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Published byDennis O’Connor’ Modified over 9 years ago
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Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call
June 2, 2015
Welcome Objective: The monthly calls bring together test coordinators and accountability contacts for the purpose of planning for and implementing statewide assessment programs. Who: District Test Coordinators, Accountability Contacts, and District Technology Coordinators Topics: Assessment Accountability Archives: Louisiana Believes
14-15 Scope and Sequence Louisiana Believes Projected Call Dates
Projected Call Topics June 2, 2015 June Key Dates Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Closing Out Assessments Accountability Preparing for July Assessment Planning Meeting No July call Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administration LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
June Communication and Support
June 2: Assessment and Accountability Monthly Call and Webinar June 3-4: Superintendent Collaboration Event June 4: District and school-level summary reports for science and social studies will be shared with Superintendents and Data Coordinators in LEAPweb June 4-5: Teacher Leader Summit June 8-10, 15-17: Compass Framework & Goal Setting for Principals, Regional Trainings June 11: Statewide summary results will be ed to Superintendents and District Test Coordinators June 12: Deadline for District Test Coordinators and Accountability Contacts to submit end of year survey Mid June: EOC post-window results available in the EOC Test System Louisiana Believes
June Accessibility and Accommodations
June 15: EOC June retest deadline to order Braille materials and Communication Assistance scripts from Pacific Metrics Louisiana Believes
June Assessment Preparation and Administration
June 1: EOC Spring 2015 rescore request deadline 1 June 5-9: EOC administrative error registration window June 10-12: EOC administrative error retest window June 12: EOC irregularity, void notification, and void verification forms for the administrative error retest due via secure to June 15-19: EOC June 2015 retest registration window June 16-19, 22-25: AP Summer Institute June 22: EOC Spring 2015 administration rescore request deadline 2 June 22-26: EOC June 2015 retest window June 26: EOC irregularity, void notification, and void verification forms for the Summer retest due via secure to June 30: DIBELS Next Statement of Assurance deadline; submit via to June: LAA 2 secure test materials available on district FTP sites Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
Communication and Support
Multiple avenues exist to acquire information and/or receive assistance regarding assessments and accountability. All stakeholders are encouraged to questions and/or concerns to Assessment Hotline District staff are encouraged to call the hotline with questions that require immediate assistance. Louisiana Believes
Communication Plan Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
End of Year Survey District Test Coordinators and Accountability Contacts are encouraged to complete the Assessment and Accountability end of year survey by June 12. The end of year survey is an opportunity to offer feedback regarding the support, services, and resources that were provided to districts and schools during the school year. This feedback will be used to guide practices during the school year. The survey is available here and was sent via to District Test Coordinators and Accountability Contacts. Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
Act 837: Update The Louisiana House of Representatives passed a set of amendments in HB 718 to extend the June 1 deadline for Act 837; however, these amendments have not yet become law. Therefore, LEAs should take action around the following areas to ensure they are in compliance with Act 837: Assign unique student identifiers Opt into data sharing agreements with private entities for statewide contracts Change processes that currently rely on students' personally identifiable information Collect and report parental consent where needed These actions are outlined in more detail in this two-page document. Please alert your local student information system vendor(s) of this guidance, including deadline extensions. If you have questions, please contact Louisiana Believes
Act 837: Data Sharing Agreements
Act 837 requires LEAs to have a contract or data sharing agreement with private vendors that deliver services under state contracts. To facilitate this for LEAs, the Department is posting data sharing agreements to which LEAs can opt in by downloading the addendum, signing, scanning, and ing the signed copy to This list is not exhaustive of all data sharing agreements that the Department will eventually make available to LEAs but should address any data sharing that might be occurring in early June: EAGLE End-of-Course Exams Louisiana Secure ID Official Transcript System (OTS) Special Education Reporting (SER) Louisiana Believes
Act 837 Act 837 restricts LEAs from sharing students’ personally identifiable information (PII) (e.g., full name, date of birth, social security number) with the Department of Education after June 1, 2015 unless it meets one of the law’s limited exceptions: A person authorized by the sate to perform audits A person authorized by an LEA superintendent A parent gives written consent to share PII for a specific purpose LEAs may share the following allowable non-identifiable data with LDOE staff at any time: Louisiana Secure ID First letter of first name First three letters of last name Birth date only (excluding birth month and birth year) Louisiana Believes
Act 837: Superintendent Authorization
