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WHA68 Preview Webinar Katherine Hagen 13 May 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "WHA68 Preview Webinar Katherine Hagen 13 May 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 WHA68 Preview Webinar Katherine Hagen 13 May 2015

2 Global Social Observatory Founded in 2004 to provide a neutral and inclusive forum for dialogue and collaboration Contributing to mutual understanding of diverse perspectives Facilitating a broadened search for solutions Promoting action and partnership building Serving as a clearinghouse for research on social issues Evolution from addressing HIV/AIDS and diabetes in workplace wellness strategies to multi-stakeholder action on NCDs and Scaling Up Nutrition

3 Webinar Agenda Overview of WHA schedule Responding to the Ebola Crisis Framework of Engagement with Non-State Actors Health in the Post-2015 Development Agenda o Climate and health NCDs and nutrition Anti-microbial resistance action plan IP-related issues

4 Overview of WHA68 Schedule Committee A o Communicable diseases – Monday & Tuesday  Ebola outbreak o WHO reform - Wednesday  Non-State actors o Preparedness, surveillance and response - AMR o Health systems - Thursday  SSFFC, CEWG and IP issues o Promoting health through the life course – Fri/Sat  MDGs, Post-2015, air pollution, adolescent, women o Noncommunicable diseases – Fri/Sat  ICN2, maternal,infant and child nutrition  Third high-level meeting in 2018

5 Overview of WHA68 Schedule Technical Briefings Mon: Health in Post-2015 and Global Strategy for Women’s, Children’s and Adolescents’ Health Tues: Ebola outbreak Wednes: Climate and Health Thurs:Getting to 2018 for NCDs Fri:Cancer prevention and control Mon:Changing trajectory for HIV/AIDS, viral hepatitis and STIs

6 Ebola Crisis Response Interim assessment report o New approaches needed beyond institutional silos o Interaction of public health emergencies and other humanitarian emergencies o Changing operational capacity and culture  Global Health Emergency Workforce  Contingency Dund  New structure within the WHO o IHR revisions o Separate proposal on fund for health system strengthening

7 Ebola Crisis Response in other settings o Ebola Summit in April 2015, Washington, DC  Proposed regional recovery plan for West Africa  Pandemic Emergency Facility at World Bank o UN MEER established August 2014  Special Envoy David Nabarro  Coordinator Peter Graaf o UN High-Level Panel on Lessons Learned  Chair: Jakaya Kikwete, Pres. of Tanzania  Other members include Micheline Calmy-Rey, Rajiv Shah, Celso Amorim, Joy Phumaphi and Marty Natalagewa

8 Non-State Actors Proposal A68/5: Framework of engagement with non- State actors with: Draft overarching framework Policy and operational procedures for o Nongovernmental organizations o Private sector entities o Philanthropic foundations o Academic institutions

9 Draft Overarching Framework Principles for engagement Definitions Types of interactions Management of conflict of interest Due diligence and risk assessment Risk management Transparency Policy, norms and standard-setting

10 Controversies Definitions: private sector entities and inferences Preoccupation with economic/financial interests Institutional versus individual conflict of interest Exclusions: “WHO will exercise particular caution when engaging with other industries affecting human health or affected by WHO’s norms and standards.”

11 Controversies cont. Banning some or all secondments Transparency and Public Registry Requirements Risk management o Engagement Coordination Group o Independent Expert Oversight Advisory Committee

12 NCDs and Promoting Health NCDs: Follow-up to Second International Conference on Nutrition Maternal, infant and child nutrition Commission for Ending Obesity in Children Preparing for NCD follow-up and high-level meeting 2018 Epilepsy Promoting health Post-2015 Development Agenda Adolescent health Women and health in follow-up to Beijing+20 Health and the environment – air pollution

13 Post-2015 Development Agenda Health Goal to ensure healthy lives and promote well- being for all at all ages – nine targets o Three related to the MDGs o Three on NCDs and injuries o Three on cross-cutting systems  Universal health coverage  Access to sexual and reproductive health care services  Reducing the hazards of air, water and soil pollution

14 Non-communicable Diseases Concerns about uneven progress following second UN high-level meeting in July 2014 Debate on process indicators Multiple reporting lines and dates – Annex 2 of report Global Coordination Mechanism o Working groups o Dialogues o Proposed general meeting of all participants in 2017 o Reporting on contributions from private sector, civil society and philanthropic entities Possible ministerial-level conference in 2016 or 2017 Third UN high-level meeting in 2018

15 Action Plan for Anti-microbial Resistance Tripartite collaboration with OIE and FAO Provisions for o Human, animal and agricultural health o Use of medicines o Global surveillance o Research and knowledge gaps Five Guiding Principles o Whole of society engagement and one health o Prevention first o Access to health services and products o Sustainability o Incremental targets for implementation Five Strategic Objectives Monitoring and evaluation every two years

16 IP-related Issues SSFFC o No resolutions anticipated o Lack of strict definitions CEWG o Proposal for a new R&D fund for AMR, emerging infectious diseases and neglected diseases o Projects are very outdated and missing innovation o Not enough attention to how biotech innovation happens Global Strategy on Health, Innovation and Intellectual Property o Extend overall project to 2022 o Evaluation process rooted in data o Eight work streams for innovation and access o Research and development especially in developing countries

17 WHA 68 Preview Questions?

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