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WINSTON CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOL 8 th Grade Registration Information 2015-2016.

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Presentation on theme: "WINSTON CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOL 8 th Grade Registration Information 2015-2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 WINSTON CHURCHILL HIGH SCHOOL 8 th Grade Registration Information 2015-2016

2 Graduation Requirements info.html

3 9th Grade Recommended Schedule Language Arts:English I Math: Algebra I or Geometry Science: Biology Social Studies:W. Geo or W. History LOTE W. Lang. or Comp. Sci. PE/Health (PE Equivalent: Athletics, Pep, ROTC, Band) Elective (based upon endorsement)

4 Benefits of Taking Pre-AP Courses Great preparation for AP/DC classes Rigorous courses in high school better prepares students for college courses Grades are weighted 1.15 (1.29 for AP) Colleges look for rigorous coursework

5 English I: Regular or Pre-AP? Rigor Pre-Advanced Placement Skills Literary/Rhetorical Analysis Analytical/Expository Writing Reading Critical/Active Reading Challenging Fiction and Nonfiction Independent Reading EOC TESTED COURSE

6 Algebra I: for current students who took 8 th grade math Pre-AP Algebra I is not offered in high school EOC TESTED COURSE This course is STAAR-assessed. ContentState TEKS; District pace; Review time in-class

7 Geometry: Regular or Pre-AP? RegularPre-AP ContentState TEKS; District pace; Review time in-class State TEKS + enrichment; faster paced covering a wider variety of concepts in more depth; little in-class review Weighting of Grades Assessments may be weighted more heavily. Prerequisite: Algebra I

8 Biology I: Regular or Pre-AP? RegularPre-AP ContentState TEKSState TEKS + enrichment based on select introductory AP concepts Concepts are covered in greater depth PaceDistrict paceFaster paced Weighting of Grades Assessments may be weighted more heavily. EOC TESTED COURSE

9 Social Studies: Regular or Pre-AP? RegularPre-AP Writing & Reading Skills On-level reading and writing skillsAbove level reading and writing skills Extensive readings of advanced level materials requiring extensive note taking Content and Pace State TEKS; District pace; Review time in-class prior to exams State TEKS much faster pace covering a wider variety of concepts in more depth; broader use of difficult vocabulary, advanced concepts and generalizations

10 Social Studies: 4 Required courses 1- World History OR World Geography 2 - US History EOC 3 - Government (1 sem) 4 - Economics (1 sem) If a student takes a “traditional” route like... 9th World Geography 10th World History 11th US History 12thGovernment / Economics Students will develop a foundation for the US History EOC. They will get an additional endorsement for Humanities.

11 How Many Pre-AP Classes To Take? Individual decision Consider extra-curricular commitments Impacts class rank Seek balance while challenging yourself

12 Important things to know... When can you drop a Pre-AP class? Course catalog posted online & found on NEISD website Elective changes will not be made after June 4, 2015

13 Students may choose only 1 sport Your 8 th grade coach should sign your course card; if you currently play a sport Do NOT select PE and an athletic period. You can only have one or the other Athletic Information

14 Let’s Review! NEISD Students: Foundation Program with Distinguished Level of Achievement (to be eligible for the top 10%)

15 Graduation Requirements

16 Distinguished Level of Achievement 26 credits Curriculum requirements for Foundation + 1 Endorsement plus Algebra II plus an additional science course

17 Endorsements ●Multidisciplinary ●STEM ●Arts/Humanities ●Public Service ●Business/Industry (can be found on front of course card)

18 Selecting Endorsements ●NEISD has videos prepared on their website. ●Students select endorsement on course card ●Students can change endorsements based upon interest.

19 End of Course Exams: 9th Grade:English I, Biology, Algebra 1 10th Grade:English II 11th Grade:US History

20 Course Card Fill in all demographic information Select 1 endorsement and 1 program of study Write course number in left column Write name of course in blank Fill in alternates! Student & Parent sign course card





25 Course Card Sequence 9 th -10 th

26 Biolology PreAp 3233

27 Course Fair Thursday 6:30 – 8:30 Located in Churchill cafeteria Electives available to 9th graders are on 9th grade course card/ Endorsements listed on front of course card

28 Final Date for Course Changes: June 4, 2015 Ways to Change a Course: E-mail counselor change requests o Include student name, ID number, course to drop, course to add Send in form that is mailed to you in May (only if requesting a change)

29 COURSE SELECTION PROCESS 1.Review Churchill Endorsement course list 2.Complete 4 year plan 3.Select ONE Endorsement 4.Select ONE program of study within your Endorsement 5.Attend Churchill Course Fair on January 29 at 6:30 6.PRINT your list of courses on course card 7.Print alternate courses 8.Sign and return your course card on _______________


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