The same precaution should be used for labels that go on the envelopes and/or boxes. . Test Administration Workshop 2015
Following Testing: STC
Check paper test booklets: There must be a test booklet returned for each registered student, who was assigned a paper booklet, in every grade level and every content area assessed. Verify student roster information and/or student data grids are complete and accurate. Ensure that the correct bubble is filled in if necessary, for example: Accommodations grid, and the Test Completion Status grid (if other than 0). Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Duplicate Prevention Materials to be scored: All completed answer booklets including: withdrew before completion, modifications, reading exemption, medical emergency, parental refusal, non- completion irregularity, absent, and voided. Materials not to be scored: Test booklets (except grade 3) and never used answer documents. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test pick-up Pick up begins immediately after your last test. Schedules will be made available before test administration. All completed tests must be returned at that time. All make up tests are due to testing services immediately after all are completed and no later than March 27, 2015 (PARCC PBA, SBA Science, and SLA). You have the option to return materials to testing services. Please let us know ASAP if you choose to use this option. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Test Administration Workshop 2015
PED WEB SITE Go to NMPED Web Directory Go to Assessment and Evaluation Find Procedure Manual, DFA, Sample Items etc. Test Administration Workshop 2015
Good Luck Instructional Accountability 872-6870
Rose-Ann McKernan Eleanor Andrews Dorothy Muna Ann Lesley Claudine Sanchez
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