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INTRO Instructor Name.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO Instructor Name."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTRO Instructor Name

2 Contact Information DTMS Help Desk - Ft. Leavenworth, KS Contact Info: DSN: (312) Comm: (913) Toll Free: (877) Help Desk DTMS Site: Live Tab Training Tab The DTMS Help Desk is located at Ft. Leavenworth KS The DTMS Help Desk can be contacted by: Phone – Commercial, DSN & Toll Free The DTMS website is – Live or Training

3 Administrative Details
Contact class leader for any absences Duty uniform Be on time for class and after breaks 10 min breaks will be given approximately every hour Breaks and smoking in designated areas only The class leader may be someone other than the instructor. Locate the Emergency exits, Rally point in case of emergency, break & smoking areas to point out to students.

4 Schedule Class will be 3 days long Starts at 0800 daily
Lunch break from 1130 –1300 End approx 1500 to 1600 daily Start time may vary but should start no later than 0900 hrs. Lunch should be adjusted according to start time and location of restaurants.

5 DAY 1 DTMS Overview Logging On Help Tab UIC Template Calendars Tab
Admin Tab Reports Tab Links Tab DTMS Overview – the PowerPoint briefing UIC Template Logging On – How to log on to DTMS DTMS Help – Knowledge Base, User’s Manual, News Administration – administrative functions to effectively use DTMS Calendars – LRC, SRC, NTC 4

6 DAY 2 Planning Tab Training Manager Tab Soldier Manager Tab 5
Planning – Mission, METL, 5

7 DAY 3 Unit Manager Tab LIVE Site data entry Graduation INTRO10 1

8 Purpose Train Master Trainers for the U.S. Army Digital Training Management System (DTMS) To train students to be master trainers in DTMS. Intent is for trainers to return and train their units on using DTMS.

9 What is DTMS? Where did DTMS come from & what does it do?

10 DTMS History SATS did not meet unit needs.
FORSCOM Commander eliminated requirement to use SATS. ACOMS raised requirement through HS/D CoC & TLGOSC to replace SATS; CTD tasked to find a near-term solution. III Corps (EXFOR) was using DTMS to manage digital training. CAC funded DTMS proof of principle to implement FM 7-0 functionality. Nov 04 TLGOSC DA G3 directed Army-wide fielding of DTMS. SATS (Standard Army Training System): 1) Static system loaded on a single computer within the unit, 2) Could not be used from any other locations, 3) New versions were put out every year or so. ACOMs (Army Commands) TLGOSC (Training and Leader Development General Officer Steering Committee)

11 DTMS is the authorized automated system for managing training in Army units

12 The new AR 350-1 Chapter 4 says….
4-25.a. “All individual and collective training in units will be documented utilizing DTMS.” 4-25.b. “Leaders will maintain the ITR using DTMS/RITMS, as required, to maintain administrative and personal information and Soldier proficiency in specific MOS, ASI, SI, weapons qualification and common tasks that support performance of the unit METL. Information is transferred with the Soldier on reassignment through DTMS/RITMS.” 4-25.c. “Each organization employing civilian personnel will maintain training records of employee unit training using DTMS and ensure documentation in Defense Civilian Personnel Data System (DCPDS).” 4-25.d. “All pre-deployment individual and collective training must be documented utilizing DTMS.”

13 COTS from nFocus Software Microsoft compatible User Friendly
DTMS is a web-based unit training management tool for Commanders and leaders at all echelons developed in accordance with the Army’s principles of training as discussed in FM 7.0 and AR Army Training and Leader Development Model “How the Army Trains the Army” FM 7.0 DTMS is a Commercial Off the Shelf software that has been modified to meet most of the Army requirements. It was not designed as an Army system but suggestions made through the DTMS Help Desk on how to make it more “Army” are prioritized for funding and implementation. DTMS COTS from nFocus Software Microsoft compatible User Friendly

14 Why is DTMS important to the Army?
Provides “one stop shopping” for training View/edit Mission/METL Schedule events/training to Long-Range Calendars, Short-Range Calendars, and training schedules Schools allocation Maintains Soldier information on everything from APFT/Profile/Height-Weight History to past/current training. When the information is entered into DTMS, it stays with the soldier when he/she PCSs. Provides a Common Operational Picture for the Commander of his Unit and the Soldiers Assigned the Unit.

15 DTMS, as a user management tool, supports improving the Army’s unit training management practices by: Assisting unit commanders with unit training on METL tasks while enabling senior commanders to reinforce training by approving and protecting training priorities and providing resources. Assisting Army training managers to focus training on mission requirements to applicable Army standards while providing assessment of current levels of proficiency from any location with access to the internet. Facilitating unit management by providing direct digital access to collective, individual, Army Warrior tasks, mandatory tasks, and CATS; as well as providing higher headquarters access to roll up training progress statistics. Focusing functionalities at the Bde S3 / BN S3, BN / Co Cdr, and the CSM / 1SG / unit training NCO while supporting visibility of training throughout the chain of command. One of the reasons for DTMS was the Army was failing in Training Management. DTMS utilizes FM 7.0 and 7.1 to provide a way to Plan, Conduct, and Report Training in a digital format. Remember, Training Management isn't easy and this course in not designed to teach Training Management. It is a system to manage training.

