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Hyper Commercialism & Digital Convergence

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1 Hyper Commercialism & Digital Convergence

2 Commercialism means: Hyper Commercialism
emphasis on the maximizing profit. Concern with making of profit at the expense of artistic or other value Concern with making of profit at the expense of artisitic or other value 2 2

3 Hyper Commercialism Increasing the amount of advertising
mixing of advertising and non – commercial media content. A product or logo during a television show or movie. Again seeing the commercial during the commercial break. 3

4 Hyper Commercialism Example:
Pakistan Idol There is a TV program Pakistan Idol, this program has a great on teenagers, youngsters and music lovers. This program has product placement and hyper commercialism. The judges are seen with glasses with Pepsi logo. During Commercial break you will see a commercial for Pepsi. 4 4

5 History Egyptians used Papyrus to make sales messages and wallpapers.
Men walk from one place to other place for selling their goods. This was basic form of commercialism. PAPYRUS 5

6 Advertisement Hyper – Commercialism is a form of advertisement
But increasing the amount of advertisement Encourage or manipulate an audience. In the past, advertisements for 5-10 minutes. In one hour TV program advertisements twice as more. 6

7 Goal and role of Hyper Commercialism
Filter audience needs What is beneficial for us. Affect our decision 7

8 Benefits It is fine way of advertising
Without interrupting the flow of the movie Sponsors just put their product, logo and brand in a movie. Product placement inside movies has been more powerful as compared to past. 8

9 Disadvantages Too much influenced by Hyper Commercialism
Their products are really good or not especially teenagers. Sometimes we just waste our money for something not important. For Example: Malaysia has banned the advertisements of fast food commercials or any product related to fast food during kid’s hours because it may mislead the children. 9

10 Robert W.McChesney The Internet is increasingly Hyper commercialized
Injecting advertising messages. Advertising is done by small group of people Media Critic and Research Professor

11 Interview: Robert McChesney FRONTLINE
Choice of consumer is related to amount of commercialism that filter all the choices Commercial logic is idea of selling something. People picking from Commercial choices. Advertisements influence our kids.

12 Interview: Robert McChesney FRONTLINE
Example: Sweden Allow no advertising to children Under 12. It is the condition of broadcasting. You can’t advertise there to children under 12.

13 Interview: Robert McChesney FRONTLINE
Marshall Mcluhan - Great Communication Theorist He says, “We don’t know who discovered water, but it probably wasn’t a fish.” We are so immersed in Commercialism that we lost see our ability to see it critically.

14 The Reaction of humans in the future
T.V. watchers will get even more annoyed because their favorite shows are over shadowed by advertisements . 14

15 Pakistan Advertising Society
False or Misleading visual or verbal Price claims that are misleading. Statements, pictures insulting to public or minority segments of population. Testimonials that do not reflect the real opinions of individuals involved.

16 Pakistan Advertising Society Principles
All advertisements should be legal, decent and honest and truthful. All advertisements should be prepared with a sense of responsibility to consumers and to society. No advertisements should bring advertising into bad reputation. Advertisements must conform to the Code of advertising Practice

17 Digital Convergence The term "digital convergence" means the ability to view the same multimedia content from different type’s devices and digitization of content (movies, pictures, music, voice, text) and the development of connections methods. Reading s on your TV via a connected Smartphone, watch a streaming movie on the home theater connected to the Internet. 17

18 Convergence of Technologies
Digital convergence refers to the convergence of four industries into one corporation, ITTCE (Information Technologies, Telecommunication, Consumer Electronics, and Entertainment). This provides new, innovative solutions to consumers and business users. Based on digital technologies and digitized content it encompasses converged devices (such as smart phones, laptops and internet enabled entertainment devices )converged applications (e.g. music download on PC and handheld) and converged networks (IP networks). 18

19 Each industry brings technical competencies in their traditional space, and offer unique value propositions and complements in the converged space. For example, IT’s strength is in its processing power and data storage, Telecoms brings value in voice and communications, CE contributes in physical functionalities and user interface and Media its content. Each industry also have its unique forte of distribution abilities: IT in data networking, Telecoms in cellular and fixed-line distribution, CE in physical distribution and Media in satellite, terrestrial and cable distribution. 19

20 Consumer Electronics and Media
Consumer Electronics and Media have been partners since the rise of radio and television in the 1930s. Digital technologies from the 70s to the 90s could only tighten that partnership. Compact discs, DVDs, digital cameras, digital camcorders, MP3 players, game consoles and digital TVs are just some of the results of digital technology applied to consumer electronics and media. The quality of the media that is produced and consumed has been vastly improved with digital. As such the partnership between CE and Media will continue to advance. 20

21 Consumer Electronics and Telecoms
Before digital, the telephone and fax machine are probably the most you can speak of when you want to identify the commonality between the Consumer Electronics and Telecoms industries. However, in recent years, digital technology has created new possibilities between these two industries. Cellular phones, once only used as a voice and Communication tool, have now also become a watch, an alarm clock, a radio, a game , an electronic organizer and even a fashion accessory. 21

22 Information Technology and Telecoms
One of the first uses of the telecoms infrastructure to transmit digital data is through computer connecting to a network via a modem. The success and proliferation of computer to computer networking through voice dial-up has influenced the creation of newer technologies like ISDN (Integrated Services Digital Network) and DSL(Digital subscriber line) to achieve even faster connection speeds. Like many other industries, IT has greatly affected the telecoms industry by both being a complement and a threat. IT has enhanced the Telecoms industry in many ways, in Particular, voice switching circuits. One interesting development to note is also the emerging Smartphone platform, where cellular phones have processors and memories in them and are capable of running downloaded software and applications, much like a computer. 22

23 Information Technology and Media
Just like the telecoms industry, IT has boosted the productivity of the media industry inmany ways. Publishers have used computers to do writing and layout of newspapers and books; broadcasters and movie producers use computer to generate computer graphics and create special effects for movies and films. The increasing computing power of the IT industry has enabled content producers to enhance the quality of media. Digital photography and graphics for newspapers, digital editing and storage for TVs, radios and films are just some examples. Inversely, digital media is infiltrating the computing world through compression and streaming audio and video. Encoded content, be it text, pictures, music or video, can be distributed and viewed on a PC, whether via CDs, DVDs or the Internet. 23

24 Media and Telecoms The convergence of Media and Telecoms technologies starts with Video Conferencing the ability of a duplex transmission of video and sound over the telephone wires. But true convergence between these two industries happens when cellular phones become the new terminal to receive various forms of media. A few years ago, breaking news in text form is sent via SMS to cellular phones were novel and commonplace. But now, richer content are available: music, screen savers, ring tones, images , audio, video and games are nowdownloadable to cellular phones. The consumption of media in the telecommunication platform is becoming a multi-million emerging industry 24

25 Conclusion Hyper Commercialism Digital Convergence 25


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