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Convolution Neural Network CNN

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1 Convolution Neural Network CNN
A tutorial KH Wong Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

2 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Introduction Very Popular: Toolboxes: cuda-convnet and caffe (user friendlier) A high performance Classifier (multi-class) Successful in handwritten optical character OCR recognition, speech recognition, image noise removal etc. Easy to implementation Slow in learning Fast in classification Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

3 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Overview of this note Part 1: Fully connected Back Propagation Neural Networks (BPNN) Part 1A: feed forward processing Part 1A: feed backward processing Part 2: Convolution neural networks (CNN) Part 2A: feed forward of CNN Part 2B: feed backward of CNN Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

4 Fully Connected Back Propagation (BP) neural net
Part 1 Fully Connected Back Propagation (BP) neural net Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

5 Theory Fully connected Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN)
Use many samples to train the weights, so it can be used to classify an unknown input into different classes Will explain How to use it after training: forward pass How to train it: how to train the weights and biases (using forward and backward passes) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

6 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Training How to train it: how to train the weights (W) and biases (b) (use forward, backward passes) Initialize W and b randomly Iter=1: all_epocks (each is called an epcok) Forward pass for each output neuron: Use training samples: Xclass_t : feed forward to find y. Err=error_function(y-t) Backward pass: Find W and b to reduce Err. Wnew=Wold+W; bnew=bold+b Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

7 Part 1A Forward pass of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN) Recall:
Forward pass for each output neuron: -Use training samples: Xclass_t : feed forward to find y. -Err=error_function(y-t) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

8 Feed forward of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN)
In side each neuron: Inputs Output neurons Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

9 Sigmod function f(u) and its derivative f’(u)
Sigmod function f(u) and its derivative f’(u) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

10 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
A single neuron The neural net can have many layers In between any neighboring 2 layers, a set of neurons can be found Each Neuron Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

11 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
BPNN Forward pass Forward pass is to find output when an input is given. For example: Assume we have used N=60,000 images to train a network to recognize c=10 numerals. When an unknown image is input, the output neuron corresponds to the correct answer will give the highest output level. Input image 10 output neurons for 0,1,2,..,9 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

12 The criteria to train a network
Is based on the overall error function Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

13 Structure of a BP neural network
Input layer output layer Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

14 Architecture (exercise: write formulas for A1(i=4) and A2(k=3)
P(j=1) W1(j=1,i=1) A1 W2(i=1,k=1) Neuron i=1 Bias=b1(i=1) W2(i=2,k=1) Neuron k=1 Bias=b2(k=1) P(j=2) W1(j=2,i=1) A2 A1(i=1) W2(i=5,k=1) P(j=9) W1(j=9,i=1) A5 A2(k=2) W1(j=1,i=1) P(j=1) P(j=2) P(j=3) : P(j=9) A1(i=1) W2(i=1,k=1) W2(i=2,k=1) W1(j=2,i=1) A1(i=2) W2(i=2,k=2) W1(j=3,i=4) W2(i=5,k=3) Output neurons=3 neurons, indexed by k W2=5x3 b2=3x1 A1(i=5) W1(j=9,i=5) Hidden layer =5 neurons, indexed by i W1=9x5 b1=5x1 Input: P=9x1 Indexed by j Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

15 Answer (exercise: write values for A1(i=4) and A2(k=3)
P=[ ] W1=[ ] -b1= %Find A1(i=4) A1_i_is_4=1/(1+exp[-(W1*P+b1))] =0.49 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

16 Numerical example for the forward path
Feed forward Give numbers of x, w b etc Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

17 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Example: a simple BPNN Number of classes (no. of output neurons)=3 Input 9 pixels: each input is a 3x3 image Training samples =3 for each class Number of hidden layers =1 Number of neurons in the hidden layer =5 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

18 Architecture of the example
Input Layer 9x1 pixels output Layer 3x1 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

19 Backward pass of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN)
Part 1B Backward pass of Back Propagation Neural Net (BPNN) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

20 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
feedback Feed forward Feed backward Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

21 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
derivation Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

22 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
derivation Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

23 Numerical example for the feed back pass
Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

24 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Procedure From the last layer (output), find dt-y Find d, then find w of the whole network Find iterative (forward- back forward pass) to generate a new set of W, until dW is small Takes a long time Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