16 DTMS Interface Requirements
with other Army systems Why have interfaces?

17 The digital nature of DTMS technology facilitates interfacing with other Army systems to:
Improve access to relevant information (i.e. training guidance or current lessons learned). Provide higher headquarters direct access to information generated by subordinate units. Allow headquarters flexibility to download information for unique analytical and display needs. Allow near real-time dissemination of relevant and accurate training information. Improve tracking of soldier training progress and digitally pass training records to the gaining unit upon reassignment. Share data rather than create new data sources and increase unit input requirements. Disseminate selected data such as the display of soldier APFT, weapons qualification, mandatory training, and unit training schedule to AKO.

18 DTMS Task: Interface DTMS with other Army systems
Purpose: Provide true “System of Systems” to the Soldier/Unit rather than the collection of independent systems currently available. MEDPROS Provides selected Medical Info on soldiers TARGTS Adapting DTMS to ARNG training planning, funding & tracking needs ITAPdB Basic Soldier data ARTIMS RC overseas training opportunity system (FORSCOM) Consolidated ASAT Dbs -Collective, Individual & CATS tasks CDbR DIMHRS Army replacement system for personnel info DTMS Login & My Training Dashboard AKO CALL Link provides access to relevant field exper data Approval & Resourcing Rqd Link provides access to training data BCKS ATRRS Provide soldier schools attendance records DTMS Supports Army readiness reporting Interfaces MEDPROs – Deployment status medically ITAPdb – Rank, MOS, PCS date, ETS date, Date of rank, DOB, BASD CDbR (Consolidated Database of Record) - Data call semiannually from ASAT / 30+ proponents: collective, individual, CATS tasks AKO – user log-on authenticated through AKO; soldier data entered into DTMS by unit displays in AKO My Training Dashboard CALL – direct link to CALL website BCKS – direct link to BCKS website DRRS-A – pulls Army readiness reporting data CRC – pulls Army safety reporting data (interface temporarily disabled – some data in DTMS) TARGTS – available to ARNG soon ARTIMS – available soon RCAS/MPDV – testing data & should be available soon DIMHRS – will have interface whenever system becomes available ATRRS – being reviewed at Army G1/G3 level PBUSE ALMS – replacing CRC DRRS-A Provides weapons and equipment data based on MTOE data PBUSE Supports mobilization training recording / reporting RCAS/ MPDV ALMS/ Blackboard Document DL course completion from ALMS into DTMS; replaces CRC Supports Army Safety reporting CRC Pending Resourcing Working Operational

19 DTMS Interface Priorities
FORSCOM coordinate ODT Event/Requirements. Begin Soldier training record at Basic and AIT: IMT Initiates ITR. Access Training Support Materials RITMS ARTIMS/ JTIM BlkBrd/ ITMS CRC Document DL Training Completion from ALMS into DTMS, regain CRC data. Basic Soldier & DAC data Auto-Populate Units ALMS/ ITAPdB ARNG working SIDPERS-G, AFCOS. Training Support Planning ARNGB in DTMS DIMHRS Army replacement system for pers info. TDC Army Tasks and CATS Uploaded to DTMS. CATS Dev Tool AKO Login & view Selected Soldier information on Soldier Dashboard. MODS/ MEDPROS Unit Fit to Fight status Logistical Database (NET Scheduling). DARTS Training Integration at Mobilization Station. Track Driver’s training. SAMS-e RCAS MPDV GCSS-A Interface Work Updates: The ARTIMS interface proves the viability of DTMS support to higher command staff training support processes. The technical methodology is effective and the DTMS business process of developing effective automation for established Army training management business processes and subsequently addressing process efficiencies continues to support successful operations. It clearly shows that DTMS is capable of directly supporting key Command staff processes cost effectively. The RCAS/ MPDV: Completes the linkage of automated training management from the unit to the mobilization station. Initial coordination with RFMSS has been successful and an initial implementation strategy is being coordinated. Draft SIA documentation has been exchanged and the analysis of the initial business processes to be automated is being developed. FORSCOM and MEDCOM Units have indicated that the need for initial military training soldier training records at task level of detail is essential to effective ARFORGEN support. RITMS is much more than simply ITR. IT is recommended that DTMS be the entry point for data at the IMT. This data can effectively be delivered to RITMS for display as needed. The path forward is an initial interface with DTMS exchanging data and a subsequent migration to a linkage to DTMS for soldier training task management to gain the efficiency potentials of technology. TAMIS: ARNG training data to Mob Stations. PBUSE RFMSS Unit Equipment. CIF-ISM TSIMS (IMCOM) Integrate Training Support Facilities Clothing and Individual Equipment (CIE). TAMIS DEERS Integrate Training Support Ammo. Pull selected family data. ATRRS AST UTS/RLAS ELAS Integrate ARFORGEN Forecasting from FORSCOM Provide Unit soldier schools attendance records. USARC Systems Integration 19

