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Flanders Ecosystem Assessment - Cross-validation of 5 ES maps: biophysical indicators vs. expert-scored land use Sander Jacobs, Toon Spanhove,

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Presentation on theme: "Flanders Ecosystem Assessment - Cross-validation of 5 ES maps: biophysical indicators vs. expert-scored land use Sander Jacobs, Toon Spanhove,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Flanders Ecosystem Assessment - Cross-validation of 5 ES maps: biophysical indicators vs. expert-scored land use Sander Jacobs, Toon Spanhove, Benjamin Burkhard, Toon Van Daele, Marijke Thoonen, Carine Wils, Heidi Demolder, Helen Michels, Johan Peymen, Anik Schneiders, Maarten Stevens, Peter Van Gossum, Wouter Van Reeth


3 LU-based maps Provides decision support based on complex data Participation and engagement Comparable and understandable Data underpinning Scientific standards

4 ES maps based on biophysical data Soil texture Climate … Land Use Distance rules Regions INPUT MAPSGIS “MODEL”ES MAPS

5 BFdata-based maps Provides decision support based on complex data Rising application and popularity Physical units Data gaps Transparency Scientific standards Sander Jacobs, Benjamin Burkhard, Toon Van Daele, Jan Staes, Anik Schneiders (in press) The Matrix Reloaded - A review of expert knowledge use for mapping ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling

6 Flanders Ecosystem Assessment 104 experts/ES Scored ES supply capacity 0-5 Reliability: moderate 40 experts (av. 3/ES) Mapped ES supply, demand, use,… Best available data Reliability: not determined

7 XP versus BF

8 ES Pollination Recreation Production energy crops Production water Production wood Production food Production game Regulation erosion risk Regulation sound Regulation climate Coastal protection Regulation air quality Regulation flooding Regulation water quality XP versus BF

9 Do XP scores correlate with BF model results? XP versus BF

10 Pollination Sound mediation


12 XP versus BF Food production 0.59


14 XP versus BF Climate regulation 0.81


16 XP versus BF Production of Water 0.03

17 Conclusion Use data and models as much as possible but generate comparable and understandable maps Use multiple experts to fill the gaps and to validate Be clear on what exactly we want to map… (Why are we mapping again?) Determine reliability… Sander Jacobs, Benjamin Burkhard, Toon Van Daele, Jan Staes, Anik Schneiders (in press) The Matrix Reloaded - A review of expert knowledge use for mapping ecosystem services. Ecological Modelling

18 ESSpearman rank Pollination / Recreation 0.41 Production energy crops 0.62 Production water 0.03 Production wood 0.75 Production food 0.59 Production game 0.23 Regulation erosion risk 0.51 Regulation sound / Regulation climate 0.81 Coastal protection Regulation air quality 0.78 Regulation flooding 0.4 Regulation water quality 0.54

19 ESSpearman rank Pollination / Production water 0.03 Production food 0.59 Regulation sound / Regulation climate 0.81


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