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Air masses are defined by geography A mass of cP air approaches Virginia Beach as shown in the diagram cP Probably over the next few hours in Virginia.

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Presentation on theme: "Air masses are defined by geography A mass of cP air approaches Virginia Beach as shown in the diagram cP Probably over the next few hours in Virginia."— Presentation transcript:



3 Air masses are defined by geography

4 A mass of cP air approaches Virginia Beach as shown in the diagram cP Probably over the next few hours in Virginia Beach 1) Pressure will decrease and temperature will increase 2)Pressure will decrease and temperature will decrease 3) Pressure will increase and temperature will increase 4) Pressure will increase and temperature will decrease WHY?

5 Which map shows the two correctly labeled air masses that frequently converge in the central plains to cause tornadoes?

6 Typical Northern Hemisphere Cyclone (Cyclone = Low Pressure System)


8 Cold air behind Moves quickly Deep/thick clouds = heavy storms (thunderstorms)

9 Warm air behind Moves slowly Long thin clouds = light steady precipitation

10 PROFILE (side) CONTOUR (from above)



13 All are mentioned here!

14 This satellite image shows cloud patterns associated with weather fronts over the United States on a certain day. Nebraska (NE) and New York (NY) are labeled. (1) cold front (3) stationary front (2) warm front(4) occluded front

15 Base your answers to questions 57 through 59 on the cross section below, which shows 2 weather fronts moving across N Y State. Lines X and Y represent frontal boundaries. The large arrows show the general direction the air masses are moving. The smaller arrows show the general direction warm, moist air is moving over the frontal boundaries. 57 Which type of front is represented by letter X? [1] 58 Explain why the warm, moist air rises over the frontal boundaries. [1] 59 Which type of front forms when front X catches and overtakes front Y? [1] COLD Because it is less dense OCCLUDED

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