Act 837 states that, "Nothing in this Section shall prohibit a school system employee employed at the school and a person authorized by the superintendent of the school system from having access to a student's records as may be necessary to perform his duties.” Because the new data sharing restrictions have gone into effect, the Louisiana Department of Education can only assist LEAs if they are authorized by an LEA superintendent. To help LEAs, the Department has created a form that permits LEAs to request the Louisiana Department of Education access student records to assist LEAs in performing their duties. This is a short-term solution to assist LEAs in closing out current assessment processes until the amendments go into effect, and the Department can reconfigure assessment processes for the school year. Louisiana Believes
Act 837: Immediate Impact for Office of Assessment Administration and Accountability
Assessment and Accountability processes immediately affected by Act 837 are outlined in the table below. Process Immediate Solution Long Term Solution Special Education Graduation Waiver applications for Summer 2015 Utilize Superintendent Request for Assistance Parental consent will be incorporated into the application packet for the school year Student Test History or Test Document Merge Requests (to either DRC or LDOE) Vendor systems will be adjusted to accept only allowable data unless data sharing agreements are in place Registration for EOC Summer Administrations Utilize the following for students not already uploaded:* Local ID First letter of first name First three letters of last name Birth day (excluding month & year) *Most students are preregistered. Reporting Voids and Testing Irregularities to LDOE for EOC Summer Administrations Utilize Superintendent Request for Assistance along with updated forms Vendor systems and LDOE processes will be adjusted to only accept allowable data. Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
Spring 2015 Assessment Results
Assessment and Accountability Releases Date Available Method of Delivery LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 1, LAA 2, and ELDA Student Level Results (LAA 1 and ELDA) End of April LEAPweb Student Level Results (LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2) Late May Summary Reports Late July LDOE secure FTP EOC Student Level Results During Testing Window EOC Test System Post-Window Results Mid-June Mid-July Explore and Plan Summary Reports and Student Files Week of May 11 District Delivery from ACT ACT School and District Summary Reports Week of July 20 WorkKeys Student Files School Delivery from ACT PARCC (ELA and Math) Standard Setting Process Summer 2015 Fall 2015 LDOE SFTP Accountability Results Data Certification School Report Cards with Letter Grades Late Fall 2015 LDOE SFTP and website Principal Report Cards Winter 2015 PARCC Transitional Student Growth Data Interpretive guides for all assessments will be available through eDIRECT or EOC test site, and Please any questions about report releases
EOC Communication Plan
If a school experiences technical problems during EOC testing, the reporting protocol below should be followed within the school and district. Technical problems include, but are not limited to, problems connecting to the EOC Test System, a lost connection to the EOC Test System server, the inability to load test items, and missing buttons. The EOC Help Desk is available to assist districts with technology specific questions and/or issues. Louisiana Believes
EOC Summer Administration
Students Eligible for EOC June Administration Include: Initial testers who may have completed an EOC course and earned Carnegie credit for an EOC course after May 23 and before June 27 Initial testers seeking to earn proficiency credit for an EOC course with an EOC Test Retesters who scored Needs Improvement and need to pass an EOC to meet graduation requirements Materials All materials for test coordination and administration are available at Test Security Testing irregularities that raise questions regarding test security or accuracy of test data may result in a test being voided. Weekly reports of pending plagiarism voids and district reported voids are sent via to DTCs. A final report will be sent at the end of the testing window via to DTCs and superintendents. Louisiana Believes
EOC Summer Registration
Registration Alerts DTCs must schedule schools for testing before STCs can begin cleaning up class rosters and registering students. Student enrollment data will be uploaded into the EOC Test System from a file provided by the LDOE. Retest students who may need to pass EOC Tests for graduation will be uploaded into Retester classes. For collapsed summer school testing sites, secondary STC assignments should be provided to the primary STC designated for summer retest administration. Student enrollment data does not include the assignment of testing accommodations. Before student testing begins, accommodations must be entered for all students with special education, section 504, or LEP status. Louisiana Believes
EOC Summer Administrations and Act 837
With the new data sharing restrictions in effect, LEAs can no longer send students’ personally identifiable information (PII) to the Department. However, certain processes are still in progress on this date. To minimize disruption, the Department has taken or will take the following actions with regard to End-of-Course summer administrations: For registration of EOC Test-takers who are not already uploaded into the EOC Test System, the Department will make a data sharing agreement available to which LEAs can opt in and register students using their personally identifiable information (PII). If LEAs do not opt into the data sharing agreement, they will register the small number of students who were not already uploaded into the EOC Test System by using: Local Student ID First character of first name First three characters of last name Day of birth (without month and year) Louisiana Believes
