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Crayfish Parts Review. a = _____________________ antennae #6 = _____________________ Walking legs Image from:

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Presentation on theme: "Crayfish Parts Review. a = _____________________ antennae #6 = _____________________ Walking legs Image from:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Crayfish Parts Review

2 a = _____________________ antennae #6 = _____________________ Walking legs Image from:

3 A = _____________ B= ______________ telson uropods B A Image from:

4 This structure is part of the crayfish’s ____________ system. nervous Image from:

5 These structures are the __________ gills These organs are part of the ________________ system respiratory Image from: Protostomes/protostomes.htm

6 #9 = _____________________ rostrum #8 = _____________________ Compound eye Image from:

7 #1 = ? Digestive glands #2 = ? heart #1 #2 Image from:

8 #2 = _____________________ swimmerets This crayfish is a________ male female male Image from:

9 This crayfish is a ______________ female male female How can you tell? First pairs of swimmerets don’t form V and bend up towards thorax to carry sperm Image from:

10 #4 = _____________________ #3 = _____________________ intestine Abdominal muscles Image from:

11 The part of the exoskeleton that covers this area is the ________________ carapace #4 marks the region of the body called the _____________________ cephalothorax Image from:

12 These structures like antenna, antennules, walking legs, maxillae, maxillipeds, etc. are called _____________________ appendages Image from:

13 Abdominal muscle #1#2 intestine heart stomach #3

14 #7 = _____________________ cheliped (key-luh-ped) #3 = _____________________ abdomen Image from:

15 #2 = ___________ gills The function of this organ is to ________________ remove oxygen from water Image from:

16 #2 = ? Green glands Their function is to ________________ Remove nitrogen waste & excess water (osmoregulation) Image from:

17 This red appendage is the _______________ cheliped It is used for ___________________________ capturing food & defense

18 This crayfish is a ______________ female male male How can you tell? First pairs of swimmerets form V and bend up towards thorax to carry sperm Image from:

19 The arrow is pointing at the ___________________ Cerebral ganglia It is part of the __________________ system nervous

20 #23 = ___________ antenna #24 = __________________antennules Which of these can sense equilibrium? #24 - antennules

21 #5 = ___________ Cardiac stomach #6 = ____________________Pyloric stomach

22 These openings that allow blood back into the heart are called ____________________ Ostia (sing. ostium) Watch a crayfish heart movie Image from: Ostia movie:

23 # =4 ___________ maxillipeds Their function is _______________________________ for touch, taste, & to manipulate food Image from:

24 These structures colored pink are the _____________ antennules They can sense ______________________ touch, taste, & equilibrium

25 Match the body part with its function Sense touch, taste, & equilibrium __________________ Chew food _____________________ Make digestive enzymes __________________________ Transfer sperm/carry young _______________________ Teeth in stomach to grind food ______________________ antennules mandible Digestive gland swimmerets Gastric mill

26 Match the body part with its function Capture food and defense __________________ Manipulate food in crayfish _____________________ create water currents __________________________ Cover and protect eyes/brain _______________________ Cover and protect gills ______________________ chelipeds Maxilla, maxilliped Maxilla, swimmerets, walking legs rostrum carapace

27 Match the body part with its function Feelers that sense touch and taste but NOT Equilibrium __________________ Excrete nitrogen waste _____________________ Connect to exoskeleton and move mouthparts __________________________ Pump hemolymph _______________________ Openings to let blood back into heart ______________________ antennae Green glands Adductor muscles heart ostia

28 Match the body part with its function Carry blood away from the heart __________________ Exchange gases _____________________ Acts as “brain” __________________________ Make sperm _______________________ vision ______________________ arteries gills Cerebral ganglia testes Compound eye

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