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NA62: Unlocking the Zeptouniverse Timothy Khouw and Madeline McGaughey Supervisor: Dr. Augusto Ceccucci.

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Presentation on theme: "NA62: Unlocking the Zeptouniverse Timothy Khouw and Madeline McGaughey Supervisor: Dr. Augusto Ceccucci."— Presentation transcript:

1 NA62: Unlocking the Zeptouniverse Timothy Khouw and Madeline McGaughey Supervisor: Dr. Augusto Ceccucci

2 Problem: CP Symmetry Violation

3 Why don’t we know more about it? We would need inaccessibly high energies to directly probe such a small length scale!!

4 Solution? Probe Indirectly K + to pi + + neutrino + antineutrino Process given by a “penguin diagram” Highly suppressed (1 in 10 10 ) Dependent on |V td | parameter, which is in turn linked to CP violation

5 Experimental Setup:

6 The KTAG identifies particles of a certain mass. In our case, we want to identify kaons.

7 The KTAG measures Cherenkov radiation emitted at angles specific to the particles’ velocities.

8 The Straw Tracker is used to measure the positions of particles. This lets us know their momentum too.

9 Discover the power of custom layouts The CHOD is a scintillation photon detector Title and Subtitle placeholders (boxes with dotted borders) Text placeholder with placeholder selected

10 Gigatracker Precisely measures the momentum, position, and time of the kaon beam before it decays

11 Ring Imaging Cherenkov Detector (RICH) Obtains mass of decay products Important for separating muons and pions

12 Photon Veto System K +  pi + + nu + nubar looks a lot like K +  pi + + pi 0 … Solution? Try to get all the photons !

13 Liquid Krypton Calorimeter (LKr) Liquefied noble gases have scintillating properties Photons ionize LKr atoms  detection For angles between 1mrad and 8.5 mrad

14 LAVs and SAVs Large Angle Vetoes: For photon angles >8.5 mrad Small Angle Vetoes: For photon angles <1 mrad IRC + SAC Supplement the LKr to cover all relevant angles

15 Other important detector components MUV (muon veto) CHANTI (reduces background)

16 Current Status NA62 had its first- ever run last December. Now it’s time to analyze the data from the first run. The next (“real”) run is July 1 st !

17 Examples of results from the first run With minimal conditions imposed on data With more constraints:

18 What we’ve been doing Getting familiar with the project Getting familiar with the data analysis code Creating histograms within the pre-existing code

19 Things that need to happen Adjustments from GigaTracker data Current code uses a present Kaon momentum 4-vector Will improve resolution of pi + missing mass peak More precise estimation of magnetic field in the straw tracker Currently assuming uniform field Modelling a non-uniform field will give us a more accurate momentum measurement for decay products

20 Image sources: 1. 2. 3. appear-in-a-town-near-you appear-in-a-town-near-you 4. 5. 6. 7. Physical-origin.jpg Physical-origin.jpg 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

21 Questions?

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