20 DTMS continues to push forward in the development of interfaces with other systems, to include:
Army Training Tracking and Resourcing System (ATTRS) provide unit leadership each Soldier’s school history and visibility on current enrollment. Army Training Information Architecture/ Training Developers and Doctrine Tool (ATIA/TDDT) provide Soldiers the most recent approved collective/individual task and provide input to training developers directly from units. Range Facilities Management Support System (RFMSS) via AKO single-user sign-on allow units to coordinate ranges and facilities ‘on the fly’ concurrently with training planning. Training Ammunition Management Information System-Redesigned (TAMIS-R) provide units the ability to see current ammunition allocation and expenditures. Web Based Total Army Authorization Document System (WEBTAADS) incorporate unit TOE/MTOE/TDA information to provide units the capability to manage Soldier qualification by position and refine planning and resources for unit training. ARFORGEN Synchronization Tool (AST) FORSCOM tool to integrate and manage force generation for the Army, DTMS will provide unit training status and allow commanders to update progress as they progress through each force pool and as they accomplish directed and mandatory training/events for each phase. Deployment and Reconstitution Tracking System (DARTS) provide commanders visibility of unit preparations for deployment and return to home station from a deployment.

21 DTMS FUTURE What is the future of DTMS?

22 What does the Army have planned for the future?
DTMS functionality/requirements are continually identified, reviewed, and managed by a DA G3-chartered Requirements Control Board (RCB) with representatives from Field MACOMs and Corps/Division Action Officers. The RCB meets quarterly to continue refinement and development of DTMS. DTMS is continuing to be enhanced to meet all RC functional requirements. RCB Working Group (WG) works with DTMS Program office & reviews/refines issues & makes recommendations to RCB. The RCB makes final determinations. Updates/changes are made when identified to enhance RC usability.

23 DTMS NETWORK DTMS is an Army accredited system & runs through the Army network.

24 Top Level Architecture
ARMY NETWORK (NIPRNET) ASAT DTMS ITAPdb AKO-SSO Interfaces NETCOM Top Level Architecture (TLA) DOIM Platoon Soldier Company Battalion Brigade and Above Schools Management Login request My Training DOIM DOIM TLA Data Request Login request Dial-up Access ARNG NETWORK (GUARDNET XXI) ARNG DTMS User Installation Soldier INTERNET Non-DOD Access Home Hotel 1. The DTMS network consists of the DTMS database and its interfaces. The ASAT database, providing Army CATS, Collective and Individual Tasks, is co-located with the DTMS servers at the Ft. Leavenworth, KS DOIM. The AKO server provides single sign on (SSO) login authentication is accomplished. ITAPdb and AKO are representative of DTMS interface addressed on the DTMS introduction slide. Communication is done 100% to the interfaces over the ARMY NIPRNET (Non-secure Internet Protocol Routed NETwork) with the exception of ASAT. {CLICK} 2. There are various methods of communication with DTMS. Anyone of these network pathways can introduce latency in the response to the DTMS customer request. The first method of comms with DTMS is from Active component units behind an Army installation DOIM. Each user initiates its DTMS service by traversing its own DOIM network which is connected to the NIPRNET via the NETCOM TLA. The TLA is suspect at most posts as a potential cause of latency. {CLICK} The second is the ARNG. Comms in the ARNG is starts via the state network and then the GUARDNET XXI connects to the NIPRNET via seven nodes (see next slide for GUARDNET regional hubs. Obviously latency can be introduced at any stage of this. There is then communication via the BIG “I” internet. Any non-DOD access is via the Internet. Finally there is dial-up. Dial-up Does not traverse the internet. DOD has established Com servers at each post for dial-up access. When a user calls into the number they are actually hitting a com server closest to them via a NETCOM TLA. They then go across the NIPRNET to DTMS. The path taken to get to DTMS from your desk will vary depending on your situation. If you are on an active component post and you are a regular DTMS user your login will be done via AKO. The path is; The login request goes from your pc- thru the DOIM to TLA to NIPRNET to TLA at Belvior to DOIM to AKO. The response has to go through DTMS for login. Then to your pc. Your data request then only has to go to DTMS and back. If a soldier however wishes to use My Training on AKO to access their records the path is a little different. They never actually log into DTMS. The only authentication they do is to AKO. The data the soldier wants to view however has to travel from the pc to AKO to DTMS to AKO back to the pc. DOIM