25 Part 2 Convolution Neural Networks
Part 2A Feed forward part of cnnff( ) Matlab example Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

26 An example optical chartered recognition OCR
Example test_example_CNN.m in Based on a data base (mnist_uint8, from 60,000 training examples (28x28 pixels each) 10,000 testing samples (a different dat.2set) After training , given an unknown image, it will tell whether it is 0, or 1 ,..,9 etc. Recognition rate 11% use 1 epoch (training 200seconds) Recognition rate 1.2% use 100 epochs (hours of training) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

27 Overview of Test_example_CNN.m
Read data base Part I: cnnsetup.m Layer 1: input layer (do nothing) Layer 2 convolution(conv.) Layer, output maps=6, kernel size=5x5 Layer 3 sub-sample (subs.) Layer, scale=2 Layer 4 conv. Layer, output maps =12, kernel size=5x5 Layer 5 subs. Layer (output layer), scale =2 Part 2: cnntrain.m % train wedihgts using 60,000 samples cnnff( ) % CNN feed forward cnndb( ) % CNN feed back to train weighted in kernels cnnapplygrads( ) % update weights cnntest.m % test the system using samples and show error rate Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

28 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Architecture Layer 34: 12 conv. Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Fan_in= 6x52=150 Fan_out= 12x52=300 Each output neuron corresponds to a character (0,1,2,..,9 etc.) Layer 12: 6 conv.Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=6 Fan_in=52=25 Fan_out=6x52=150 Layer 23: 6 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Layer 45: 12 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=12 OutputMaps=12 Layer 1: One input (I) Layer 1: Image Input 1x28x28 Layer 2: 6x24x24 Layer 3: 6x12x12 Layer 4: 12x8x8 Layer 5: 12x4x4 Conv. Kernel =5x5 Subs Kernel =5x5 Conv. 2x2 Subs I=input C=Conv.=convolution S=Subs=sub sampling 2x2 10 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

29 Cnnff.m convolution neural networks feed forward
This is the feed forward part Assume all the weights are initialized or calculated, we show how to get the output from inputs. Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

30 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 12: Convolute layer 1 with different kernels (map_index1=1,2,.,6) and produce 6 output maps Inputs : input layer 1, a 28x28 image 6 different kernels : k(1),.,,,k(6) , each k is 5x5, K are dendrites of neurons Output : 6 output maps each 24x24 Algorithm For(map_index=1:6) { layer_2(map_index)= I*k(map_index)valid } Discussion Valid means only consider overlapped areas, so if layer 1 is 28x28, kernel is 5x5 each, each output map is 24x24 In Matlab > use convn(I,k,’valid’) Example: I=rand(28,28) k=rand(5,5) size(convn(I,k,’valid’)) > ans > 24 24 Layer 12: 6 conv.Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=6 Fan_in=52=25 Fan_out=6x52=150 Layer 1: One input (I) Layer 1: Image Input (i) 1x28x28 Layer 2(c): 6x24x24 Map_index= 1 2 : 6 i Conv.*K(1) Kernel =5x5 Conv.*K(6) j 2x2 I=input C=Conv.=convolution S=Subs=sub sampling Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

31 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 23: Sub-sample layer 2 to layer 3 Inputs : 6 maps of layer 2, each is 24x24 Output : 6 maps of layer 3, each is 12 x12 Algorithm For(map_index=1:6) { For each input map, calculate the average of 2x2 pixels and the result is saved in output maps. Hence resolution is reduced from 24x24 to 12x12 } Discussion Layer 23: 6 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Layer 2 (c): 6x24x24 Layer 3 (s): 6x12x12 Map_index= 1 2 : 6 Subs 2x2 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

32 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 34: Conv. layer 3 with kernels to produce layer 4 Inputs : 6 maps of layer3(L3{i=1:6}), each is 12x12 Kernel set: totally 6x12 kernels, each is 5x5,i.e. K{i=1:6}{j=1:12}, each K{i}{j} is 5x5 12 bias{j=1:12} in this layer, each is a scalar Output : 12 maps of layer4(L4{j=1:12}), each is 8x8 Algorithm for(j=1:12) {for (i=1:6) {clear z, i.e. z=0; z=z+covn (L3{i}, k{i}{j},’valid’)] %z is 8x8 } L4{j}=sigm(z+bais{j}) %L4{j} is 8x8 function X = sigm(P) X = 1./(1+exp(-P)); End Discussion Normalization? Layer 34: 12 conv. Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Fan_in= 6x52=150 Fan_out= 12x52=300 Layer3 L3(s): 6x12x12 Layer 4(c): 12x8x8 net.layers{l}.a{j} Index=i=1:6 Index=j=1:12 : Kernel =5x5 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

