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By: Samantha Serdynski. House Cat Tiger House Cat/Tiger.

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Presentation on theme: "By: Samantha Serdynski. House Cat Tiger House Cat/Tiger."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: Samantha Serdynski

2 House Cat Tiger House Cat/Tiger

3 Tiger JumpHouse Cat Jump House Cat leap/Tiger leap

4 Tiger tooth House Cat Tooth It wouldn’t hurt It would hurt The Tooth

5 Facts  Tigers are the largest cat species.  The total body length can be up to 3.38 m [11.1 ft].  Some tigers can be black/white or black / orange.  Unlike other cats tigers love water

6 Habitat Tigers live in tropical habitats. They live near waterfalls cuz they love water.

7 #1 They both love unrolling toilet paper #2 Playing in boxes #3 Chasing laser pointers #4 Groom a lot #5 Rub against stuff #6 They talk #7 Love catnip #8 Like to sleep #9 knead #10 Weird about food #11 And to smell better they open their mouths How Are Domestic Cats And Tigers Alike

8 Tiger The tiger is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m over curves and weighing up to 388.7 kg in the wild. Wikipedia Lifespan: 20 – 26 y (In captivity) Rank: Species Speed: 30 – 40 mph (Adult, In Short Bursts) Lower classifications: Trinil tiger, Siberian Tiger, Caspian tiger, More Mass: 490 lbs (Bengal tiger, Male), 200 – 670 lbs (Adult, Male) Length: 8.2 – 13 ft. (Adult, Male), 8.9 – 10 ft. (Bengal tiger, Male) Height: 3 – 3.6 ft. (Bengal tiger, At Shoulder), 2.3 – 4 ft. (Adult, At Shoulder Scientific Classification

9 Tiger Strong, Powerful Running, Leaping, Devouring Camouflages In The Forest Cat

10 Life Cycle

11  They may look pretty, but they will possibly attack you.  Tigers are the largest in the big cat family, and they are usually located in places like Asia.  Tigers usually like to live around grassy areas, rainforests and swamps.  Tigers are very sensitive to the heat and love water. They will even take a dip in the water usually after they have eaten.  These ferocious carnivores can eat up to 40 pounds of meat a day. Food

12 Endangered Tigers are becoming endangered to the world

13 Thermal/Heat vision ^^ Heat Vision ^^ Thermal Vision

14  Even if tamed as baby's tigers can not be pets if you have ever watched animal planet there is a show where people keep lions and tigers as pets.  Even if tamed while a baby them and when the become adult they kill the owner.  Tigers can be very vicious at times and if you see one in the wild they don’t want to hurt you if they don’t think you will hurt them, they will hurt you but if they think you will hurt them.  Not Pets

15 Why I Picked This Animal  I love their roar  I love their stripes  I love how beautiful they are  They are my favorite animal  They are wonderful

16 Interesting Tigers are the largest members of the cat family and are renowned for their power and strength. The tiger is capable of killing animals over twice its size; it is one of nature’s most feared predators. Like its ancestor, the sabre-tooth cat, the tiger relies heavily on its powerful teeth for survival. If it loses its canines (tearing teeth) through injury or old age, it can no longer kill and is likely to starve to death. Tigers live alone and aggressively scent-mark large territories (up to 100sq km in size) to keep their rivals away. They are powerful nocturnal hunters that travel many miles to find buffalo, deer, wild pigs, and other large mammals. A Bengal tiger can eat 21kg of meat in a night and can kill the equivalent of 30 buffaloes a year

17 Smilodon Tiger Smilodon / Tiger

18 water to play in boxes to eat Sleep What They Like



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