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Developing HQ AIG Programming The of AIG Sneha Shah-Coltrane Director, Advanced Learning and Gifted Education NC Department of Public Instruction NCAGT.

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Presentation on theme: "Developing HQ AIG Programming The of AIG Sneha Shah-Coltrane Director, Advanced Learning and Gifted Education NC Department of Public Instruction NCAGT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Developing HQ AIG Programming The of AIG Sneha Shah-Coltrane Director, Advanced Learning and Gifted Education NC Department of Public Instruction NCAGT 2015

2 Focus 2013-16: Developing HQ AIG Programs Meeting that Challenge

3 What does that mean?

4 Developing HQ AIG Programs ADVOCACY PR Public Relations –Open Communication –Sharing Importance and Outcome Be at the Table! Effective Policies

5 Developing HQ AIG Programs HIGH QUALITY PROGRAMMING –K-12: Optimal Development –Flexible for students –Innovative and Effective –Enrich, Extend and Accelerate the SCOS –Data-driven –Whole School Effort

6 NC AIG Sub-Group ELA/Reading EOG/EOC Results 2014

7 NC AIG Sub-Group Math EOG/EOC Results 2014 (Levels 4 and 5 can be compared to 3 and 4 for 2013)

8 NC AIG Sub-Group Science EOG/EOC Results 2014

9 Developing HQ AIG Programs PARTNERSHIPS –All Education - Whole School Regular Education, Special Education, Title I… all Not be “us” and “them” –Community Partners –Families

10 Developing HQ AIG Programs PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Qualified Staff Knowledgeable Administrators Supportive District Leaders Families

11 Developing HQ AIG Programs PASSION Develop the interests of our students and professionals Strive for what we know our AIG learners need Reasonable so we can make progress

12 Developing HQ AIG Programs The of AIG STUDENTS

13 The of AIG

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