LAA 2 Phase Out Beginning in summer 2015, the LAA 2 assessment will be transitioned to a district- administered assessment, much like GEE. Secure electronic forms of the English language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies LAA 2 tests will be available on the FTP in June. Submit orders for text to speech and MP3 files by June 15 via to Administration must be offered during the summer of 2015 and a minimum of twice in future school years. There is no age limit for retesters. All test security procedures in Chapter 3, Bulletin 118 apply to statewide assessments administered by LEAs. Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administration LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
Compass End of Year Closeout
Completion Timeline Actions by User Type Beginning Deadline District CVR Data Managers and Compass Contacts Evaluators (principal evaluator & principal) Employees (teacher, counselor, librarian) Ongoing 7/31/2015 Final Evaluations: Monitor Completion Final Evaluations: Complete Observations Assess Student Outcome Ratings Determine Final Ratings Review observation data & feedback Report progress on student outcomes CIS Resources, Communication, and Support To assist schools and districts with the Compass close out process, the Department developed the Compass Guide to End-of-Year Processes document that guides each user (teacher, school administrator, and district staff) though the steps needed to complete the Compass process. Weekly CIS Office Hours Purpose: Dedicated time to answer questions related to the CIS process When: Every Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. through the end of July Access: Join the CIS Office Hours here Help Desks Contact the CIS Help Desk at with policy questions. Louisiana Believes
High School Progress Points: Policy Update
Summary: Progress points are an important representation of the gains achieved students who are academically behind. April BESE Approved Policy Progress Points Policy At least 30% of the eligible students must meet the growth expectation. Students score at the top of the expected score range or above (ACT series). Accountability Reward: 0.1 points per student for previous scores of Approaching Basic/Fair, 0.2 points per student for previous scores of Unsatisfactory/Needs Improvement. Progress Points Policy More than 50% of the eligible students must meet the growth expectation. Multiple Opportunities: Can earn points on either Explore to Plan and/or Plan to ACT Expected Growth: Students score above the median of the expected range Accountability Reward: 0.05 per student for previous scores of Approaching Basic/Fair, 0.1 per student for previous scores of Unsatisfactory/Needs Improvement Or Meet the standards of the policy, whichever is higher in points. Next Steps: Accountability Contacts and school principals should use and plan from the High School Progress Points Fact Sheet which provides examples and ACT targets for students. Louisiana Believes
Fall Data Certification Preview
As in past years, the data certification process will occur in August, to allow districts time to certify, update, and review data used for calculating school performance scores (SPS). Districts will review and request corrections to assessment (LEAP, iLEAP, LAA1, EOC, and ACT), credit accumulation (DCAI), and high school progress point data during this data certification period. Further guidance on data certification processes will be provided at the Assessment Planning Meetings in July and through a webinar in August. Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-2015 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
Louisiana Student Standards and Assessment Update
This session, legislative leaders, BESE leaders, and the Department announced an agreement that will provide clarity, consistency, and transparency for teachers, students, and parents on issues of academic standards and tests. BESE will convene professional committees to review and develop Louisiana Student Standards in English and mathematics between July 2015 and February The process continues the review process BESE has already started and will be conducted through open meetings, ensuring appropriate Legislative oversight. If the Legislature or Governor sends the standards back to BESE for further development, our schools continue with current standards while the committees continue their work. Under the agreement, the Department of Education would also seek a one-year testing contract for English and math questions, no more than 49 percent of which may be developed through the PARCC process. In 2016, upon adoption of revised standards, the Department will seek a long-term testing contract in English and math. Louisiana Believes
2015-16 Academic Support: Standards Review Committee
Thank you for your thoughtful recommendations to Louisiana’s English and math standards review committee. The Department of Education assembled diverse committees including an array of experts and practitioners from around the state. All districts who nominated candidates were included in the process. All nominees have been notified of their status and next steps. Next steps: Recommended nominees submitted for BESE approval (Saturday, June 13) BESE votes on committee lists (Tuesday, June 16) Nominees notifies of status and sent logistics information (Wednesday, June 24) Louisiana Believes
Alternate Assessments