25 GUARDNET XXI Latham Cheyenne Johnston Arlington Little Rock Sacramento
Anchorage Tacoma Salem Carson City Honolulu Tamuning, Guam Boise Helena Bismarck Rapid City Draper Englewood Santa Fe Austin Oklahoma City New Orleans Little Rock Jackson Birmingham San Juan St. Paul Jefferson City Springfield Indianapolis Charleston Columbus Lansing Madison Frankfurt Nashville Atlanta St. Augustine Columbia Raleigh Cheyenne Johnston Sacramento Harrisburg Richmond Arlington Annapolis.Md Dover,De Trenton Washington, D.C. Latham Kinghill, VI Colchester Concord Augusta Providence Hartford GUARDNET XXI Lincoln Topeka Phoenix [Hide this slide if no applicable to the group receiving instruction]

26 Getting Around in DTMS How do the buttons, boxes, & icons work?

27 Getting Around in DTMS Buttons, Boxes, Lists & Icons
Lists with Drop Down Arrows click the down arrow to display designated list of data for single selection Lists with Scroll Bars click the arrows to move up and down a designated list of data for multiple selection Calendar Button click to display calendar view Calendar View click on dates to select, click on month hyperlink to see other months/years, or click ≤ or ≥ to move back or forward in one month increments Buttons click to display new/additional views or to complete an action Drop Down Lists – A drop down list allows only one selection at a time. The list is a defined list & cannot be changed by the user. To request additions to a list, submit request to the DTMS Help Desk. Scroll Box lists – A scroll box list allows multiple selections to be made by the user by using the “Ctrl” & “Shift” keys while making the selection. The list is a defined list & cannot be changed by the user. To request additions to a list, submit request to the DTMS Help Desk. Calendar Button – Displays the calendar defaulted to current month. Calendar View – View calendar by month/years Buttons – Used to complete actions or to display additional views

28 Getting Around in DTMS Buttons, Boxes, Lists & Icons (continued)
Hyperlinks click to display different pages/screens Mouse Over hovering pointer over hyperlinks changes pointer Check Boxes click to select/deselect individual options Option Buttons click to select one of multiple options Text Boxes click in box to input free text data Hyperlinks – Used to go to other screens/pages in DTMS. Mouse Over – Pointer indicates an action can be taken. Check Boxes – Used to select/deselect options. Option/Radio Buttons – Used to select/deselect options. Text Boxes – Some have restrictions as to length. Can copy & paste into the box.

29 Getting Around in DTMS Buttons, Boxes, Lists & Icons (continued)
Add Icon click to add new record Edit/View Details Icon click to edit/view details of current record Manage Icon click to manage current record Remove Icon click to remove/delete current record Submit Icon click to submit for approval View Details Icon click to view details of current record Approve Icon click to approve unit submission Decline Icon click to decline unit submission

30 Getting Around in DTMS Keyboard Shortcuts TAB
moves forward from one field to another SHIFT + TAB moves backward from one field to another CTRL + MOUSE CLICK make multiple selections/de-selections in a list HOME moves to beginning of a text box/line END moves to end of a text box/line Talk about using the Internet Explorer “Back” Button

31 How do UICs get into DTMS?
Units submit the DTMS UIC Template to the Help Desk for data entry. This determines the unit’s hierarchy within DTMS.

32 AR ARMY STATUS OF RESOURCES AND TRAINING SYSTEM (ASORTS)-BASIC IDENTITY DATA ELEMENTS (BIDE) All Army units begin with “W” designation. Titular UICs are created to allow separation of the HQs company to create/submit training schedules. The HQs company keeps the “AA” designation as this is where the personnel are assigned. If the HQs company has it’s own UIC, there is not reason to create the titular. The letters “I” & “O” are not used in UICs.

33 DTMS UIC Template The UIC Template must be submitted to make any changes/updates to unit hierarchy in DTMS. Changes will not be made without it. The UIC Template report can be used to help put the template together. The additional worksheets are used to identify the codes to enter unit in DTMS. The comments field should be used to define the action to be taken (i.e. change unit name to…., move unit under new parent unit, delete unit)

34 Unit Level Post ID Unit Type Proponent
These are examples of what is in the worksheets. Unit Level – determines what level the unit will be in DTMS & what functionalities will be available. Unit Type – based on unit’s TOE. TDA & USAREC units have their own Unit Type code. Post ID – identifies where the unit is located. Active uses actual post designation, ARNG uses state designation, USAR uses RRSC designation. UTC (Universal Time Code) & DST (Daylight Savings Time) is also identified from this worksheet. Proponent – identifies the unit’s proponent. [Note: Proponent can also be identified when the Unit Type is identified.]


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