33 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 45 Subsample layer 4 to layer 5 Inputs : 12 maps of layer4(L4{i=1:12}), each is 12x8x8 Output : 12 maps of layer5(L5{j=1:12}), each is 4x4 Algorithm Sub sample each 2x2 pixel window in L4 to a pixel in L5 Discussion Normalization? Layer 45: 12 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=12 OutputMaps=12 Layer 4: 12x8x8 Layer 5: 12x4x4 Subs 2x2 10 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

34 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 5output Subsample layer 4 to layer 5 Inputs : 12 maps of layer5(L5{i=1:12}), each is 4x4, so L5 has 192 pixels in total Output layer weights: Net.ffW{m=1:10}{p=1:192}, total number of weights is 192 Output : 10 output neurons (net.o{m=1:10}) Algorithm For m=1:10%each output neuron {clear net.fv net.fv=Net.ffW{m}{all 192 weight}.*L5(all corresponding 192 pixels) net.o{m}=sign(net.fv + bias) } Discussion Layer 45: 12 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=12 OutputMaps=12 Totally 192 weights for each output neuron Each output neuron corresponds to a character (0,1,2,..,9 etc.) net.o{m=1:10} Layer 5 (L5{j=1:12}: 12x4x4=192 Totally 192 pixels : Same for each output neuron 10 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

35 Back propagation part cnnbp( ) cnnapplyweight( )
Part 2B Back propagation part cnnbp( ) cnnapplyweight( ) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

36 cnnbp( ) overview (output back to layer 5
Ref: See Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

37 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 5 to 4 Expand 1x1 to 2x2 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

38 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 4 to 3 Rotated convolution Find dE/dx at layer 3 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

39 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Layer 3 to 2 Expand 1x1 to 2x2 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

40 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Calculate gradient From later 2 to layer 3 From later 3 to layer 4 Net.ffW Net.ffb found Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

41 Details of calc gradients
% part % reshape feature vector deltas into output map style L4(c) run expand only L3(s) run conv (rot180, fill), found d L2(c) run expand only %Part %% calc gradients L2(c) run conv (valid), found dk and db L3(s) not run here L4(c) run conv(valid), found dk and db Done , found these for the output layer L5: net.dffW = net.od * (net.fv)' / size(net.od, 2); net.dffb = mean(net.od, 2); Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

42 cnnapplygrads(net, opts)
For the convolution layers, L2, L4 From k and dk find new k (weights) From b and db find new b (bias) For the output layer L5 net.ffW = net.ffW - opts.alpha * net.dffW; net.ffb = net.ffb - opts.alpha * net.dffb; opts.alpha is to adjust learning rate Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

43 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
appendix Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

44 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Architecture Layer 34: 12 conv. Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Fan_in= 6x52=150 Fan_out= 12x52=300 Each output neuron corresponds to a character (0,1,2,..,9 etc.) Layer 12: 6 conv.Maps (C) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=6 Fan_in=52=25 Fan_out=6x52=150 Layer 23: 6 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=6 OutputMaps=12 Layer 45: 12 sub-sample Map (S) InputMaps=12 OutputMaps=12 Layer 1: One input (I) Layer 1: Image Input 1x28x28 Layer 2: 6x24x24 Layer 3: 6x12x12 Layer 4: 12x8x8 Layer 5: 12x4x4 i u v Conv. Kernel =5x5 Subs Kernel =5x5 Conv. 2x2 I=input C=Conv.=convolution S=Subs=sub sampling Subs 2x2 10 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a j

45 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
A single neuron The neural net has many layers In between any neighboring 2 layers, a set of neurons can be found Each Neuron Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

46 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
Derivation dE/dW=changes at layer l+1 by changes in layer l At output layer L dE/db=d E=f(wx+b) Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

47 Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a
References Wiki Matlab programs Neural Network for pattern recognition- Tutorial CNN Matlab example Convolution Neural Network CNN ver. 4.11a

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