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Lab Copy Flow Slot directory  Your directory  Ned directory Your directory is your last name, e.g., TODD.

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Presentation on theme: "Lab Copy Flow Slot directory  Your directory  Ned directory Your directory is your last name, e.g., TODD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lab Copy Flow Slot directory  Your directory  Ned directory Your directory is your last name, e.g., TODD

2 Getting, slugging a story Copy the story from SLOT. Do not move it or open it. Story: dallasgangs.doc In your directory, rename the word file, adding a hyphen and your last name, no spaces. E.g., dallasgangs.doc becomes dallasgangs-smith.doc Now you may open and work the story.

3 Upper-left info Upper left corner of every story takes this: Dallasgangs-todd Slug and page Rusty Todd Source of story 8/4/10 Date story filed Editor: Editor’s name, e-mail Note: AP is an acceptable entry for source line.

4 Internal guidelines Do not delete labels on headlines, blurbs, refers and other elements. 3-24-1 roman This is a label. This is where head goes. Notes: Do not change the font size of the type inside headline, blurb boxes. Do not change size of the boxes.

5 Web Headlines The Web head is a one-line head that fits our WYSIWYG window. Downstyle. No formatting. Use the spot model to formulate your heads and underlines. Web head: Arizona declares an emergency as fires burn across West Web underline Blazes are also under way in Utah, Wyoming, Nevada and Washington

6 Tweets Tweet tries to pack model into 140 words. Usually what happened plus at least one more element. First decision: Tweet before editing—how hot? Tweet: Arizona declares wildfire emergency. Apache reservation is threatened. Blazes burn across five western states. [hashtags]

7 Filing guidelines Save your work. Place a COPY of your file in the NED directory. Inform your editor that you’ve finished the assignment.

8 Using Associated Press Point your browser at: Your e-mail address is: Your password is: wireJUTexas Do not distribute.

9 Other Sites Twitter user name: utcopydesk Twitter password: copydesk Class website: sites/ Use your UTEID to sign on. Contact me if it doesn’t work. Reading materials are on Canvas.

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