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Presentation on theme: "3 March 2015 DO NOW: REMINDERS: AGENDA: HOMEWORK:"— Presentation transcript:

Make sure you picked up the handout on the table. DO NOT LOSE IT!!! Take out your silent reading book and start reading PERIOD 2 ONLY: Turn in your rhetoric chart!! REMINDERS: If you lose any of the copied texts, they’re available on my website. AGENDA: Grammar: Semicolon Activity Read “Self-Reliance” LAST CLASS: Intro to Trans NEXT CLASS: Reading Walden HOMEWORK: “Self-Reliance” one pager OUR LEARNING FOCUS FOR TODAY: Develop a working definition of Transcendentalism and its key tenets Analyze foundational works of American literature to identify philosophical tenets Explain how Transcendentalists envisioned the pursuit of happiness

2 Word Connections ANALOGIES Analogies express relationships between meanings of words. When creating or analyzing analogies, pay attention to consistency in parts of speech. For example, if a set of words is noun : adjective, then the related set of words will be noun : adjective. Is this analogy correct? appoint : ambassador elect : president

3 Grammar & Usage Semicolons
Emerson uses semicolons to string together a series of relative clauses into one long sentence to show his convictions are broad and deep. Relative Clause: a type of dependent clause (can’t stand alone as a sentence) also referred to as an adjective clause because it gives more information about a noun.

4 First Reading As we read the passage from Emerson’s essay, “Self-Reliance,” highlight one sentence in each paragraph that seems to best express the main idea of the paragraph. Then, paraphrase the highlighted sentence. In the first two paragraphs, Emerson contrasts the image of the individual as a farmer with that of being a shareholder. What is he attempting to establish through the analogies in the first two paragraphs? What is Emerson’s criticism of consistency?

5 Second Reading You will now, INDEPENDENTLY, highlight, annotate, label, and explain as you’ve been taught to do (don’t just highlight!!! You MUST have margin notes!). Here’s a reminder: Highlight the main idea(s) in green. Highlight all supporting details in yellow. Highlight any examples of rhetoric (persuasive appeals, tone, diction, syntax, allusion, etc) in pink. Circle difficult/unknown words and define them. Your margin notes should label and/or explain.

6 SOAPStone Please copy down the table below on your own piece of paper. You have 10 minutes to fill it out on your own. This will be collected at the end of the 10 minutes. What’s the answer? Textual evidence? Subject Occasion Audience Purpose Speaker Tone

7 Homework Choose three lines from “Self-Reliance” that state a strong opinion. Write a personal response to these lines reflecting on how they compare with your own beliefs. Be sure to: Demonstrate your understanding of the text by summarizing at least one quote from Emerson in your reflection. Support your response with details and examples from personal experience. Embed your quotation using correct conventions.

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