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Shakesbook Example English 9.

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1 Shakesbook Example English 9

2 Act 1: Scene 1: Scene 2: Introduces problem:
Hermia loves Lysander, but is being forced to marry Demetrius. Therefore Hermia and Lysander decide to run away and marry Scene 2: Introducing the play within the play Bottom and the other mechanicals

3 Act 1 - Posts Scene 1 Scene 2 I hate my father! He clearly doesn’t know what love is. Why doesn’t Demetrius get a clue? Uhmm hello? I don’t like you, so move on already. “The more I hate, the more he follows me.” ( ) What a creep! I am so excited to finally be with the one I love. What does one pack when running away? I wish I could see the look on my father’s face when he realizes that I am gone.

4 Act 1 - Message From Demetrius To Hermia
Message: Hey babe, I am sorry things got heated with your father today. But don’t worry I know you will come around once we have been married for a few years, and have a couple of kids. Reply: Why don’t you try loving someone that will love you back, like Helena? PS. Leave me alone or I will have to block you!

5 Examples- HelEna

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