Assessment Plan Grade Subject Assessment Assessment Grades 3 to 8 ELA LEAP and iLEAP: PARCC Test Same standards, same item types Exact specifications released Fall 2015 Math Science LEAP and iLEAP Social Studies Field test; grade specific only High School All subjects ACT series, including WorkKeys Advanced Placement (AP) & College Level Examination Program (CLEP) English II EOC English III EOC Algebra I EOC Geometry EOC Biology EOC US History EOC Alternate Assessments ELA, Math, Science (varies by grade level) LAA 1 ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies LAA 2 eligible testers entering high school prior to English Language ELDA Louisiana Believes
2015-2016 Assessment Resources
Currently Available Forthcoming Assessment Guides LEAP and iLEAP Science English II EOC English III EOC Algebra I EOC Geometry EOC Biology EOC US History EOC LAA 1 Assessment outlines available summer 2015 Assessment guides available fall 2015 LEAP and iLEAP 3-8 Math LEAP and iLEAP 3-8 ELA LEAP and iLEAP Social Studies field test only Practice Materials Practice items for LEAP and iLEAP science English II and III EOCs Algebra I and Geometry EOCs Biology and US History EOCs EAGLE: K-12 math, ELA, and science LEAP and iLEAP math and ELA practice tests LEAP and iLEAP math and ELA practice assessments available fall 2015 Social Studies practice items available fall 2015 Calendar and Technology Louisiana Assessment Calendar Technology dry run schedule announced early fall 2015 Louisiana Believes
2015-2016 Goal Setting Resources
Currently Available Forthcoming Teacher Goal Setting Resources Sample Goals – Click Here 16 Teacher 5 Counselor 1 Librarian Additional Sample Goals available summer 2015 Career Technical K-2 PK Special Education Itinerant Alternative School Training Module: Goal Setting for Teachers available summer 2015 Principal Goal Setting Resources ACT: SPS Component Sample goal Principal Guidebook (complete with full goal setting case studies) Sample Goals and Resources available summer 2015 Sample SPS Goals Sample SPS Component Goals Special Cases: K-2, Alternative, Career Tech LDE Recommended Targets Trainings available summer 2015 Teacher Leader/Supt. Collaborative Regional Training Sessions Module: Principal Goal Setting Louisiana Believes
2015-2016 Assessment and Goal Setting Training
Resource Currently Available Teacher Leader Summit/Supt. Collaborative June 3-5: Assessment and goal sessions available for educators: Compass Framework & Goal Setting for Principals Goal Setting for Teachers CCSS Writing Initiative: ACT Test Strategies Scoring Student Writing in ELA Assessing in ELA Common Formative Assessments Make a Difference Streamlining ELA Assessments: Our District’s Journey Louisiana EAGLE Math Design Collaborative: Formative Assessment Lessons 6-8 and 9-12 Summer Goal Setting Training Regional Principal Trainings: 3 hour sessions 6 locations across the states 13 days scheduled in early June and late July Goal Setting Modules Released July 15th Teacher Leader Collaboration Events Trainings on assessment updates and resources as they are released. Week of September 14, 2015 Week of November 16, 2015 Week of January 25, 2016 Louisiana Believes
2015-2016 and Beyond Fall 2015 Standards review process
Ongoing engagement regarding timeline for streamlining high school assessments Spring 2016 Final standards approved by BESE Final high school assessment transition plan announced Louisiana Believes
DIBELS Next The DIBELS Next Guide to Administration for is now available in the Assessment Library. The deadline to submit the DIBELS Next Statement of Assurance is June 30. Submit via to Louisiana Believes
Placement Tests Administration
Placement tests may be administered at any time to students seeking enrollment in grades 5 or 9 who have not previously participated in state assessments. In this transition year, districts may use placement tests but may also use local assessments and transcripts to determine placement. Materials Materials are being shipped to District Test Coordinators. Additional materials should be ordered directly from Riverside Publishing using the order forms provided in the initial shipment. For more information, contact Louisiana Believes
Agenda Closing out 2014-15 Preparing for 2015-2016 June Key Dates
Communication and Support End of Year Survey Act 837 Update Assessments Spring 2015 Assessment Results EOC Summer Administrations LAA 2 Phase Out Accountability Compass End of Year Closeout High School Progress Points Update Fall Data Certification Preview Preparing for Assessments Assessment Updates DIBELS Next Placement Tests July Assessment Planning Meetings Louisiana Believes
July Assessment Planning Meeting
District Test Coordinators and Accountability Contacts are invited to attend the Assessment Planning Meetings scheduled to take place in July. Agenda topics: assessment and accountability Test security Implementation of Act 837 Dates and Locations: Thursday, July 16 in Harvey Monday, July 20 in Baton Rouge Tuesday, July 21 in Baton Rouge Thursday, July 23 in Jena Registration is available in Coursewhere. Louisiana Believes
Next Steps Louisiana Believes
Action Key Dates EOC administrative error retest window June 10-12,2015 Deadline to submit EOC administrative error retest irregularity, void notification, and void verification forms June 12 Deadline to submit Teacher Leader Advisor Applications EOC June 2015 retest deadline to order Braille materials and Communication Assistance scripts from Pacific Metrics June 15 AP Summer Institute June 16-19, 22-25 EOC June 2015 retest window June 22-26 Deadline to submit EOC June retest irregularity, void notification, and void verification forms June 26 Deadline to submit DIBELS Next Statement of Assurance June 30 Assessment Planning Meetings July 16, 20, 21, 23 Deadline to enter all Compass data for the school year in the Compass Information System (CIS) July 31 For more information, contact Next call: August 4, 2015 Louisiana Believes
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